Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Challenging times

Hello all. How are you doing with our new reality? I'm just sitting here, writing this while refreshing my grocery order in hopes of getting a pickup time slot. Good times.

Plenty of allergies are building up here, but no nasty viruses yet, thank goodness. I am truly not doing too well with this whole thing, and I'm trying to be upbeat and optimistic, but folks, I'm struggling. I know some of you are, too. It's a very challenging time for everyone, and trying to keep it all together is getting to me. Even stitching isn't helping. I'm having a hard time staying focused.   If you are feeling scared, lost, anxious, or stressed, you are not alone! There's a lot of us in this big club that we never signed up for.

Anyway, not a lot of stitching time around here lately, but I've been trying to get to the sewing room once in a while.  I have a lot of students who are in our RN to BSN program, which means that they are already nurses and they're trying to get a full bachelor's degree in nursing to get better pay and promotions, and some of them are graduating, too. They are working absolutely crazy hours, and I'm trying to be there for them at odd hours so that they can finish and graduate. I'm astounded by them, truly.


I made some of these little things:

These are kid-sized masks for my grandkids. The whole mask and other PPE thing makes me incredibly angry, but it was fun to make these and think I'm helping keep the kiddos safe. I cut these 5 inches by 7 inches for the 4 year old and 4 by 6 for the littler kids. Thank goodness I seldom throw things away because I was able to find just a couple feet of elastic. I can't really tell you the last time I used elastic, but I was happy to have it.

The only other things I've been doing is sorting some fabrics and scraps and organizing, plus I did order some happy fabrics to cheer me up:

These are some bright batiks and I already have a plan for them.  These came from the Old Country Store, which has a lot of cool stuff and is still doing mail order.  One of my committees has its last "meeting" this week, so I have high hopes of grabbing a few minutes to stitch something happy. (By the way, I dislike even talking on the phone, and now I have to have meetings on camera. It's maddening!)

I also got this panel, which is called Best Friends Forever:

This is a super cute panel with four little dolls, and even a couple of little pets for them, too. 

These should be fun to stitch, don't you think?

Sorry for the downer of a post, friends! It's a strange time, and we can't pretend it isn't.  I hope you're all doing okay and at least getting a pickup time for your groceries.  No luck for me yet! Once I finish this I'm going looking for some blue-green batiks, because I must make a quilt for my bedroom sooner or later, and is there a better time to be shopping online?

Hang in there, stay well, and be safe, friends.  I'll try to do the same! And if you have something optimistic or encouraging to say, now is the time I'd like to hear it!

Sharing with whoever is still stitching!


  1. Hello, So sorry you are having a rough time. It can kind of play on you at times. Don't listen to the news for more than 15 minutes a day. A person just can bare up under that kind of negativity so long. And it makes you jittery after a while. Add a fear factor and then you go off thinking all kinds of things.
    The Book of Psalms is very comforting. Psalms 91 will greatly help. In times like these, we need the comfort that only God can give. His peace is very real. And this will eventually change. Better days are ahead. Pastor Joel Osteen is really good. Very positive and uplifting.He is on you tube. Very helpful.

  2. Maria, there isn't much I can say to change things. I do know it's a hard time and a lot of people are feeling down. I turn the tv off because there is too much coverage about Covid. I am watching catch up tv with a lot of YouTube shows. Lots of sewing tutorials and also audio books. I can give you a call over the weekend for a chat if you are up to it. I am not doing much sewing but love chatting..
    You have a beautiful property/garden so try and keep enjoying it.

  3. It is very challenging times. I'm having a difficult time focusing and all right now. It's just overwhelming. Anyway, your little masks are cute. That's some cheerful fabric you have. And I really like the panel. That will be fun to sew. Things will get better. God will see us through. 🥀🎵💙

  4. Mari, I follow you, but haven’t commented before. My life too has turned upside down, my daughter and SIL have moved in with their 4 children under 5. My store is essential, but operating through a locked door. I have found the following to help: I started a mindless sewing project, just sit and sew, no thought. It’s a Christmas quilt. I rarely listen to the news at all. We are in a hot spot and I find the news stresses me out terribly. Holding a baby helps, but I doubt you can do that. As far as groceries go, I called my store and found out when there new spots open. It meant setting my alarm clock for midnight, but I got a spot. Try to get outside for a walk. Sending warm thoughts and positive vibes.

  5. Don't apologize for writing your feelings in a post, Mari. We need to be able to reach out to one another, especially during this. You have good reason to be overwhelmed, with the academic demands but also with your close connection to your students who are doing some really tough stuff. I've had to decrease my time on social media and the news because it just gets to be too much. I'd encourage you to find a way that gives you time away from the heaviness you encounter, whether that's a walk, a fun tv show/movie, or a chat with a friend. Like the others, I'd be happy to phone chat with you if you wish. Mindless sewing is a great idea too - or that bed quilt. I need to get a bed quilt done too, but I can't decide on a design. Those fabrics are pretty and cheerful too. Sending a big hug!

  6. I find I am in front of social media on the computer too much - I need to just close the laptop and ignore it but yet that is easier said then done. I keep getting up and going for a walk to escape in my mind and to look at all the flowers growing around. I get you about not liking to talk on the phone for some reason my girls and I are all like that but we text a lot instead but have this thing about the phone - weird.
    A lot of people are having a hard time dealing this even if no one in their family is sick - we are all dreading finding out that someone we know and love are sick. Hang in there we are all feeling the same way we just deal with it in different ways

  7. Sending hugs! I'm having a harder time this week also.

  8. We are in week three of stay home and it is starting to wear. It doesn't help that today is a gray rainy day. Grocery pickups around here are 2-3 days out and then they only have half your order. I'm trying to shop the smaller local food stores to keep them in business. I do like long blocks of sewing time and always feel good in the sewing room. Hang in there! And keep blogging!

  9. Oh I like your bright new fabrics - hopefully that will help a little? I have no idea what the answer is to the stress of being at home ( and in an all new situation) but I wish i Did. I love your little masks! My little buddie and his dad needed one so I found tractor fabrics in my stash for them - made me happy to be able to do something. And you working at all hours to accommodate your amazing nursing students makes me happy!! Hugs my friend!

  10. Mari, send me your snail mail address so I can send something to brighten your day. Orders.sgns-at-Gmail-dot-com

  11. Hello Mari: sorry to hear you are struggling. This time is certainly trying for most. Some more than others. I live in Canada in a small retirement community and this virus could be devastating here, but--put your trust in God. He is still in control and believe His word. John 14:27 and Isaiah 26:3 will help. Read them often and sew when you can. Then I think your biggest worry will be running out of thread!!
    Stay safe and know you are being thot of.

  12. I'm with you, Mari! Scared, anxious, stressed - all fit me, too. It's hard to worry about family and friends, and you have students to worry about, too. Such strange times. I hope it helps a bit that you were able to vent, and have lots of fellow bloggers chiming in for support. And your little masks for the kids are fun! They'll have a good time playing with them.

  13. I am a frequent reader of your blog but I've never commented before. I am also a teacher (high school math in Mississippi) who loves to quilt. I've been sewing face masks, too, for family and friends. I have a 5 yr old daughter and 5 month old son, so I definitely understand the need to protect the little ones from all of this. In doing research on face mask patterns I came across this article about how they are not recommended for children 2 or younger. I'm not in any way trying to criticize or be negative/insulting, I just thought I would share the info/link and that it might be beneficial to you and/or your other followers when making decisions on who to make masks for. I know we want to do everything we can to keep our families safe from this and to stop the spread! I hope this is taken as its been given, with the best of intentions! I hope you and yours continue to stay safe through all of this!

  14. Hang in there, Mari -- you are not alone in your feelings, but I also know that doesn't necessarily help much. And I'm with you on too many long phone calls - I'm much better in person or at the keyboard. Hopefully several short sessions of sewing or reading or cleaning out a closet will help - I don't plan on doing much of anything for more than 45 minutes or so because my mind wanders away after that long. Sending comforting thoughts and well wishes your way.

  15. It isn’t easy to stay positive 100% of the time. If they could take the politics out of the arena, we would be a lot better off a lot faster. Looks as though you are managing to keep busy and that is key. At least you posted! I haven’t for a while, now. Keep your chin up, Mari! And keep yourself safe.

  16. I’m with you on the feelings of anxiety and stress. I made a few masks for my kids’ families and for myself and my husband. This morning DD#2 asked if I could make 6 more for one of her coworkers. So this afternoon I made those masks and have them ready to mail in the morning. Guess I’ll need to wear my own mask when I go to the post office.

  17. There was an entire article in the Washington Post on Monday about the very thing you (and so many of us) have described about feeling lost, helpless, unfocused, depressed. I find that sunny days are better for me than cloudy, rainy days, but it’s been a cool, gray spring so far. But it’s still early days. Try to find time to pamper yourself or just do nothing. A totally “down” day (staying in pajamas and eating a bowl of cereal) is good for the soul now and then. My DH Bruce got home today after a week in the hospital, so that was enough cheer to send me soaring high! Remember that the new awful reality has come to pass, not to stay. xo

  18. Mari, I think you can see from all these comments that you are definitely not alone in your feelings. And if you can't share your feelings with your (virtual) friends, who can you share with? The one really positive thing about the internet and social media during this calamity, is that it provides us with a way to communicate and keep in touch that earlier generations in isolation did not have. The lack of an ending to the timeline just makes us more anxious. I've spent several hours in the garden, pulling weeds and trimming back plants, on the two days in the last two weeks that the weather allowed. We will get through this, it's just going to take a lot longer than anyone hoped.

  19. Not sure what to say, Mari, but here are some quilty ((HUGS)) that I hope will help you feel better!!

  20. Oh Mari, I feel for you. I really do. I am much like you. I go from being scare and anxious to depressed and unmotivated, to praying and feeling the Lord's peace. A couple things have helped me in the last week. Each morning before I get out of bed, I think of 3 things I am grateful for. That helps start the day out on a positive note. Once a day, I call an older person from my church. Often they are widows or widowers and live alone. It isn't a long conversation, just long enough to remind them that I care about them and make sure they have what they need. Doing this helps me focus on helping others rather than focusing on myself. I also send a couple cards out every week to various people. My sister sent me a card a few weeks ago and it made my day. So i am trying to do that for others. I hope this helps you. Even if it doesn't, you are not alone in your feelings and many people care about you. Even when it doesn't feel like it, God is in control. He knows what is going on and He loves all of us. Take care.

  21. When this first really made itself known I ordered from a very BIG quilt store, and have yet to be confirmed that it is ready to ship. Later that same day or the next I contacted a much smaller and more local store and quickly got my shipment. If you can find what you want from a smaller more local source do so. They will really appreciate your support and more likely not be as overwhelmed by orders as the bigger places.

    I too am not much of a verbal conversationalist, and do not care much for phone calls. Talk to me when you get home, when I can hear you clearly and not garbled by the phone! My sisters have had a joke about our brother, that if you get a call from him, and there isn't anything being said from his end of the line, just be pleased that he thought to call. Well I am getting more that way myself! I do write weekly emails to family and friends, but talk, aloud? Not so much.

  22. I hear ya! I feel the same! Nurses who keep showing up, putting their life on the line, are unbelievably inspiring to me!

  23. Your colorful fabrics and cute panel cheered me up as well. If you agree to face-time, I'd be thrilled. We can sew together even when we are far apart. I hope you are face-timing with your grand babies. I am sure they miss their grandma. Sending lots of love, hugs and best wishes. This too shall pass and we will meet again.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!