Saturday, March 7, 2020

Square dancing

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday! Life continues here, in all its craziness.  The painting is done and we now have a much, much nicer place to live. Almost all of the gray and brown are gone, replaced by a gorgeous blue-green called Rainwashed and a beautiful warm white called Honied White.  It is so much nicer! Everything else is crazy, but at least the walls look good.

It happens that I am thisclose to finishing a bunch of things. Seriously, this weekend I might put on a binding! In the meantime, here is a fun, happy quilt top that I finished this week:

I told you it was fun and happy! I call this little quilt Square Dance, because look at it-- what else could I call it?

This is the second quilt top I've made from the hollow 9-patches that I made for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at soscrappy. (The first top is HERE.)  These little hollow 9-patches were made from 2-inch squares and finish at 4-1/2 inches each. The sashing was cut at 1-1/2 inches, and I just randomly pulled the cornerstones from my always-full bin of 1-1/2 inch squares.

I am so pleased with how this turned out. It's colorful and fun, and was fun to work on. I got the sashing and border fabric on a shopping trip with Preeti, so there were all kinds of happy thoughts in there, too.

This quilt top will become a donation quilt sometime later this spring, when I actually have time to think about quilting it up. I'm making good progress on the big quilts that I've been working on, so I should be finishing up a bunch of stuff in the next few weeks. ("She said!"  Sometimes things work out, sometimes not so much!)

Hope you all have a great weekend. I had a conference to go to this weekend, but it was cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak, and one of my regional conferences was cancelled, too, though apparently we're supposed to send in our papers and they'll have them online somewhere. Not nearly as enriching! Maybe I really will get that binding sewn on, though!

Everybody remember to wash your hands, and stay healthy out there!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. well I guess seeing as your conference was cancelled you can sew or go for a walk instead! That is a nice quilt and seeing as Pretti helped get the fabric there is happy thoughts in there for sure - she strikes me as a happy person!

  2. Nice quilt! One of my guilds has a quilt show next weekend. I know it won't be cancelled.

  3. What a VERY fun quilt top -- so cheerful. And yes - wash your hands as often as you have the opportunity! And stay home if you are sick.

  4. LOVE it!! So fun! That would be a great one making the blocks bigger..I like the 'faster to the finish' kinda quilt for my donations!! HA Maybe 9" blocks using 3' squares.... Thanks for sharing.

  5. Pretty quilt! Great name for it, too.

  6. That is really pretty, Mari! The sashing fabric is definitely perfect for a rainbow quilt! Glad your painting is done and you're loving it, too.

  7. I love how bright this quilt is even though it has the brown and black blocks in them. The eye has to move all around the quilt to find them. It will be nice to check another quilt off the list and have it finished.

  8. The sashing fabric is perfect for such a fun and cheerful quilt. I love this block, perfect for using up the smallest scraps and not too much background fabric required.

  9. You're right - that's a perfect name for the quilt! Enjoy the finish!

  10. Looking forward to this phantom binding being applied and seeing that wonderfully cheerful Square Dance quilt completed!!

  11. It’s just adorable and will bring warmth, comfort, and love to someone special.

  12. It looks like candy! Square life savers, maybe? Sweet and happy little top :)

  13. I saw this on Instagram and just love it! If Preeti was involved in any way I'm sure fun was a factor. ;)

  14. Oh my - this is such a happy quilt. That sashing fabric is perfect for a scrappy quilt. It looks like cupcake sprinkles. (Reminding me that yesterday for her birthday, H asked for pancakes with both chocolate chips AND sprinkles and was thrilled her mama made that for her.)
    Sometimes it is a treat when something is cancelled - it is like bonus free time given to you.
    Happy Sunday Mari. (When you have a minutes, send me a picture of the new walls all painted. I want to see the progress!!)

  15. I like this one SOOO much!! what a great use of color!!! and someone will be really lucky to get it!

  16. I love this one, Mari! I’ve come to think of those bright print neutral sashings as your signature, and that you found it on a shopping trip with Preeti makes it even more fun. I can imagine how wonderful your home looks now. A few years ago, I made a baby quilt for a grandniece to match her Rainwashed nursery, and I still have the paint chip because I liked it so much. I do have rooms that need painting...

  17. Beautiful quilt ... so happy & sweet! A treasure for some lucky person!

  18. Hi Mari! What a pretty quilt top and how fun that you picked up the fabric with Preeti. That will make for a nice reminder of the fun you two had together whenever you see that border/sashing fabric. ~smile~ Roseanne

  19. Very pretty!!! Love all the colors :-)

  20. Oh my, that is so dang cute! I loved doing the hollow nines a few years ago, but didn’t sash them (with darling cornerstones!) like you did. Love the fabrics and the general light, happiness of the quilt. Beautiful!!!

  21. Simple block, gorgeous quilt! Lots of stuff is getting canceled, most companies are canceling or at a minimum, cutting back on travel. Hope you've been able to get in lots of stitching time.


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