Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Hello all! How is your quarantine coming along? I'm hanging in there, still teaching and still putting in a ton of hours every week. I'm pretty sure when the semester is over I'm going to need to sleep for two solid weeks. Thankfully, I'll have the time since we're not going to go meet our new granddaughter yet. And if I think about that, I'll go down the rabbit hole of depression, so let's not go there! Let's talk stitching instead!

I've been distracting myself by organizing things in the sewing room, putting up some new shelves, and finally hanging up some of my wall quilts. I also finally made these:

These are the April blocks for the monthly color challenge at Patterns by Jen. The block on the right is freaking me out just a little. The picture is in focus, but the fabric looks like it isn't. Next month is green, so I'm kind of looking forward to that.  Speaking of which. . . look, there are leaves on those trees! This is what passes for excitement around here right now.

I've also been making some more of the modern squares blocks. I have about half of what I'll need done now:

These are super satisfying to make, and very easy. These blocks are just kind of thrown up on the wall, not really arranged in any order. All subject to change without notice!  I really like these a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not seeing the X's nearly as much any more. It does look more like lattice to me now. I have a nice stack of squares all sorted out and ready to go, so I'll keep on making these.

Of course, you all know that I've also been buying some happy fabrics online from time to time. Here is my latest haul:

These are all intended as backgrounds for some applique blocks I intend to make this summer. I've actually been planning this quilt for a long time, and it's why I have several yards of Kona Bone. I'm sure this is a lovely and useful color for someone, but it made me so sad that I didn't even wrap it on a fabric board. There was no way that I could use it as a background. The green and the yellow above turn out to be too dark for backgrounds, but I know I can find a use for those pieces somewhere.

Want a sneak peek at my applique project? Here we go:

That's all I'm showing for right now, because there is a real story behind this project. I'll let you in on it once this crazy, weird semester is over.

Stay well, everyone, and keep each other safe! And stitch something other than masks, just for your own sanity!

Sharing at Patterns by Jen for the Color Challenge.


  1. Well, I do hope you have two weeks to sleep after your crazy end to this year! You color blocks look great, and I'm liking where the modern blocks are headed too. Glad you have a fun summer project to think about and gather fabric for it too - both fun diversions from the everyday stress. I'm excited about the trees leafing out here, they are so close! We are having a rainy week, so we'll see more green soon!

  2. All the dots fabrics will make wonderful backgrounds. I don't care for plain Kona or Bella solid backgrounds, either. I know why modern quilters like to use it, but it's not my thing. Your semester should be coming to an end soon, so you'll be able to catch up on that sleep and get started on your project soon.

  3. I used to use the kona solids all the time for my backgrounds then all of a sudden didn't like them anymore and always use other neutrals they just look as background I think - makes it more interesting I guess

  4. I prefer the Moda Bella solids - for some reason I've never liked the Kona ones. And I'm happy you are using these new backgrounds instead of a solid. I use solids but only in small pieces mixed with other prints, batiks, and such.

  5. Hi Mari! {{Hugs}} a bunch just because. You deserve them. Your color blocks look gorg. Look at all that green!! Lucky dawg. Those new pretty fabrics that made their way to you are fab as well. I love the next applique project and can't wait to see where it's headed. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Your color challenge blocks look great, Mari - I love the way you made two with opposite colors in the pattern! I really like your modern squares, too. They are tempting me! That collection of neutrals is really appealing, but I'm curious about the Kona Bone. Do you dislike that particular shade of color, or are you just thinking it's not right for a particular project?

  7. I've used the Kona for signature blocks in the same style as your X blocks for an out going quilt guild president. I never got to see the quilt finished since I moved away. I imagine that it turned out beautiful though.


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