Friday, May 1, 2020

A tiny bright spot

Hi everyone, and welcome to May! Did someone check to be sure April really left? Because that was one month that really seemed to last forever. I think we can all be glad that it's gone. You know what else should be gone? Neighbors outside in their bathrobes. Yoga pants, people! It's like jammies, but for grownups. And you can wear them outside without scandalizing the neighbors.

Okay, well. Amazingly, I have a finish today! What? Yes, I finished something and just put the last stitches in the binding last night. That binding was another thing that seemed to last forever, but now it's done and I can show you this happy quilt:

This is my tiny sampler quilt, made from the small block patterns offered by Angela for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last year. (The patterns are still available and you can find them all HERE.) Each of these blocks finishes at just 4-1/2 inches, and the quilt itself is just about 46 by 50.

Last year, I started out not intending to make this quilt, but the blocks were so darned cute they drew me in, and well, here we are. I ended up having a lot of fun making this, and even enjoyed stitching the binding.

This has actually been quilted for several weeks, but I had a hard time settling on a binding. All along, I had thought that I should make a binding that matched the background striping in the quilt, but now we're all in an extremely stressful period, so who has time for that? I ended up settling on a pale green print that doesn't pull the eye away from the cute blocks. The backing is a narrow striped fabric.

This was quilyed for me by Alycia, and I'm thrilled with how it turned out. This little quilt also turns out to be the perfect size for a large wall in my dining room, which is where I'm going to hang it this weekend. It will be the perfect amount of color in there, and I know I'll smile every time I see it.

As for a favorite block, I still can't choose one! I love that the owl and the kitten are right next to each other, though.

Everyone have as wonderful a weekend as possible in this strange time we're living in. I'm going to rest a bit, I hope, because classes end next week and finals begin. Yahoo! The end is in sight, and I could not be happier.  Stay safe and healthy out there!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, and soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. I agree with you there on put some yoga pants on instead of the robe and pj's, but that is a pet peeve of mine - I don't understand wearing pj's all day. Sometime it drives me nuts when my daughter hops in her car to come up here on a day off in the middle of the afternoon and she still has her pj's on - it is only 2 miles away we are in the country and they are drawstring pants but obviously for sleeping with the penguins or something all over them LOL - but why can't you get dressed!!
    Neat quilt!

  2. Your Tiny Tuesday setting is fabulous, I just keep going back to your photos and looking more. Interesting! I still haven’t finished mine. I am not in love with the all white background I used. I probably need to make it my OMG for May so I’ll stick with it! And get it done!

  3. What a spectacular finish. I really enjoy seeing everyone's version of Tiny Tuesday. I didn't participate and now I see what I missed out on!

  4. I know these blocks are tiny but the level of finickiness is inversely proportional to the size of the finished block + the number of seams. That is my quilty math for the day :-) I love each block and absolutely impressed by the quilt. So much work, so much love. You persevered and it shines - not a tiny bit but a whole LOT :-)
    Big Hugs from far away. I miss you.

  5. Your Tiny Tuesday quilt is fantastic! I followed along last year and agree that all the tiny blocks are so cute and draw you in. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh my! It's so cute! I love your low volume background! Very pretty! Congratulations on a fabulous finish!

  7. Congratulations! It turned out beautifully. I do love the owl, but the pig is hard to resist. I'm having real trouble with days of the week right now. Generally I just wake up and wish everyone happy Blursday.

  8. Congratulations on your RSC finish!! Your quilt is SEW cute. LOVE that windblown quilting that Alycia did, too!

  9. I love seeing these tiny block quilts! Your top is so bright and cheerful, I can understand why you want to hang it in your dining room so you can see it often. The quilting is wonderful, with those lively swirls that just seem to make the blocks dance. Speaking of dancing, I expect to hear some whooping coming from your home at the end of next week! Glad the end is in sight, then the fun can begin (after a long nap, of course!).

  10. wonderful finish - I love that arrangement and thank you for all the blocks you shared with us.

  11. This is so cute! Congratulations on a fun finish.

  12. What a great finish of your Tiny Tuesday quilt. Such a great layout I can see why it makes you smile.

  13. I really like the way you did your background and sashing on the Tiny Tuesday quilt. My top is done and sitting in a pile somewhere. I really need to spend some time actually quilting things instead of piecing more tops. Glad the end is near for the semester and you can get into a more relaxed existence.

  14. Oh I love each and every one of these photos! This sampler quilt is awesome, and the quilting is so beautiful, and the green binding is the perfect choice and I am in a total swoon over this quilt!
    I must get my sampler quilt (RSC from the year before) finished and hope I like it as much as I like yours!

  15. I wear my yoga pants all the time, I promise! (In fact, they probably need to go in the wash, lol!) I love your tiny finish, Mari! So fun to see those blocks again, and your unique setting. Great finish! Have a restful weekend - sounds the school year is almost a wrap for you.

  16. Hi,
    Awesome pretty.
    Have a great day!

  17. This looks so good finished...

  18. What a delightful, adorable finish. That quilt will certainly brighten anyone’s spirits. We are making it a point to wear street clothes (not pajamas) every day between 10-ish and 4-ish. After four, the last one in pajamas is a “slacker”! And once every couple weeks we’ll have a pajama day which usually is on a lousy weather day. With spring finally having arrived, however, I’m not sure that pajama day will continue!

  19. Very nice Tiny Tuesday Sampler Quilt....I can't find block 36...the page of links goes from 35 to 37 with no block 36. :(

  20. Those blocks are precious and they made a really cute quilt. I love the way it was quilted. I have never had one done for me but I will certainly keep your quilter in mind. Carol in Texas

  21. This is why I love living in a rural area with very few neighbors. No one sees me when I am gardening in my pj's which happened just this very morning. I went outside to empty the trash and ended up weeding a flower bed in my jammies. Oh well, no one is the wiser.

    Love this quilt Mari. It is adorable and I think hanging it up is a great idea. Such a nice finish!

  22. That is a very fun quilt and I love the quilting on it too.

  23. Hi Mari! What a wonderful finish for today. Those tiny blocks might have drawn me in, too. They definitely are cute and your fabric choices rock. I had a brief chuckle over your binding - you said it wasn't supposed to catch your eye and I truly didn't even notice it was bound. I knew you had just finished hand tacking it down, but it doesn't shout at you! I'm so glad you have a place to hang it up and really enjoy it. The quilting pattern is just fab - it really gives it movement. Take care. Only this month and then school will be over for the longest semester in history. Hang in there! ~smile~ Roseanne

  24. It's a perfect quilt for a dining room wall - lots to look at, a goodly mix of colors, and so many interesting blocks. Like the quilting on it a lot. You rest and stay well, too.

  25. Really lovely quilt, small shapes can be such fun.

  26. I love your version of the tiny blocks! It reminds me of that old poem: The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat...

    Super finish, Mari!

  27. Your Tiny Tuesday quilt is beautiful!! I haven't put mine together yet but yours is certainly inspiration for me! I'll say it again ... it's beautiful!

  28. Oh my gosh, Mari, I had no idea we were neighbors... Thanks for only mentioning my bathrobe, and for leaving out the part about me strolling through the neighborhood in my bathrobe, with a glass of wine! ;-). Your quilt is darling, such a cheerful sampler, and I love the quilting design. It reminds me of standing at the edge of the ocean and watching the waves come rolling in.

  29. Sew Cute! I've never understood people leaving the house undressed.

  30. What a great quilt! all those blocks are just amazing and so tiny!! Yay for you for finishing! and right?? What is up with robes??

  31. What a darling little quilt! Wonderful W-I-N-D quilting too.


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