Saturday, May 16, 2020

Looking green out there

Hi all! I really didn't fall off the earth, I promise! The worst semester ever finally ended, and since I turned in the final grades I've just kind of been floating a bit. Feeling a little unmoored without 10 to 12 hours of work to do, ya know? And I wouldn't want to insult anyone who has actual PTSD, but it's felt a little like PTSD, if you know what I mean. So I've just been kind of disjointed, petting some fabric, cleaning some things, planting a few flowers. It's been kind of peaceful, to tell the truth.

As a result, I only have one picture to show today. This is a first!

These are the blocks I made for the color challenge at Patterns by Jen. These were very easy and were almost mindless to piece. Usually I dislike big blocks with big pieces, but these blocks have really been saving my sanity through this whole virus experience. And I love the green leaves and the flowers, too. So looking forward to planting more stuff outside.

The only other fabric-related things I have to show today are the fun new fabrics I got from Bernie's shop:

Turns out that shopping online is super-easy to do from your sofa, even when your brain is really tired. Seriously, though, I have a plan for all of these fabrics. The birds are going to grace my living room, just as soon as I get motivated to make a few baskets from them.

Finally, a couple of pictures from my sanity-saving walks around the neighborhood. First, some rocks painted by my neighbor's kids to cheer us all up:

Also, the last of the forsythia, which everyone here seems to have (except us, for some odd reason):

So that's what's going on here! I'm still pretty mentally exhausted, so I'll spend this weekend going to our virtual graduation, then wandering around the house some more. It's going to rain a good part of next week, so I have high hopes of actually accomplishing things then. Have a safe and happy weekend, folks!

Sharing at soscrappy because of the dark green, and later (if I remember) at Patterns by Jen.


  1. So glad that semester is over and you can have a rest from all your hard work. I hope you can enjoy some nature and fabric therapy while you recover.

  2. going from regular classes to on line classes and facetime and whatever you were using I'm sure took a lot to get used to and really threw a curve to all. My sister in law a college professor had a bit of a time with it too.
    Now you can chill out and relax - quilt - walk, whatever hope you get to feeling better soon!

  3. Wow-look at that forsythia! We had a bumper year once. We had 10 flowers. I thot that was good. Our zone was too cold. The blocks are pretty too. I like the white one best. :)

  4. SEW glad the semester is finally over, Mari! Looking forward to seeing what you will create (once you recover from the stress of teaching for online learning.)

  5. Your green blocks are fresh and pretty, Mari! Glad you are done with school for awhile, and can wander and pet fabric and look at the neighborhood sights while you rest up!

  6. Those blocks are awesome!!!

  7. I hope you can be a bit more relaxed and enjoy some sewing time. Have a good weekend...

  8. I thought of you a day or so ago, wondering if you were done and recovering. What a year, huh? Or what an end to a year is a better way to say it! Still, you've had quite a year, with a move and all this other yuck going on. Glad you are taking it slow and just enjoying things. Those green blocks are so pretty. I made mine the other day but haven't posted it yet. I like Jen's big blocks because I hardly have to think while making them; just relax and play. It's raining here this morning, and I have improv waiting for me in a little bit. I also gave hand piecing a go, and I'm hooked!

  9. Congratulations on reaching the end of a complicated semester. It's okay to take time to decompress. And don't be surprised if you find it hard to focus or be productive. Spend time outside and let your mind relax and revive.

  10. New fabrics are always a nice pick me up. We all need those right now. Love the rocks! I've seen a few around here. Again, a nice random pick me up.

  11. I love, love, LOVE the two fabrics with the birds. Could you tell me what the fabric line is? Thanks!

  12. Love the positive and negative green blocks. The forsythia is just ablaze!!! The birds fabric is so cute!!! And enjoy the time off from school meetings and grades etc. You deserve it!!!

  13. Cute green blocks.... and those rocks... that M&M one is the best!

  14. Very pretty blocks and what a gorgeous bush. Spring is wonderful and now you can relax and decompress. I think a lot of folks are finding their moods fluctuating during these hard times.

  15. Love your blocks! I'm also pretty excited to see what you plan on doing with those gorgeous new stash-enhancements!

  16. that explains why I can't reach you on phone! glad you've survived. (sometimes it's all about survival)

  17. Pretty fabrics and quilt blocks. The painted rocks are also awesome. Great project for the home-bound kiddos. Our local university also had a virtual graduation.


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