Wednesday, May 27, 2020

On the way back

Hello everyone! How is life going for you? For me, some of the burnout from the past couple of months of overwork has begun to ease, and I'm finally starting to feel normal again. An uneasy normal, but much more like myself. I was in the sewing room cleaning some things up this weekend, and I sat down and sewed and actually enjoyed it. I'm definitely on my way back!

I am so behind on all my projects, and on answering comments (sorry folks. I do really appreciate you!) and on many other things in my life as well. I finally vacuumed the bedroom for the first time in two months. Yikes. I am not even going to mention the state of the sewing room. So, if you're behind on everything, where do you start? Any where you want! I started here:

These are the green stars for the Random Ohio Stars quilt I'm working on for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year. It turns out to be a good thing that I didn't choose something more involved, doesn't it? I don't have much darker green, and almost no sage green, so this is what I managed to scrape together for the month. I think they're okay, though that larger one is kind of boring. Oh, well! It will get lost in the quilt, right?

I also wanted to go back and catch up on the colors I missed. I'm pretty sure that March was aqua and teal (Ihaven't looked up April yet), so here is my large aqua star:

Shown with some of the lovely flowers on my back deck! It felt good to bring out those larger pots and plant a few things here at our still-new-to-us house. We didn't move here until August, so we missed all of the spring and early summer, so I'm still discovering what's growing around here. There really is NO landscaping at all, just random stuff growing and out of control pachysandra. It's going to be a challenge.

I've also been working on a layout for the modern blocks:

I tried a few things and this is the one I liked the most. I haven't started sewing them all together yet, but these are easy as pie to make and so I'm zipping through them in between other things. I'm not to the end of my pile of cut blocks yet, and I might be tempted to cut a few more. I guess we'll see!

Hope you all are getting some stitching time in, even with the much nicer weather we've been having. My energy is definitely coming back, so I will see you again very soon! 

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC20.


  1. Both projects are looking great. I've done several quilts with sawtooth stars, you've inspired me to switch over to Ohio stars for a future star quilt.

  2. These times are hard and I'm glad you have managed some sewing time....

  3. So good to hear that you are feeling a bit more rested and that you are back in your sewing room. Housework around here has been lagging a bit as well, so I get the whole thing on your end! Those blocks are lovely, and I like the modern layout. Will be fun to see what you end up with. I recall when we moved into this house almost 30 years ago, the owner took me around the yard (at my request) and told me what each plant was. I wrote it all down, and then lost the notes! So it was a bit of an adventure for us as well. Anyway, good to have you back sewing and posting!

  4. I'm glad you are feeling a little more back to normal - this past couple of months have been changeling in how very different it has been with life!

  5. I was so happy to see a post from you in my feed this morning, Mari! Glad you're recuperating from the school year and getting in a little sewing and yard time, too. Your Ohio Stars are lovely! I especially like the modern blocks and the neat layout you came up with. What sizes are your large and small squares?

  6. SEW glad to see you making blocks and trying new ideas for your modern quilt, Mari! You'll be getting some happy mail in a day or so. Hoping that will make your day and spur your creative juices!

  7. Beautiful blocks! I've also been doing Ohio Star blocks and today you have inspired me to add some reverse color blocks. That will make my quilt more interesting. Thank you for the inspiration!!

    Hope you have some relaxation now that the semester is over. Mine is too, except for 3 students requesting an extension for their online course. Since they are high school kids and the speech course is a graduation requirement, we're certainly willing to work with them. Two of the 3 are taking advantage of the time.

  8. Hi Mari! So glad to hear you are on the way back. I think the weather warming up is helping a lot, don't you? If nothing else, it allows us to go outside in our own yards and just enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. My sewing mojo still ebbs and flows with more ebbing going on right now. {{Hugs}} Take care and stay healthy. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. So glad you're on your way back to YOU! Or a quarantined version of your former self :)
    Lovely block sewing is sure to help with relaxation!

  10. Glad you are finding time to sew again! Love the greens.

  11. Oh wow, those leafy green blocks with your plants. If that doesn’t say Happy Summer, I don’t know what does. I’m so glad you are able to settle in and enjoy it. I’m so taken with your quilt with the little color chips. It says Happy Summer, too. Enjoy feeling normal in your sewing room and yard!

  12. loving that dark green star fabric! At least YOU are making progress.

  13. came by to see you... one day we'll be able to do that in person again.

  14. I'm really enjoying your semi-snowballed blocks - love the rippled look!
    And those reversed value Ohio stars are whispering to me...

  15. Love your modern blocks. I don't know what the other layouts looked like but this one is a knockout! Great job!

  16. So glad to hear things are slowing down for you and you are able to realize a little bit of normal again. Your blocks are lovely, your pictures bright and clear. Can't wait to see more of your work as you progress more into the norm of your life!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!