Saturday, July 25, 2020

My world is blue

Hi everyone, and happy weekend! I hope you have had a good week. I have discovered this week that the ragweed has started blooming around here, which seems a bit early, but it is definitely blooming nonetheless. How do I know? Well, I could tell you about the massive headaches and swollen eyes, but that would just be a downer, so let's just say that I can feel it. And we're not quite to August yet, which means that I had better stock up on allergy meds. I do not think the first freeze is coming to kill those allergens any time soon!

Today's update is some blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at Angela's. This month's color was dark blue, which I have very little of, but I did manage to scrape together these actual scraps in a royal blue:

I think those turned out okay for someone who has very little in the way of darker blues! Though I don't use it in quilts very often, I actually wear a lot of royal blue, and I really like the color. And look-- my flowers are still alive, even though it's been incredibly hot here.  The marigolds I had on the table, I'm sorry to say, pretty much burned up in the heat, though.

If you recall, I chose a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter called Random Ohio Stars for my RSC project this year. Boy, was that lucky! These stars are super easy to make and go pretty fast, and they look great together.  The larger stars are 12 inches finished and the smaller ones are 6 inches, which are both simple sizes for these blocks. I think I'm going to be pretty happy with this quilt.

I also made two more "catch-up" stars this week:

These are the smaller stars in aqua. I guess I never made them when I made the bigger star, because I couldn't find the smaller ones anywhere, so I made a couple of them. If I end up with a couple of extras it won't be tragic, and I really like aqua, so they would fit right in.

With the blues and the two smaller aquas, I am now completely caught up on the colors for this quilt! Somebody make a note, because this is unlikely to happen again. It's probably the one thing in my life that hasn't been derailed by the virus that shall not be named.

I hope you're all having a good weekend! I'll leave you with this picture of a very cheerful daylily I found while out walking:

Not even wilted yet! Don't worry-- it's hotter than blazes outside, and very humid, but I've been walking really early in the morning when it's a little cooler (but not drier). Even then I'm drenched in sweat by the time I get home, but I do start the day with a good many steps!

Enjoy the day, friends, and I hope your allergies are the mild kind!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC2020.


  1. Ohio Star is probably my favorite block. I've been thinking about Bonnie's random stars for a long time so I look forward to seeing yours come together. My marigolds have gotten scorched, too.

  2. I need to make a couple more star blocks to send to CiL (Covered in Love) so maybe I'll try some Ohio Stars. That daylily is such a pure yellow. The deer have eaten most of the buds on mine, despite my spraying deer repellent twice. Guess it's time to "destash" the garden.

  3. A simple pattern for monthly blocks is the best, and your blocks look great! Sorry to hear about the allergies, and hope you find some relief soon. We are having a hot/humid one here today, so we are staying in and keeping cool.

  4. Your stars look great! Such a classic block. The finished quilt will be so fun with the different sizes. I'm sorry about your allergies, ugh! I take chlorpheramine for mine, which are completely unpredictable with our traveling lifestyle. At least the med is inexpensive :)

  5. I am trying to stay stocked up on all over the counter meds that we use as occasionally I have noticed some of the stores are totally out of some of them - like it was benedryl last week at the store I went to but then another one had a small amount.

  6. cute fabrics! And pretty flowers on the deck!

  7. Yep, Ohio star is still my favorite star block. It always reaches out to me. Great blocks in the making.

  8. I too get out and walk early... except I was lazy this morning! What a vibrant yellow day lily. Your star blocks are lovely - I especially love that teal one on the right with the petunia's. Let's hope the meds kick in for son is mentioning that allergies are kicking in for him as well.

  9. Ugh - I feel for the allergy sufferers. That is one thing I don't have to deal with.
    This scrappy Ohio Star quilt is going to be a cute one Mari.
    Good for you, getting out early enough to walk, she says as she sits here - inside - with her coffee during the coolest part of the morning......

  10. I love your royal blue stars - and the aqua ones, too - pretty fabrics! Sorry to hear allergy season has hit you, Mari. Hope it doesn't last too long!

  11. Ohio Stars are one of my top 10 blocks to make. Yours look great! Royal blue is one of my favorite colors to wear as well, and I have very little of it in my stash I've discovered.

    BTW - since it's hot and humid here today it may be a good day to start that puzzle that arrived in the mail yesterday. Thank you!!!

  12. Duly noted that you are all caught up on your RSC sewing, Mari. Nice work on scraping together some Dark BLUE scraps for July's blocks!

  13. Ohio Stars are so versatile. I love them in any configuration but have made very few of them. I may have to correct that one of these days. Royal Blue is such a pretty shade of blue...nice and cheery.

    I take Loratadine daily because I like to be out gardening most of the time (even on hot, hot days like today) and live out in the country where there's lots and lots of weeds I try to keep out of the flower and veggie gardens. It seems to help.

  14. Ohio Stars are so great! I’ve e been making a variety of stars for CiL’s current block drive. But I haven’t done an Ohio I guess that’s the next one!

    We don’t have much humidity in’s dry most of the time, Hope you can get your allergies under control!

  15. Love the royal blue. It sparkles! Was that from a star quilt? Stay comfortable in the conditioned air!

  16. I love all the star blocks, but Ohio stars are my absolute favorites! Your quilt is going to be gorgeous!
    (I'm a ragweed sufferer, too, so you have my utmost sympathy!)

  17. So hot and so humid today. Like adding insult to injury. And your blues are the perfect salve on this sauna of a day. I got tons of dark blue and navy - just ask :-) and I'll send some your way. Stay cool, stay hydrated and say sane (hopefully). (((HUGS)))

  18. Those royal blue Ohio Stars look great - so vibrant!
    Thanks to the pointer to ragweed. I hadn't even thought about it as a cause for my worse-than-usual allergy symptoms. I'll have to up my dose of allergy meds!

  19. Your blocks are so cheerful and lovely. I’m sorry your allergies are acting up. We seem to have escaped the usual battering from wheat harvest. Nut ragweed will be here too soon enough. Yikes!

  20. So sorry to hear you’re still suffering from allergies. I’ve never had an allergy that I know of, but I imagine that the sinus and eye issues are no fun. Your Ohio Star blocks are lovely, though. You always do such a lovely job in using the classic blocks - a great example to us followers. I hope the allergy meds kick butt for you!


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