Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A little rusty

Hi all, and happy heat dome! It's hotter than blazes here. We are okay, but I think we're locking ourselves down again voluntarily. Virus cases seem to be rising here and it's probably not a good time for us to be out. Also, it's supposed to be 100 degrees today, so I might as well be in the house. I'm pretty bummed about this, but at least this time there are some better survival strategies for us. And I'm not giving up curbside grocery pickup even when this over, just so you know. Or Target pickup, either! Although you have to go inside to buy toilet paper, which defeats the whole purpose of curbside pickup, doesn't it?

This weekend I finally got around to making the July blocks for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen.  This was challenging, all right, though the block was super easy to make.  The color for this month was rust. Rust? How would you describe that color? Some people have gone toward the oranges, but I think of rust as a red brown. Even if it was an orange brown, it would have been extra challenging this month. Why? Because I have none of those colors in my stash. None. I have a few browns, some happier reds, plenty of bright orange scraps, but no red browns or orange browns. Yeah... In the spirit of using things up, though, here's what I settled on:

It's a red that tends a little towards burgundy and is a much more muted shade than I would usually use. It also has polka dots, which makes it at least a bit festive. Not much like a robin, but definitely not a cardinal!

As I said, the block itself was quite easy and I think it is one of the nicer blocks that we've done this year.  I'm really looking forward to next month, which is pink. I could use some bright happy colors! A little while ago someone posted on Instagram about the "corona coaster--" some days you're up, some days you're down. I am definitely feeling that way! I'm trying to do something every day to keep my spirits up, even if it's just eating some really lovely peaches that we had this weekend.

The only other thing I've worked on so far this week is to pull out this old serger and get it running again:

I bought this at least 20 years ago, and it served me faithfully through many years of clothing and home decor sewing. I haven't used it in a long time, and it needs some cleaning, some oil, and some general tuning up. Fortunately, this generation of sergers (which are a nightmare to thread) are all mechanical and easy to rehab. If I let it sit overnight with some oil in the important parts, it should be just fine.

Why am I rehabbing the serger now? I need it to alter some clothes because folks, I have lost about 85 pounds. The quarantine has slowed me down some, but otherwise, I hope to be to 100 pounds down by my birthday in September. Maybe I'll post a picture. In the meantime, though, I'll need something to wear, because clothes that are too big are actually more uncomfortable than clothes that are too small. (Before you ask: I did this with the help of a great therapist, so I'm sorry that I can't offer you a magic bullet. It's taken about 15 months now, and every bit has been hard. But worth it!)

Hope everyone is having a good week! As usual, wash those hands and wear those masks! And since it's so hot, maybe get some ice cream or other cool things delivered, too. I read that even epidemiologists will get takeout, so I am seriously looking forward to more of that. I miss restaurants soooo much. . .

Sharing at Midweek Makers


  1. Your "rusty" blocks are cute. Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Quilting definitely has been a godsend for me during the last 4 months, something to calm my soul in the midst of all this upheaval.

  2. I really like those blocks!
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a huge achievement! :)

  3. congratulations on the weight loss - yes new clothes are in order for sure! Do you have more to go? Do you have exercise machines in your house or do you do walking outside?

    I got a food delivery once from one store and curbside another time but then I decided I prefer to go in the store to find what I want more - I take all the usual precautions and my doctor said it was safe because you are constantly moving and not in a tight store (I stay with a large store)there is just something about picking out my own things that I enjoy better than going on line and picking them out - which is weird as about the only way I do my supply shopping for quilting is on line!!

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss. It's particularly impressive because you didn't have to catch Covid-19 to do it. Good luck getting the last 20 lbs off. I think your rust color works just fine. Think rusty tractor sitting in a farmer's field.

  5. Good job with your weight loss! I think that's amazing. The blocks are very pretty. Going to be a colorful quilt. Stay safe and cool!?!

  6. First off - congrats on that weight loss. Wow! I understand how difficult it is, as I've struggled with my weight too. I had lost 30 pounds over about 8 months, but since injuring an Achilles it has gradually mostly come back. I attribute that to my lack of exercise now. Frustrating! So - good job! You have great perseverance!

  7. I think you nailed the rusty block - I had to dig a bit to find my fabrics too. The ones that I used were seriously the only rust fabrics I had in my stash, I think. Kudos to you on your weight loss. Oh, how I'd love to be able to lose that much (I could easily stand too). I was doing pretty well until the pandemic hit.

  8. Congratulations on the weight loss...
    Been there and done that and even with help it is a hell of an achievement.
    I lost 130 lbs and nobody tells you about
    1. you lose padding on the butt and sitting in the bathtub is hard on the butt.
    2. you get chilled easier in the winter
    3. of course cloths don't fit but even shoes don't either
    4. jewelry also needs to be rethought because it even fits different.. though
    I do not know about earrings.
    5. Shop for new clothes with a friend because you really do not know what sizes you are going to need and your perception of what dose and dose not fit may not be very close tor reality...

    Once again congratulations and good luck with keeping it all off.

  9. The good thing about these QAL's is we can choose whatever color we like for that month - yours is just perfect! I haven't cut this block yet so I better get on it!

    Mari - congrats on the weight loss. What a wonderful achievement. That is a really difficult thing to do!!!

  10. I struggled with the rust color, too. I have some in my stash, but I'm hoping to make a brighter finished quilt with these blocks. So I leaned more toward red than brown in my choice this month. Good thing you have clothing-sewing skills so you can alter things to the new, slimmer you! I'm so glad you're making such good progress toward that goal :)

  11. What an accomplishment! That is an astounding number of pounds to drop. I am so inspired by that! I also envy your ability to make your own clothes. My daughter is wanting to learn but I'm not gifted in that area.

    In spite of not having any rust in your stash, I really like the two blocks that you made. Really cute!

  12. Congratulations on the major changes in your life ... and here's sending all good wishes that you can meet your goal by your birthday. Corona Coaster is a perfect term for the way I'm feeling - thanks for including that in your post today. And I like your version of rust very much. Hang in there - take care and yes, I'm wearing my mask/washing my hands (a lot).

  13. Congrats on your weight loss! I need todo that too. Love those blocks, they are rusty enough!

  14. I love your version of rust, and the polka dots clinch it! Neat that you can still do pickup for groceries. We tried it early on, but then things were such a mess that we could never get a time. Now we shop ourselves every other week during senior hours (6 AM). Tough to get up that early, but it does make for a nice long day. Our store has become less friendly over time. They’re stocking later, so aisles are clogged with carts and too many workers clustered together, some with masks on their chins. There are sometimes no check out lanes open. It would be better to open after stocking. We just feel in the way. My favorite store for safety is Costco, but we can’t get everything we need (or there’s more than we need) there. I am so impressed with your weight loss—especially during such a stressful time. Congrats to you on your hard work and perseverance. Have fun serging away to make over your wardrobe.

  15. Congrats on the weight loss. I need to lose about that much. Not easy when you start getting older.


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