Friday, July 17, 2020

Taking a wrong turn

Hi all! So, here we are in the middle of July. How do we feel about this? I feel like I lost about four months somewhere along the line, but at the same time I feel like the last couple of months have been as long as a couple of years. Anyone else feel the same way? On the upside, though, and as a direct effect of being cooped up for so long, I have discovered heirloom tomatoes, and now I never want to eat any other kind. This will undoubtedly make the squirrels quite happy, as I suspect they have their eyes on the tomatoes I'm growing on the patio. Is there anything fun that you've discovered during quarantine? Would I like it?

Well, here's one thing I really like, and one goal I've actually met (let's not talk about my other goals...) I finished off a quilt this week! Yay me!

I call this one Wrong Turns. See if you can guess why.  This is a smallish quilt that I made from re-purposed gigantic half-square triangles that I started for a mystery quilt from Alycia.  I didn't finish the mystery, but I did get to use the hsts in this comfort quilt.

I love the yellows in this quilt! I'm not sure that it comes through the best in these pictures, because it was pretty cloudy-- or maybe it was just haze from the heat-- but the yellows are quite cheery. I do love yellow in almost all its shades. Even my living room walls have a tint of yellow to them.  Anyway...I made this top a few months ago when I had a small tantrum in the sewing room, so I'm thrilled that it turned out okay.

Here's why I call this one Wrong Turns. See the stitching patterns there? I wanted to do a square spiral, and I wanted it to line up with the blue flying geese that are at the left and right edges of the quilt. So I started the spiral in the center of the quilt, like ya should, and it went fine until I realized that I was going the wrong way to get things to line up the way I wanted them to. So I just tied everything off and started going in the right direction on the next "round." Only it wasn't the right way! Instead of stopping again, I just went with it.  Altogether I'm pretty happy with the way that it turned out, even if it's "wrong."

For the backing I used a length of green polka dot, and to make it wide enough I used a strip of blue inserted off center.  The binding is from the binding basket, leftover from a quilt backing. I make bindings from the cutoffs from trimming the quilt after quilting, and it has saved my bacon more than once.

This quilt is destined for donation, though I'm not sure where. I had intended it to be for the Hands to Help challenge, but that ship has sailed. I imagine they would still take a donation, though, don't you? The whole time I was quilting it I was thinking of a teenage girl, and I can see it wrapped around a teenager, maybe while watching a movie. Kind of weird, I know, but sometimes I need to remember why I've got a quilt on my lap when it's 90 degrees outside.

So, there we are, a finished, happy quilt! I'm so glad to have this done and ready to go off somewhere. It makes me feel very virtuous, watching the number of tops in the closet dwindle.  Don't worry, though, there are plenty still there! I may feel very virtuous, but the tops in the closet would seem to say otherwise.

Hope everyone has a very good weekend. As I have met almost none of my home improvement goals, I'm planning to paint a bedroom this weekend. I understand that it's going to be something like 98 degrees, so a good time to stay in the air conditioning. There may be some ice cream if I finish the bedroom, so cross your fingers!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag about your Beauties, and QPA on Sunday.


  1. I was thinking this is such a great quilting design. That was before you said it was a mistake. Well done to you...It will be a great donation quilt when it's ready to find a home...

  2. Such a happy quilt, sure to be loved. Well, I've discovered I love eating popcorn at night!!!! I need to cut back to only once a week, lol.

  3. Ha ha - I love it!! Isn't it two wrongs make a right? ( I am sure that is not the *correct* saying - but lets modify it ok?? It tunred out so happy and cheery!! Go you!!

  4. Oh, I love the colors in this quilt! The quilting design is very cool, and I'm not sure I see the wrong turns, but I'm not looking that closely, just busy oohing and aahing. I''ll be binding a quilt soon that will go to a charity that gives quilts to individuals rescued from human trafficking. Post coming soon on that. I'm sure you'll find a great charity for this quilt!

  5. I don't know why but the months have been flying by for me for some reason not dragging as I feared they would.
    I find that if I pick my tomatoes just a little early I don't need to worry of bugs or squirrels biting into my tomatoes and let them ripen in a bowl on the kitchen counter

  6. It's a very pretty quilt and I think the quilting looks just fine. Of course no one else will know what the original plan was.

    What I discovered during quarantine - that I still enjoy putting together puzzles. My big round coffee table is just perfect for most 1,000 piece puzzles. And my husband, who never had the patience for them, has now joined me in working on puzzles in the evenings while watching TV.

  7. Joe Lamp'l (@joegardener) just had a podcast about heirloom tomatoes. He picks them early and lets them ripen in the house to deter the squirrels, etc from getting to them first. I don't think anyone would notice your wrong turn on your donation quilt. You could always save the quilt for next year's H2H. Sarah told me lots of quilters make the quilts they donate throughout the year. I wound up not getting mine done this year. Good luck with your painting.

  8. Wrong Way is definitely right in my book! Great job! I’m cranking out projects, but because I have to send my quilts out to a longarmer, not much completion is happening! My local quilters have been overwhelmed. Seems we all are getting lots of UFOS to the flimsy stage.

    Not a lot different from our normal,”we’re retired” routine. I’m not grocery shopping in the store! I never thought I would miss that chore, but I kind of do! We haven’t had much masking mandates, but next week Walmart and Smith’s (Kroger family grocery) will be requiring masks on customers! Some folks are going to be so irate! My little corner of the world is definitely Red and mostly blue collar workers and ranchers! Lots of opinions regarding ...”my rights “! 🤯

  9. I love everything about that quilt, Mari! The yellow is definitely sunny and happy, and I love it paired with those blues. The quilting looks great to me, even if it wasn't what you planned! I'm wondering if it could be done again - on purpose?! :)

  10. Yellow and blue are just the BEST together, aren't they? Too funny that your quilting took a detour, yet ended up in exactly the right place: a finished quilt :)

    I'm certain that all the Hands2Help charities (except the one that closed in the middle of the challenge) are all still accepting quilts. They serve needs that are ongoing.

  11. Right way, wrong way - either way it is a beautiful finish! As far as things we've discovered during these stay at home months - I am reading more books (physical and digital), DH is back to spending time with his sudoku and audio books, my menu planning has become much more organized with younger son now living with us (he eats GF and DF so many things we've always made have to be adapted or alternate items planned), and I'm thrilled to say that my shopping habits for food and household items has gotten to where I can go once a month and almost not need to go when the four weeks are up. Uber-hot and humid here, too - glad the painting/renovations are indoor ones (for you and for us).

  12. Some very lucky person will be very happy to receive that quilt! They won't care about wrong turns or anything other than the lovely gift you've made!

  13. This is an awesome finish... congrats!
    Love the quilting design!

  14. What a sweet quilt, Mari! I never would have noticed that you took a wrong turn with the quilting, if you hadn't shared your dirty little secret. :P

  15. I’m having a little trouble figuring out where the wrong turn is because I love the quilting on this. But confession is good for the soul, right? Yellow is so happy, and we need all the happy we can find right now. A teenage girl—or anyone, really—will enjoy the cheerful hug it gives.

  16. Great color combination ~ yellow and blues. Love that you used orphan blocks for this cheery quilt!

  17. Despite your 'turns' that quilt turned out great!


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