Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Purple daze

 Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a good day. It's hot and rainy again today, and I'm getting a little tired of it. One of my brothers lives in California and my mom used to say that it was "boring" there because the weather was the same every day. I don't think I would be bored by sunshine every day, but the heat and rain is getting a little tiresome. I couldn't go walking this morning because it was 73 degrees at 6:30 am, with 94% humidity, and it was just too much. I got about 100 feet before I decided that yoga would be nice for today. Good decision, I must say!

So, now that I've complained about the rain, of course my first picture has to have sunshine in it! Here are my purple Ohio Stars for the RSC this month:


These are pretty! I have mountains of purple scraps, and I love them all. Probably why I still have so many of them. (Why do the pictures look so weird? Get it together, Blogger!)

The larger star doesn't show up there too well, but it is one of my cherished scraps.You have those, too, right? Pieces that are just so good that you have to save them for the right project. I kept putting this one aside on project after project because it was just too nice to use up.


I think I finally found the right project for that pretty paisley! I can't say why exactly I like this fabric so much, but it's been here for a while waiting for a project. I still have a small piece left for another special project, too (and no, it's not big enough to make a mask!)

And speaking of waiting. . .it's time to finish this purple project:


If you think you've seen this before, well, it's been hanging exactly here on the design wall all summer. Longer than that, really. It is past time to get it out of there and finished off. I have no excuses except that I'm tired of looking at it and it just doesn't excite me. I have all the pieces and the rest of the blocks, but I just don't want to do it. But I need to, because putting it back in the box feels like failure, and I need to get rid of it. I'm definitely going to need you to cheer me on for this one. Let's make that a goal for the end of August, okay?

That's my update from the sewing room! As far as the rest of life goes. . .my university finally announced that we will be all remote teaching again for the fall semester. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm relieved, and tired, and anxious, and everything else, all at once. I hate teaching through the camera. It's so limiting, and there is so much you can't do in classes. At least I don't have to worry that I will make a student sick, or that a student will give me the virus to pass on to my husband (who is immune compromised) or anyone else. But I do have to rewrite all my classes again! A small price to pay, right? But I do miss my students, and collegaues, and my books and my office. We'll all get it back someday, but right now it feels a lot like loss.

Sigh. I don't know, but I do hope everyone is having a good week and staying nice and healthy! Sew a mask if you must, and wash those hands!

Sharing at Angela's for RSC20.


  1. Pretty purples. I'm partial to paisley, too! Even with all the annoyances of COVID, as a retiree I am grateful that I no longer have to worry about educating my kids or having a job. And I admire those who are having to find creative ways to keep a "normal" life.

  2. Oh, you really do need to finish purple project - those blocks and the secondary pattern are fantastic. I love the colors. Can't wait to see the finished top! As to the change in teaching for the fall, I'm sorry it has to be this way. Technology has made it easier to stay in touch with family and colleagues, etc., but it sure doesn't take the place of face to face. I miss the ability to read people's faces, body language, etc. that just doesn't happen in online conferencing. At any rate, I hope you can transition smoothly into the fall.

  3. Hi Mari! Love your Ohio star blocks. You are inspiring me to join in RSC, finally, next year. You can complain about the weather all you want. I can definitely sympathize with you. We all know the complaining doesn't do a darn thing but I am hoping you feel better getting it out! Venting definitely DOES help, especially to an audience that gets it. {{Hugs}} I'm sick to death of 2020 - just get it over with. Get the darn election behind us and the stupid commercials and the phone calls. Please - let's just rush to 2021. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. instead of finishing the quilt big why not stop at six blocks and make a table runner from it - the 7th block that you have done could be a table mat - that way you would be using it but you could be done with it instead of tossing it.
    Sorry about your teaching being on line again - I know everyone is getting tired of this isolation even if they are an introvert like me - I like to be able to just go shopping or the doctor's office or whatever and not have to think it over and make sure I have the sanitizer and masks with me

  5. There are no winners with the education mess, whether K-12 or college level. Our students deserve to learn in an environment that is safe and educationally productive and remote learning doesn't really meet that last criterion. Teachers and parents are in a no-win situation. I admire your persistence in striving to make it all work. We could use some of your rain. Hope you find some time to work on more purple blocks. I agree that maybe you should just do a table runner and be done with that project that isn't making you happy.

  6. I have to agree with MissPat above - no real winners in this education situation. Hang in there!!

    I recognize those purple blocks because I had a collection of them too. I finally took the units apart, and have now made 2 kid quilts with the purple and pink sections. My green/yellow parts are still hanging in the closet.

    Love your Ohio Stars. I do enjoy making that block, and have 24 in my collection so far.

  7. It took me a year and a half to finish those purple blocks; I finally decided to make it for my SIL and she loved it! Maybe that could be a goal for you- plan it for a gift.

  8. If I had that paisley fabric in my stash it would also be saved and saved and saved for just the right project. I love paisley of any color.

  9. If it bothers you 4 patches turned the wrong way...before you move forward now would be a good time to turn them.

  10. Whenever it happens to get done, this will be a lovely quilt. I believe that you CAN do this, and finish it off! YOU GO, Girl! SEW! YEA! I too love paisleys.

  11. Nice job on those PURPLE blocks and wishing you luck on getting your En Provence into a quilt top by the end of the month, Mari! I'm not sure that I even have a single block put together on that one.

  12. it's hot and dry here... three major wildfires burning the state. Nearly 100 but 9% humidity... very smoky. I am kind of relieved you don't have to hover over the kids who feel invincible (but aren't) but it sounds like more of a challenge than ever... thank you for trying to educate our future leaders... thank you to all teachers still trying to do your jobs in a hostile situation.

  13. It's definitely a no win situation for teachers, students, and parents at all levels of education right now. I feel for you, Mari, and we are all thinking of you, too! Your Ohio stars are so pretty in purple! I love that fabric you used in the big one - looks like the perfect spot for it.

  14. Very pretty Ohio Star blocks. I have a fat quarter of that purple paisley, it's one of my favorites too. Have you tried stitching your unloved UFO as a leaders and enders. That may be one way to get it off the design wall. It takes a bit longer, but you do eventually get them done. Most of the Scientist in Training's classes will be on line this fall. Only her lab classes will meet on campus. She's a teaching assistant for one of the chemistry labs, but she'll have four sections with only about 8 in each. That should allow for social distancing during the lab.

  15. Pretty ohio stars! I pushed myself out the door for my walk this morning... knowing it would only get worse if I put it off. I'll be your cheering squad on the quilt - You can do it! goal for next week - get those blocks into a top... one row at a time! Good luck and happy quilting.

  16. Oh lets get going on that purple project!! ha ha!! I like it!
    and I am with you - the uncertainty can get to you - hopefully online will be short term , and things can start transitioning as more knowledge comes out....


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