Friday, August 14, 2020

Small distractions

 Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well today. Still hot and rainy here, so, you know, looking to start growing mushrooms on my north side any time now. Unbelievably, this weekend is our one-year anniversary in Baltimore. For some reason, this feels really momentous. Maybe it's the heat. Or the quarantine. Who could have known what the last year would bring? 

This week I needed some distractions from everything that's going on, but I just didn't have the mental energy to work on anything important. Do you ever feel that way? You want to sew, but you don't know what to make; you need to look at and feel some fabric, but it just feels like too much to cut it and think about what to do with it.  That was me all week.

So I dove into the "parts and pieces" bin and also a small stack of precuts, and I came up with these two small pieces:


Not a great picture! I told you that it's been raining and the light is all weird. I hope you can see anyway that these are two small tops, one a table topper and the other a baby quilt top bound for donation.

Let's talk about the pretty yellow one first:


Should have pressed better, but I was racing the weather. (UPDATED with a better picture. The rare time when indoors is better.) All of the pieces in the center were already made and were leftover from one of my very favorite quilts, from a fabric line called Portugal by April Cornell. See that yellow in the center? I loved that fabric so much. Still do! Most fabrics you fall out of love with because they look dated or you just get sick of them, but this one is enduring, at least to me.


I didn't want to think, so I just pushed these hsts through the machine and made six small Broken Dishes blocks, then put them together to make a pile of Broken Dishes. I didn't have any yardage, just the hsts and some crumbs, but I think the yellow and the green work out okay. This will be a table topper for use around the house after I quilt it up.

And if you want to talk about pushing things through the machine, there's this little baby quilt:


This quilt is just 36 by 36 and is destined to be a quilt for Jack's Basket. It was made from some charm squares that I got as a part of some fabric that I bought from Busy Hands Quilts when she was de-stashing. I usually dislike precuts--and don't get me wrong, I still do-- but these were super simple to push through the machine, first in pairs, then into rows and then into a big square. Calming as long as I didn't think too much about it, and I really didn't. My only concern was that none of the same fabrics end up next to each other. It only happened once in this top, and even then I didn't care. That never happens!


Unbelievably, this used up all but one of the charm squares! This is great, because who knew what else I would have done with them? Sadly, I don't know the name of the fabric line, but it's a bit old, and it has these great bees on a grayish-blue background. Since I had the yellow out from the table topper, I used that for the inner border, and a pale blue for the outer border. Overall I think it's a soft little quilt for a tiny person, and I'm happy with how it turned out (even if the pictures make it look really bad. It needs pressing, I know.)

Those were my "big" stress-busting finishes for this week! Sometimes the fabric stress busting works, sometimes it doesn't. This time it did make me feel a bit better. And so did this:


We haven't had a deer with antlers before, and I don't know where he came from. The part that you can't see is that in the grass behind him is a red fox, which never came into the clearing but could be seen now and then just the same. Maybe I really *am* a Disney princess. . .  

Have a good weekend everyone!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


  1. You did good for a Disney Princess! Yes, I have had many days like that, needing to scratch the itch to sew but lacking inspiration.

  2. Ah yes, I've had those days too, where you just want to work on something, but nothing too taxing. I think that's a perfect project for a Disney Princess, because you won't lose your place when you break into song and twirl around the room can come at any moment, right?! The quilts are lovely, and the young buck and fox just add to the fun.

  3. I hear you on the lack of motivation to sew anything difficult. Simple blocks and squares to the rescue! Sometimes I make string blocks when nothing else makes sense. Both of these little pieces are satisfying in their cuteness and completeness :)

  4. Quilting inertia has settled in here, too. I have a baby quilt to sandwich and quilt, but it's too hot right now. The baby is now 6 months old and lives next door, so the guilt is building every time I see him. The Bonnie Hunter Frolic quilt was stopped in the middle somewhere because we were traveling. I just don't have the energy to figure out where I left off and what still needs doing. So I made some 16 patches from leftover batiks from the one project I did finish this summer. Bet you never anticipated having so much wildlife up close and personal.

  5. how interesting to see a deer with antlers - they usually are rarely seen it seems here too - and a fox! lucky you. I've slacked off on my sewing the past week or two - just haven't been working on much for the last couple weeks.

  6. congrats on the stash busting! I love to empty a bin every now and again! I always like the males with their fuzzy antlers...does must be close by, too!

  7. We used to feed the deer until the herd became too large. In South Texas we have White Tail deer and the bucks would come around during rutting season. One day a heard of the bucks came in and we quickly decided to not be the feed lot anymore. LOL, But we still have the doe's drop their fawn's every May/June on our property - guess they remember that they are safe here.

    I understand where you are in your quilting stress and desire to quilt. And the unrest in this country really adds to everyone's stress level!

    Have a great day!

  8. Seeing such beautiful animals in my yard always brings me a feeling of peace because they must know they are safe.

    The baby quilt is very sweet in those soft colors. Some new mom and baby will love it. And you can never go wrong with the Broken Dishes blocks. Good stress relief sewing projects!

    Hot and humid here in SD too. I never left the house the past 2 days. Just hunkered down at my desk working. It's supposed to be cooler today, so Yay!!

  9. I have found myself doing a lot of prep work - planning, gathering, pre-cutting for runs through the die cutter, etc. No quilting because Max's table is serving as the temporary home for our Christmas forest (only a few more weeks at this point if all goes well). Lots of short sewing sessions - dumpster diving stitching, webbing together tops that are already laid out and clipped, pushing projects to the final few steps (which many days feel overwhelming), etc. - just being in the studio is enough most of the time with my happy lights and colors. Take care Ms. Princess!

  10. SEW glad that you enjoyed some fabric therapy, Mari!! We all need that from time to time. Both of your small quilt tops turned out very sweet!

  11. I know exactly how you feel! We are lucky to have quilting to cheer us up! I hope you can enjoy some nature and some quilting today :)

  12. Some weeks are definitely that way, you just want the mindless pleasure of pushing fabric through the machine. You did well at using up some odds and ends, even if it wasn't the most glamorous stitching. Hope you are feeling much better this weekend.

  13. I too am suffering from lack of motivation. Have not sewn on the sewing machine in months. At least you are getting SOME things done.

  14. Isn't it wonderful to have developed sufficient skills that you CAN just "push fabric through the machine" and come out with lovely quilt tops like these? And sometimes these small, easily attainable projects are just what we need to pull ourselves up out of that funk so we can take on something bigger. Happy stitching!

  15. Cute (and useful) projects! Sometimes we just need to go with the flow and just make some stitches. I love the deer, and the Disney princess comment. Did the animals come in and clean up the dishes? Was there singing?

  16. Precuts are definitely nice for easy, stress-free sewing! I like what you did with yours, Mari. That yellow border fabric is so pretty! And how neat to see that deer and the fox, too - they must love your yard!

  17. Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's off to work . . . er, sew I go. Yes, you are definitely a Disney Princess. Who else draws a buck (deer with antlers) and a red fox to their backyard?! Just FYI - that's a young buck. HAHAHA! His antlers are still small. I'm cracking myself up - or have I cracked. Who really knows. ~smile~ Roseanne
    P.S. Congrats on the one-year anniversary!

  18. Your *distractions* look great!!! Happy anniversary on the house! and the deer- LOve seeing them!!


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