Friday, October 2, 2020

Autumn abounds

 Hi everyone! So, just like that, it's October. How on earth did that happen? While 2020 cannot be over soon enough for me, the year is just rushing by now. I guess this means that it's really fall, too, and the next season will be here before too long. With the pandemic and all, can't we just skip that and go right to next spring? That only seems fair.

I have another finish to share today! The closet full o' tops is slowly getting whittled down to just a few. Here is this week's finish:


Artsy, and remarkably seasonally appropriate! This is a fall flowers quilt that I made in 2018 with a bundle that I curated for Bernie's shop. Some of the fabrics are still available there, although the bundle itself is sold out. (I would hope so, since it was two years ago, after all!)

As you can see, the sunshine from this morning made getting a whole picture a little challenging. I don't care, because I am loving the sun. I looked back at the original post of the finished top, and it appears that the sunshine was an issue there, too. This little quilt apparently loves the sun!
I did have this quilted with a leaf pattern, which is fairly loose and makes it feel like the leaves are blowing across the top. This was quilted by my friend Diane, who always does a wonderful job and would do so for you, too, if you'd like.

There is no real pattern for this quilt, but you can find patterns for the individual blocks under the Intricate Stitches tab above. I remember challenging myself to use the whole bundle, and I did only have a few scraps, but I liked some of the fabrics so much that I ordered more of them. You can see at least two in my Phoenix quilt blocks, for example. It's not like I have a closet full of other fabric to use or anything. . .but that's a subject for another time!

The only thing I am not really sure of with this quilt is the binding. I was going to go for pink, but it didn't look right, and I didn't want another beige, so I went with a dark green that has some pink and gold in it. I'm not sure I like it in the finished quilt, but there's no way I'm going to redo it.

So, there is another quilt finished! I feel very virtuous. And warm and cozy because-- quilt!  Hope you all have a lovely autumn weekend. Right now there are carpenters making loud banging noises and cutting a new door from the garage to the house. Ordinarily, I would just go somewhere else with wifi, but the pandemic kind of has us all trapped, so maybe I'll just go for a walk. I might need a cookie first, though!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About Your Beauties, and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Very pretty quilt. The big gold flower blocks made me think of sunflowers. Lovely!

  2. Lovely quilt and that final shot is fantastic!

  3. Very nice indeed, and yes, I agree, the woodsy photo is beautiful!

  4. Congratulations on your finish, Mari! Those are such pretty blocks - I remember when you made them!

  5. Great finish. I like the green binding.

  6. I like the binding! Congrats on the very pretty Autumn finish!

  7. Seasonal, but not screaming in-your-face Fall. Congrats on a beautiful finish, Mari!!

  8. Great finish, pretty quilt! Just back from a trip, where we kept away from people and took drives. I'm ready to get back to sewing!

  9. I like this way of welcoming in fall - with an awesome quilt!!
    now... for skipping to spring... could i just have the long days, but winter here ... I kinda like winter... I need to showshoe and ice fish haha - but would take the 14 hours of light ;-)

  10. This is really lovely! The dark green binding makes a great final edge, I think. Like the rest of the green garden around the special flower beds. The selection of blocks is different than the run-of-the-mill and I love the addition of the little leaves. Super finish, Mari :)

  11. What I love about your quilts, Mari, is that they always pop up again after I’ve forgotten about them. This is such a great time of year for you to have this finish to share with its happy fall flowers and leaves and leaf quilting. I do like the way the binding print fits with the inner border. Once again, you have a lovely yard to display your quilts. Those trees are massive!

  12. Beautiful, and the bonding is just right!

  13. I did not know that you were having a Garden Party!!! Dark green echoes the internal border and it is a perfect choice. I don't think pink would have worked, but purple/fuchsia would.
    Virtuous??? When do you not feel virtuous, Mari? Seriously, you teach ethics for a living. I just feel virtuous knowing you :-p Walking in the fall with the leaves turning is a treat. Hugs. Hope to see you soon.

  14. Very pretty quilt - love the blocks and colors!


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