Saturday, September 26, 2020

Red stars and a basket too

 Hello everyone, and happy weekend! Yesterday, I finally parked in my new garage! It doesn't have any doors yet, and the walls still aren't drywalled, and the siding isn't here yet, but I parked in it nonetheless. Yay! For those of you keeping track, the timeline is too depressing to contemplate, but it should definitely absolutely be done before it snows. Or spring, either way.

This week I finally caught up on my RSC projects for September. Once again, I am thanking my lucky stars that I chose these super easy Ohio Stars for the RSC this year:


Dear Blogger, I am unhappy with your new image size controls. Why do you keep changing, and why are my pictures fuzzy? 

These stars are very easy and fun to make, and they go very fast, relatively speaking. This is a good thing right now, isn't it? I pulled out all of my stars and laid them out on the lawn, because it was quite nice and they looked nicer out there than on the design wall:


They look good, and nice and random, but somehow I managed to skip a color. I should have nine colors and I only have eight. I'm pretty sure that I skipped one of the blue months because I don't have much in the way of blue scraps. So, assuming next month is yellow for the RSC, what color should I use to make up the right number of stars? 

I also put the binding on the red scrap basket this week:

Yahoo! I made this basket quilt as you go with strings that I had leftover from another project, long ago. I was a bit overzealous cutting strings for that project, but they worked great for this basket. There is a lot of variety here, and it went really quick. Of course, even the binding is a scrap, and now I am left with very few red strings. 

Very few reds at all, in fact. I should probably do some shopping, don't you think?

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. I am going to be chained to my desk finishing my writing project, and when my brain can't take any more, I'll be relaxing outside with a nice beverage, contemplating my plywood garage walls. I think there might be some chocolate in the near future, too!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC2020.


  1. I really like your positive and negative stars! Am thinking I'll do that for next year's RSC. Great idea!

  2. Your RSC blocks look great in RED, Mari! Hmm... Strings for you basket? I've never thought to try that. Your basket is SEW perfectly scrappy!!

  3. I love your stars! And your Design Lawn!!

  4. Yay for parking in the garage, even if it's just plywood for now. Hopefully it will be done soon; what's left shouldn't take too long if there's a good crew. That little red basket is so fun. I need to do that for my scraps, then figure out where to put them. Maybe I should reverse that idea - LOL. Anyway, I like your red basket. Your photos don't look fuzzy to me.

  5. Love the red scrap basket. I am tempted to make them.

  6. Ohio stars are my favorite, yet I never think about them as a go-to. Your quilt is going to be lovely.

  7. Woo hoo on parking in 'the garage'! Love the design grass wall. The blocks look great and I love the basket. You could always add a black, grey or brown to the mix.

  8. Your red bucket is awesome. Hooray for needing to go shopping and SUPER WOOT for parking inside the unfinished garage! I will email you the list of colors I ended up using for this year's blocks.

  9. I'm glad things are coming along on your house, Mari, even if the timeline has been long. Your stars are so great - love the picture of them all together! And the red scrap basket is wonderful! Do you just make a big panel, quilting as you go, and then shape it into a basket?

  10. dear new blogger... settle down and stop changing things daily. I hate the new format, so thanks for nothing. My pics are blurrier too, but I did find out you can click on the image and drag a corner out to make them any size you want...

  11. Super stars! I do love a good Ohio. I'm getting ready to quilt an Ohio star top that someone else made, trying to figure out exactly what motif to use. Congrats on the garage parking :)

  12. Oh tradies... one day... Ohio stars look good. Love the basket. Did you do it as QAYG.

  13. Chocolate and a beverage - sounds like a perfect way to decompress after writing. Love your Ohio Stars blocks. I’m glad I’m making them too, and might make more next year.

  14. I love seeing all of your RSC blocks laid out like that!! its going to be a great quilt!

  15. Great scrap basket! I love the idea of QAYG and then it’s done...or almost! I’ve never made an Ohio star quilt! I did send some to Covered in Love using your stars as inspiration! They were fun! Home improvement is not for the faint of heart! Hang in there! ((Hugs))

  16. Have fun parking in your new garage! I'm looking forward to "after" photos. Ha, I recognize several of those red scraps. Including that loud calico (Which is probably at least 40 years old, so I hope it holds up). Have fun shopping for some more reds. I agree about blogger photo sizing. I tried sizing to extra large and then had to scale back because that made my photos squished and elongated. Last time I did large and had to increase the size by hand. Yuck! I haven't looked at them on the computer so I don't know if they are fuzzy. I've read that having to do things different ways is good for our brains, so we'll have to thank blogger for helping us out. It's always something new lately.

  17. Yay for garages you can park in, even if they aren’t “quite” done. I do wish blogger would leave well enough alone too.

    Your stars are so beautiful,

  18. Did you have a pattern or tutorial for the scrap basket?


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