Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Stars on deck

 Hi everyone! Long time no see! You know, I do what I can right now. We're all doing our best, right? Tomorrow marks eight months since they told us we had to leave the building and learn to teach remotely. Who knew it would last this long? I've had enough, though, so I'm just surrounding myself with things that make me happy and eating way too many cookies. Hey-- they make me happy!
And speaking of happy. . .there is plenty of sewing going on behind the scenes, but by the end of the day I just haven't been posting. Oh, well! (That's my new motto for everything, by the way.) Today I have an update on one of my RSC projects for this year, the Ohio Stars. This is based on a pattern by Bonnie Hunter that you can find HERE. I've been making three stars each month in the color of the month, and here are the last ones I did in the RSC colors, the yellow:

I was determined to get those mums in and by gosh, I did. They are fading a bit now, but still very cheerful, especially on gloomy days. Yellow is like that. It just adds cheeriness to everything.

These are all scraps, of course, though somehow they continue to multiply in those new scrap baskets. Once I made the yellows, I still needed a few more stars, so I just pulled a couple of random fabrics. I tried a "neutral" star that I think came out pretty well, and just some random bits that I had close at hand:

I think these turned out pretty well, though that neutral one does look like it's going to melt right into the leaves. And how is that impatiens still alive? It must be a lot hardier than I thought. It's another bright spot, though, isn't it?

I am almost ready to put this together, so I laid them all out on my "design deck," just because I happened to have the box of them out there:

This is not the final layout or even a layout at all, just a way for me to take a picture. And now that I have, I see that I need one more star in each size. I must have miscounted. Not a surprise, really. Hmmm. . .what colors do you think? Maybe a small red or burgundy and a larger dark one as well? I'll have to think on it, but I'm open to suggestion!

Once I make those last two, I'll be able to cut the alternate squares and manage a real layout. I have some small polka dot fabrics to use for the fill-in squares, which I think will make for a fun, happy quilt. Just what I need! I haven't figured out a border yet, either, but I do have some stripes that might be interesting.

That's what's happening here! I wish there were more naps, but there have been quite a lot of walks, and when I was out a couple of days ago, I came around the corner and saw my neighbor's house and yard just full of light and color:

It was a glorious sight that pictures can't really capture, and it was just a lovely moment.

Hope you all are having some lovely moments too, and are staying well and healthy! After eight months, I hope you're staying sane, too!

Sharing at Midweek Makers and soscrappy for RSC2020.


  1. such pretty star blocks - that is going to be a great quilt. Sorry you don't like teaching on line - it must be a big change for everyone. Have you not been back in the classroom at all? here they are in the classroom but it seems like we hear constantly of some group with exposure and then it is on line for some but not for all - sounds like a mess - glad I'm not a teacher! my sister in law is a college professor and she has been doing all of her classes on line since it started back in March for here

  2. That certainly is a spectacular autumn scene. It's all white around here today again after yesterday's snow.

    I really like your layout of the Ohio Stars. It makes me wish I had done them in 2 different sizes like this. Mine are going together but in a much less interesting layout.

    Your mantra works for me too - Oh well.

  3. That cookie recipe looks yummy - I'll have to remember that one! I love her small batch recipes. Your Ohio Stars look wonderful in their different sizes! I'll enjoy seeing how you put them together.

  4. I understand about having to change teaching style with no input or warning. "Academic freedom" is just a concept, not a reality.
    For your 2 extra blocks, have you considered a multi-color print? Stars on tiedye or funky florals?

  5. Beautiful beautiful stars--this will be such a lovely piece!!
    Those mums are just vibrant--so pretty. and yes, cookies cookies here too...take care and stay safe hugs, Julierose

  6. There have been quite a few of those gorgeous light-filled moments with colorful trees in the past week. Now the leaves are raining down so the trees will soon be much more bare. But that has to happen so they can leaf out again come spring so it's all okay. And yes, yellow IS cheerful.

  7. Such a lovely Autum photo with all those leaves, its Spring over here in my part of the world so everything is green and flowery! Love your assorted star blocks.

  8. It's the happy moments that keep us going through these times. We had a full rainbow the other morn and only for a brief minute but enuf to make me smile. I think a large burgundy would fit nicely in the quilt. Didn't choose a small one tho'. Love the mums too :)

  9. You got some sewing time and some outdoor time, which sounds like a great idea all around. Love that impromptu block layout, Mari! I couldn't decide what color is needed to "finish it off". How about cutting up a bit of your most favorite fabric and pop that in the quilt?

  10. If I remember right you aren't keen on blue, which would be my suggestion. But burgundy sounds really good too. Our trees are finishing up now except for a few yellows. Really nice shot of your neighbors'. My hubby continues to teach in person as he runs an engineering lab. It's been chaotic but the students are good about following precautions.

  11. So fun to see all the yellow and golden yellow in this post, and those star blocks look great on your design deck (great term, by the way). It's hard to believe we've been doing this pandemic stuff for 8 months - oy. Has your garage project finished (our septic is done - woohoo)?

  12. Those yellow blocks with the mum!! They sure did the trick to put a smile on my face. And then the golden light in your neighborhood. These little moments have a big impact on staying sane this year. I think burgundy is a fine idea—that color doesn’t usually get much love in our RSC lives. Stay strong!

  13. So fun to see all your stars hanging out together! I think I would add more of the cooler colors, blue or green, for your final few blocks. The overall look right now is warmer, but maybe you're feeling the need for more warmth as winter sets in :)

    Like you, I've been a bit "Oh, well!" about blogging. The sewing is more important, I think!

  14. I would guess with all of the teaching via computer, you have little desire to be on one at the end of the day - so no need to worry about not blogging as much as usual. We all get it. 8 months? that is ridiculous, especially since the end isn't exactly in sight yet. Sigh.
    But that fall tree in your neighborhood. Spectacular!! It is just amazing.
    The Ohio Star project is really coming together nicely. I agree you need a pop of burgundy or deep purple with another large star - love the combo of sizes when you lay them all out on the design deck. Very nice Mari!

  15. Like Bernie, I was going to suggest purple, not necessarily deep purple, maybe reddish purple (I always think of it as raspberry) or even a medium value lavender. It's clear that everyone is tired of Covid restrictions (one of the reasons that the numbers are rising again). At least this summer I was able to work outside in the garden. We've canceled our annual trip south for 2 months, so it's going to be a very long winter, indeed. The colleges here in NY, which started the fall semester within-person classes, are sending everyone home at Thanksgiving and not coming back to campus until at least Feb. All we can do at this point, is give it our best try and wait it out.

  16. Your post is full of sunshine and beauty. It was certainly worth the wait. Love all your blocks and no matter the number of stars or the size of the quilt, it will be lovely. Of course I had lovely moments with you. We need to return to get more of that salty caramel ice-cream. Hugs to you.

  17. I don't know how the teachers or students have done online for so long.

  18. I really like your star blocks - the pattern is very similar to one I'm making some samples of just now. I will be making more for a leader/ender project that I'm planning to start cutting and get organized soon.

  19. Wow!! That house - those trees - Amazing!!
    Your blocks are just perfect and will make a very happy quilt!


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