Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Works in progress

 Hi everyone! How are you all doing? Yesterday, while I was trying valiantly to teach a class to students who are seriously exhausted, several dump trucks came and dumped fill dirt outside the almost-finished garage. I was annoyed as all get out and happy as a clam at the same time. It was loud and disturbing, but it means that my garage only has one more step to go. So I guess my current mood would best be  described as annoyed-happy. Or maybe happily annoyed?

Today I just have a couple of updates on things I'm working on, a part of my quest to get back to blogging more regularly. We'll see how that goes, but meanwhile, here's one new start:


A little while ago, Preeti reviewed the book Diamond Star Quilts, by Barbara Cline, and she was kind enough to let me borrow it so that I could make something small and challenging. I know I don't need to do something challenging right now, but it's not that difficult and it turns out so pretty. The picture above is just a part, and now I'm busy cutting and piecing diamonds from some of my hand dyed scraps:


So far, it's fun and a nice diversion. No guarantees that this won't turn into a UFO, though Preeti's quilt turned out to be so spectacular that it's really inspiring me to keep going.

I'm also continuing to work on the fall colors quilt I showed a bit ago:


These are all the star centers, so now it's just about distributing the star points around the quilt top. I also think this one is going to be spectacular in its own way, though I admit it doesn't look like much now.

So, what does that leave? Oh, yeah, in between, when I get tired of stitching, I've been cutting these beauties:


These are all from scraps, which takes time to cut, and they are for the quilt I'm finally making for our bed. I love all of these colors, but I have a long way to go with cutting. This is about one-sixth of what I need, but cutting can be really meditative, you know?

That's what's happening around here, except for this very exciting development:


Did you know that people sometimes sell the things they no longer want, like sewing machines and stuff like this? Very exciting! Further updates to come!

Hope you all are having a good week. Hang in there, and don't forget to wash those hands! 

Sharing at Midweek Makers and Quilting is More Fun than Housework.


  1. Love those scraps you are cutting, they are going to make a very pretty quilt! I am trying to find my way back to blogging, since my hubby died I have to push myself to blog. Hope you are more successful than me.

  2. Those stars are pretty already and I can just imagine the possibilities. Enjoy the process and don't worry about whether you'll end up with a UFO. It's the process itself that is feeding our creative minds.

  3. Oh, lucky you! I need to start hunting to see if someone around here wants to sell theirs! I can't wait to see what you are making with all those points. I'm sure it will be fabulous. Yay for the garage being closer to done, but I'm sure it was frustrating to try to teach with all that noise. I can relate (not to the teaching, but to the noise)!

  4. After Preeti's review, I bought that book for a friend. Now, looking through it, I may have to borrow it back to try some of the patterns.

  5. Sometimes a project that engages your brain in a different way than, say, teaching does, can be a good thing! I'm seeing a Christmas Cactus in the part you showed! Looks like you got a handy new tool, too, Mari. Exciting!

  6. Gold stuff all the way around Mari. Love the blue batiks, very intrigued by the gorgeous points and soooo happy about your new toy. I love my AccuQuilt. It is really a time saver and now that I am an old lady, I think it is better for my wrist to not always rotary cut. Yay you!!

  7. Thanks for sharing these snippets of progress, Mari!

  8. I think I remember when you were trying to narrow down the batiks for your quilt. I like the ones you've chosen. Preeti's diamond quilt was pretty amazing. I can't wait to see how yours developed. How nice it was that you two could get together for a visit. And three cheers for the garage being almost done.

  9. Die cutters are so useful (not for everything but then most tools we use have their own purpose). Glad you found a project that is challenging but not TOO much so.


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