Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Challenge met

 Hi everyone, and welcome to December, the last month of this wretched year. Has winter arrived in your area? I understand many places have had snow. We haven't had snow, but we did have a lot of rain and it's gotten a good bit chillier. I am not up for this, I have to confess. It seems like the cold is just 2020 piling on. I really dislike beaches (sand is just dirt, you know) but for maybe the first time ever I feel like a beach would be a good idea. This year has definitely turned everything upside down.

By the time you read this, I will have taught my last class for 2020. Yahoo! Let the chorus of Hallelujah begin! We still have finals next week, but my exams are all written and so for the next few days I am relaxing just a tiny bit for what feels like the first time since July. As a part of this new relaxation regime, I finished off the Color Challenge blocks this afternoon after class:

To be clear, I only made the red ones today. The "buff" ones were for November, though somehow they never got posted. Oh, well! I know the December block just came out yesterday, but there it was, all ready to make, so why not? It was easy enough, though it did involve a lot of pieces. I'm not sure I like either of these blocks, but they're finished, so let's call that good. No fair checking the points on those blocks, either.

And speaking of finished, here are all of the 2020 blocks:

Twenty four finished, colorful blocks! The question now is how to set them. I'm thinking that I should make one more block and set these five by five, just like they're shown here. The other option is to just set them four by six, which might make for a better donation quilt. Thoughts?

I'm so happy to have finished these off and be at this stage, and I can't believe I kept up with it! Seems like a miracle right now. And I'm really, really happy to have spent some time in the sewing room today. A little relaxation is good, right?

Hope you are all having a relaxing day and are getting some stitches in, too. And maybe dreaming of beaches. . .

Sharing at  Midweek Makers at at Patterns by Jen for her linkup.


  1. Just a lovely array of finished blocks you've made! Nice work--and nice being "off work"...enjoy stay safe ;() hugs from afar Julierose

  2. Yay! You survived the semester. My online HS students alll seem to have fallen behind in the past 2 weeks, so I’m anticipating a flurry of assignments submitted this week and next. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.

    Very pretty blocks. I think either 5 x 5 or 4 x 6 will be great.

  3. so glad you got through the semester-- I do hope next semester will be better for you and hope you can eventually get back to the classroom as you seem to want that. Love your blocks

  4. Congrats on keeping up! This has been a really weird year and I can't believe it's almost over. I am resolving to stick closer to my plans next year.

  5. Oh yippee! You are done with classes for the year! Yes! You've done well to not only keep up this year, but make two of each block! I'd probably opt for 4 x 6 unless there was one block you really enjoyed making and want to whip up one more. I have an idea on layout for my twelve blocks; it looks promising in my head, we'll see how it looks when I lay it out. No snow here, and we could use some to cover the brown ugly.

  6. Hurray for the end of the semester. Not a moment too soon, right? Do you have a plan for your time off or will you just go with the flow and see what happens? I'm guessing travel to visit the grands is not on the agenda which will dampen the spirits somewhat. But the winter solstice is coming, the days will be getting longer and spring will be on the horizon before you know it.

  7. You made it!!! Yay for the end of the semester. I got tired of making the color challenge blocks and stopped a while back. I really need to stop joining things as I am finding I tire of it part way through. I guess it just isn't for me. So I have seven blocks done. Oh well - I will set them with something or other and they will be used.
    Hope you enjoy some down time Mari. :-)

  8. Very nice and whoopie for finishing something! In my "good intentions" I would make another block but in my reality, I wouldn't. Lol. At least I finished my main Christmas gifts and got them mailed early. Hopefully I'll get a shot of creativity and completion soon. Don't forget to show us when it's finished. :)

  9. I prefer 4 x 6, but then I'm not a square quilt kinda person.

  10. Congratulations on keeping up, Mari! Either setting will work.

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