Saturday, November 28, 2020

Strung from the trees

 Hi everyone, and happy after-Thanksgiving! I hope you are having a really restful weekend following what was, for us, a very strange holiday. It was just us here, which was very, very different from what we usually have. I actually did my first 5K the first thing in the morning (see sweaty picture at the bottom of this post), then relaxed and cooked a small dinner for the two of us.We had turkey thighs (which are incredibly inexpensive), potatoes, gravy, and Zoomed with the family, and somehow we polished off a whole pie. I have no idea how that happened. 

I've been going through some of my old, unfinished RSC projects and finding ways to repurpose them or combine them or something because I've finally admitted that they're not going to get finished in their present state. That's the first step, isn't it? Last year I was making these strings:


I had planned to turn these into another Scrap Happy Rails quilt like the one I made for my niece, but it just didn't happen because . . .life, I guess. We're not here to judge, we're here to make progress, right? I looked for a project to repurpose these for a while, then I came upon Bonnie Hunter's pattern called Pine Tree Point, which you can get HERE. One thing led to another, and so. . .

Turns out these are the perfect size to repurpose into some cute pine trees. Yahoo! I was even able to use the background fabric that I had already cut to use in the planned quilt as a nice background for the trees. It works, doesn't it?

But wait, there's more!


Well, I didn't just make green strings, after all! I had made several months worth of RSC projects, then I think I got distracted packing and moving. (I knew that moving thing would mess me up!) I have tons of strings, but somehow I never went back to these. But now they are made up into some fun trees, and that's going to use up all the string pieces I have. Plus the quilt itself turns out really cute, I think, and the multicolor trees will be quite festive, though not exactly Christmassy. 

Miraculously, I have enough strings done for eight and a half trees, so I only have about 5 inches of strings left to piece together to finish that last tree. That sounds like a good project for today, I think, and I might have to make another pie. Oh, and here's that sweaty picture from the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning: 


Did not know I had it in me, but it felt good! (Ignore the fact that I could really use a hair coloring appointment, please.) It was all virtual, of course, but there were several of my neighbors doing it, too. I gather that it is a big deal in Baltimore every year, so this could become a tradition. I guess we'll see when there's a bigger turkey to cook!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC2020


  1. OhMari, as soon asi saw your first photo I thought of that pattern. I purchased it last night and just printed it out now. It is a fun block

  2. You look beautiful. 5K trot may have had something to do with the vanishing pie.

  3. I’m so glad to read that you sacrificed your traditional Thanksgiving instead of yourselves and your family/friends. I wish more did. Now, aren’t you the clever one? I absolutely adore your trees! And I like the way you think and approach your unfinished projects. Kudos for getting out there for the Turkey Trot! You look amazing!

  4. Congratulations on your Turkey Trot! What a fun way to celebrate the holiday. Moving does mess up ongoing projects, but I love what you came up with for the strings. So cute!

  5. Congrats on the Turkey Trot and well done, finishing that pie so you can make another - haha! That is a fun twist on a string block, definitely a keeper. Glad you enjoyed your day!

  6. Rainbow pines! What a fun idea for your string blocks. And congrats on your 5K, that's a real accomplishment :)

  7. Love your trees. I may have to purchase that pattern. Congrats on the run.

  8. Excellent way to repurpose those String blocks you were making! I bought Bonnie's pattern, too. I think I'm going to use it to make a table runner. Sweaty picture? Roots? You look WAY better than if I had done that walk, Mari!

  9. I see a 'string Christmas Tree' quilt in your future! Pretty!

  10. I like how you did your trees! neat idea. somehow we finished a pie between the two of us also and had a turkey breast that was in a roll of netting roasted - it was so tender I need to remember that for another year - a lot of times it is just the two of us so it was a good idea. Nice that you can do a turkey trot run

  11. Congrats on your Trot! Could be a new tradition.There was a trot in our town too, as we saw many people jogging down our street in matching t-shirts. I was going to tell you about the Fat Quarter Shop Short Cut Wreath, but no need now! Your trees could be a fall quilt maybe?

  12. I've never thought to do turkey thighs, so now I'll have to try them! I do love the dark meat. Those trees blocks are perfect for the BH pattern - they'll make a fun quilt! Congratulations on your 5K!

  13. I love how you turned your string blocks into Bonnie Hunter String trees. So bright and colourful! Sorry your Thanksgiving was pared down due to Covid restrictions. We are in Lockdown here in the UK and, as from next Wednesday we go up to Tier 3 from Tier 1. As long as everyone stays well, that’s OK.👌

  14. Good use of the string blocks. How nice of Bonnie to publish a pattern just when you needed it. The Turkey Trot run will help balance out polishing off half a pie, but does that mean you have to run another 5K to deal with the 2nd pie? We were home alone, but then, we always are. We've postponed our turkey feast while I recover from some minor oral surgery. Stay well.

  15. I LOVE (!!!!) that you re purposing the string segments for pine trees in an array of RSC colors - what a GOOD idea! Kudos to you for the 5K - you are a better woman than I am in that arena. And yes, you are correct, admitting that the original plan is not going to happen is the first and best step to finding a new direction.

  16. Kudos to you for participating...happy photo. Love your trees too and I guess a beautiful forest is in the making. Happy Stitching.

  17. Go Mari! Love that you did the virtual turkey trot - I know that is a big tradition around here as well.
    We also polished off a pie in two very short days. I can't worry about it. This is a weird time and we are just going to do whatever it takes to keep everyone smiling! I will say we only had salad for dinner last night - oddly enough, no one was terribly hungry! Hahaha.
    Love the trees - That will be a very fun quilt.

  18. What a fun way to use up those string sections. Great job!! I made just ONE of Bonnie Hunter’s trees, but it’s turned into a cute wall hanging. I need to finish binding and add some embellishments.

  19. This Turkey doesn't trot but admires those who do. This Turkey does eat pies, though. Yumm.

    Great job repurposing those strings into a piney woods. Cute!

  20. Wonderful trees! Covid is a great time to let the gray grow out! And appreciate that you have survived all this with your natural color that grows from your head... no more chemical processes to your hair.

  21. Congrats on the 5K! I am sure these kbees could not do 5K, but I admire you for the effort! I have been waffling about purchasing the tree pattern! I really like it!


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