Saturday, January 23, 2021

Patches of pink

 Hi everyone! How are things down your way, as they say? (They do say that, don't they?) Things here are going well enough. It's been a bit chillier and more seasonal for January, which is fine because it hasn't snowed. Last Wednesday I binge-watched the inauguration and all the events, so that was a fun day. I did not get my steps in that day. In the sewing room, I'm working on something I've started calling "the thousand hour project." It's darned cute, but it's taking forever!

Today I just have a few blocks to show for my RSC21 projects. Since it's January, there aren't a lot of blocks made already, but they are pink, a favorite color, and they are cute. First up are these very cute 16-patches:


I told you they were cute! It happens that I have *tons* of 1-1/2 inch squares, all in a bin, waiting to be used. This is the smallest size I save, and I keep meaning to stop saving them, but then they turn into fun things like this. 

Anyway, I got Bonnie Hunter's Winter Blues pattern, and I'm going to make it in rainbow colors. I figure that I'll just keep making these blocks through the RSC and however many I end up with will determine the final size of the quilt. (And I swear I will fix that unmatched seam in the picture above!)

The other pattern I have for this year is Sharon Holland's Saguaro pattern:

I think this is another one that will look good in rainbow colors. This one uses scraps that are juuust a bit bigger than the 1-1/2 inch squares in the other pattern, but thankfully I have scraps in all sizes. Speaking of which, I'm still looking for another block to make this year. Somehow my scrap bins have become overloaded again. I'm not sure how, though. They must be breeding in the dark!

So those are two of my RSC projects for the year! On Monday, I have to go back to classes in person. I'm both terrified and happy. Or happy and terrified. I can't decide which emotion wins. Actually, I keep bouncing back and forth between the two, but either way-- wish me luck, and cross your fingers and pray that neither my students nor I get sick. And everyone stay healthy yourselves!
Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21 (yes, 21!)


  1. Those little pink blocks are so pretty and bright! I've seen the Saguaro pattern popping up in my feed; another nice block! Curious about the thousand hour project - LOL. Hope your in-person classes go well and safely for both you and your students!

  2. In person instruction is terrifying to start, but it seems normal after a while. I haven't gotten sick yet, but I've had 7 sick students so far. Most of them mildly symptomatic. The quarantines though -- those have been crazy! It is amazing how truly bizarre things can seem completely typical after time passes. Great looking blocks though, always important to have happy scraps to keep you distracted from real life.

  3. I have 3 cookie tins pull of postage stamp squares, and now you've made me want to dig into them to make some tiny blocks. Yours are so cute!

  4. Sweet PINK blocks, Mari! Good thinking to make Bonnie's new pattern in line with the RSC. Best of luck on your return to school. Stay safe!

  5. Those are cute blocks and great ideas for RSC projects, Mari!

  6. I can completely understand being both happy and terrified at going back to in person teaching, Mari! Sending you all my positive thoughts. Your tiny pink 16 patches are so fun! Like those Saquaro blocks, too. Keep sewing! :)

  7. I did my winter blues in pink too. Your little pink scraps are delightful!

  8. I wish you the best for going back to live classes. My hubby is doing the same, but even at age 66 he isn't in line for a vaccine for probably another month or so. Everyone is tested weekly so I hope that helps. (Your pinks really are cute!)

  9. You are off to a good start with your pink blocks. Good luck next week with going back to the classroom. Are you eligible for a vaccine as an educator? We're eligible, but the lack of vaccine means it may still be weeks (or months) before we get one.

  10. Love the postage stamp blocks. The one and a half inch blocks are a great size for many projects.

  11. I love postage stamp quilts! Your sixteen patches are pretty in pink! That's the way I like to make quilts too...make blocks from scraps and when scraps run out (or I'm tired of making) that determines the size of the quilt.

  12. I am really liking the blocks this year

  13. You must have made a dent in your pink scraps with all of those blocks, cute!

  14. Oh, I can't wait to see your Winter Blues Rainbow!

  15. I love WINTER BLUES pattern too. My friend is coming over to start cutting hers tomorrow. Your pinks are very cute and pretty too. Nearly time for a new colour.

  16. Lovely blocks, Mari!
    positive thoughts are being sent to you. Be careful and stay safe.

  17. I bought Winter Blues too and was wondering how it would look doing it RSC. I'll be following your progress! The other blocks you've done so far look great!

  18. I love how you display your pretty blocks on your trees and bushes! Have fun with the winter storm. Is a snow day/quilt day in your future?


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