Friday, January 15, 2021

Cold, clear, and colorful

 Hello everyone! How is life in your neck of the woods? We have had a run of just incredible weather for January and it has been a joy to be outside for the last several days. Natives of the East coast here think it's cold, but it's been clear and sunny and in the 40s. Who could ask for more from January?

I have another finish to show off today! I told you I was busy over the break. When you don't have to ride off to visit the family, you can get a lot done. A silver lining of sorts, I guess. I'll warn you that there are a lot of photos here, because I am in love with this finish. Here she is:

 This is the Kaleidoscope quilt, and didn't it turn out magnificent? Not bad for a quilt kit that I picked up really cheap at a rummage sale!
For those who don't recall, I bought this kit a long time ago, waaayy back when we lived in Wisconsin and some time before I started this blog. I thought I was buying a wallhanging, but it had all the directions and fabric for a queen size quilt. The kit itself was a mess, but I straightened it out as I went. Somehow it worked out, even though the directions were super weird in some spots.
I worked on this off and on for a long time and finally finished the quilt top last year. Hurray! Then I sent it off to Alycia with a scrawled possibility for some quilting, a note that I like feathers, and another note that said she could do whatever she liked. And so she did!
The quilting here is unbelieveable and I am so, so in love with it! Just look at the quilt center! I was trying to get the texture and couldn't decide if it looked better in sunlight or shade, so you decide. It looks great either way.
Alycia must have had a great time because the whole thing is just really, really pretty. I pretty much followed a pattern and made a ton of mistakes, and she turned it into magic.

Can you tell I'm really happy? This quilt is staying with me and is on the bed in my guest room, which I cleaned off just to bring you this picture:
That bed hasn't been used in almost a whole year now, since we've been dealing with Covid, but I have high hopes that someone will be using the guest room this summer. According to our state's vaccination plan, my husband can sign up for a vaccine starting January 25, so we'll see how fast he can get in. I probably won't qualify until May (since I am so much younger and healthier! Okay, healthier at least.)
For anyone who is curious about the backing and can tear themselves away from the front, it's actually a print with stars from a snowman line of fabric. The binding is just the biggest piece that I had left from piecing the top. I wanted something lighter but there wasn't enough. Like the rest of the quilt, it worked out!

The "official" name of this pattern was Kaleidoscope of Kolor, and when I posted about it last summer when I finished the top Sue S (who is no-reply, so I didn't get to thank her) posted THIS LINK to the pattern, which is available digitally. (This would be a good time to thank all the no-reply commenters. I appreciate you, and respect that you want privacy!) I don't have another name for it, so if you have a suggestion, be sure to let me know! It looks vaguely Native American to me, but it needs a better name.

Okay, that's enough for now. I'm pleased as punch about this quilt, and I hope you've enjoyed seeing it as much as I've enjoyed sharing it. Many thanks to Alycia for the fabulous quilty goodness that really made this quilt come alive. (I'll bet she could work some magic for you, too, if you ask!) Hope you all have a lovely, happy weekend full of color!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About your Beauties, and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. This turned out beautiful and you bought the kit at a rummage sale? Alycia did wonderful quilting, she's very talented that way. Happy stitching!

  2. It is indeed bright, joyful and magnificent. You are making the most of the quarantine/lockdown and then using the sunny days to take gorgeous picture. I am happy to test drive the new quilt :-) Just ask. Kudos to the young and healthy you!!!

  3. Wow! A lemon into lemonade! Well done! :)

  4. Wonderful finish. It does look vaguely Native American and not what I think of as a kaleidoscope. I'm terrible at naming quilts though, so maybe someone else will have a good suggestion. We've also had a mild winter so far with day time temps in the low 30's and very little snow (like less 14" which is way below normal). The problem with that is it doesn't add moisture to the ground to help get us through the summer.

  5. Oh my, Mari, this is a beauty! The colors are just fantastic, and it looks great on the bed. Maybe it will tell you what it should be named in a bit, after it snuggles on that bed awhile. Two name ideas come to me - Phoenix, because it rose out of the ashes of a rummage sale, and because it seems to bring excitement to you, so a rising out of the doldrums of this past year. The color of the quilt make me think of the fantastic sunsets in New Mexico, too, so maybe something related to that.

  6. such a pretty quilt -- aren't you glad you finally made it

  7. I am surprised to find I am no reply- let's see if this one posts. I just love this pattern!

  8. A beautiful quilt, and the quilting itself is really pretty too.

  9. I am not usually a fan of solids in a quilt, but this quilt is an exception for me. I have admired it over the time you have blogged about it, and the final quilt is beautiful. There is something about those colors against that background. It is perfect. I know you are delighted with it. It does look New Mexican to me......maybe Santa Fe or Albuquerque. We had a house there for a few years, and this quilt would fit right in with the decor of an adobe home. Thanks for sharing it. Carol in Texas

  10. Such a beauty! It is not over scrappy, just scrappy enough with the colors. It is an heirloom for sure! Congrats! Patterns with problems are no fun to make, but you over came and did an excellent job! Hugs

  11. Your quilt is stunning, and my first thought on seeing it was that it has a native American feeling. Wonderful finish!

  12. You and Alycia do beautiful teamwork, Mari!!

  13. Hi Mari! Great finish to share in mid-January. What a nice way to start the new year and it sure looks nifty on your guest room bed. What an amazing find at a rummage sale! It's a beauty and I do hope that someone gets to visit sooner than later to enjoy it. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. Beautiful finish, Mari!! I do remember this as one of the first quilts I saw on your blog. What lovely quilting on it. I hope it will get visitors under it sometime this year, but until then, it sure does look pretty on your guest bed. (Maybe so pretty, you won't make the bed into a catch-all like I have these last 10 months.) And again, your backyard backdrop with all the sleeping vegetation, makes your quilts look spectacular!

  15. You and Alycia both did a great job on this quilt. I hope someone gets to sleep under it soon.

  16. Wow - it looks so cool in all those settings - and your binding is just perfect!! Don't you just love it when all things work together!!

  17. It’s a really stunning quilt! I’m glad you stayed with it! I do like the names Phoenix or Santa Fe! Or how about Colorado?

  18. I saw the quilting in progress over at Alycia's blog, but seeing it all finished up and posed in so many great ways is even better. I hope you can get some guests in that bedroom soon! Hopefully getting more people vaccinated will mean that life can be more normal soon.

  19. That is just a stunning quilt. How about Southwest for a name. Glad you stuck with it. Your collaboration with Alycia turned out spectacular. Time to move on the the next spectacular one.

  20. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. For the name: Best Quilt Mari Ever Made - seems approprate to me.
    I love it and would want to stay in your guest room just for that bed - also because it would be so fun to come see you.....

  21. Absolutely gorgeous! i enjoyed all the lovely photographs!

  22. glorious quilt and pictures are too

  23. So happy for you that you finished it, and now it glows on the guest bed! A beautiful finish!

  24. Wow, your quilt is a beauty, whatever the name is ;) Love the bright and cheerful colors. Well done!

  25. What a beautiful quilt! You did a lovely job on it. Thank you for sharing it.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!