Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Starting with a finish

 Hi everyone! How are you doing so far in 2021? I have been doing something really unusual-- relaxing. It's a weird feeling, I've got to tell you. The machines have been cleaned, the rotary blades changed, and the I've even treated myself to a handful of new seam rippers, marking pencils, and thread snips. Oh, and I've even vacuumed the floor. That was an adventure. It's amazing what was stuck in that carpeting.

So, let's get this party started! While I was relaxing, I also finished several things, which just enhanced my relaxed state, or at least made me feel less stressed. The first thing I finished was this scrappy sampler top:

 Oh, look at those colors! This is the quilt top made from the blocks I made all year for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen. I made a couple of blocks a month, and it's one of the things that kept me sane, because the blocks required very little thought on my part.
I didn't really intend to put this top together, but there were the blocks, all up on the design wall, so why not? I sent a few of the blocks on to a friend to help her finish her top, so I ended up with 20, which was perfect for me.
I used a pale gray for the sashing and random squares for the cornerstones. I wasn't sure I would use a border, but this Sharon Holland print worked nicely as a frame. I think it adds to the quilt.

I think this is going to become a donation top. I measured it, but I didn't write it down, so of course I've forgotten. It's 60 something by 70 something. Not sure where it's going to go, but that's a good donation size for a lot of groups. In spite of how well this top turned out, I'm not sure that I'll do the color challenge this year. Easy blocks make me a little restless, and I am starting to feel better and more optimistic. That could change, but fingers crossed!

So, while I was out on the deck taking the photo above, a couple of deer showed up in the back yard. Apparently quilt tops attract them. Who knew? They blended really well, but you can see two of them in this picture:
And I'll leave you with that! My big "new year's resolution" is to cook better, because I'm sick of every bit of food in the house, and even if I dislike cooking, learning to do it better can't hurt. I still need practice, though, and I'm trying to decide if making cookies is "cooking." What do you think? Have a good week, friends!

Sharing at Midweek Makers, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About your Beauties, and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. A very pretty collection of blocks in that quilt. Sounds like you have a good start to the New Year - new blades, clean machines, etc. I really should take my machine in for a cleaning and tune-up, but i hate to be without it.

  2. Those are lovely blocks. Nice finish.

  3. Your quilt has come together lovely. At least it’s nearly finished and will make a great donation quilt. How cute to have those deers in view.

  4. What a wonderful donation quilt! Congrats on the finish!

    I would say that cookies definitely qualify as cooking! And there are so many recipes to practice with, too! :)

  5. Oh, I like that finish! I'm doing the 6" block version with Jen this year, and I'm excited about that. Cookies are definitely cooking, and all that moving around while you are cooking is aerobic exercise :-)

  6. Nice job on getting your Color Challenge quilt top together, Mari! That, along with the leaning, new rotary blades, seam rippers, and snips sound like a great start to 2021. I've got to say, I'm a bit jealous of those new snips!! :o))

  7. If it involves food and heat its cooking....
    Also if it involves food put together without heat (say a salad) it counts!

    Opening a can of tomato soup and dumping it in a bowl is not cooking.
    Adding cream and fresh basil or leftover rice to a can of soup is cooking.

    Ok a couple of contradictions there but you get the idea.

    I once worked out 20 or more ways to use a can of tomato soup.
    I like cooking ( can you tell) I find it a lot like quilting but you know if its going to work out much sooner. vbg.

  8. Very colorful quilt! Nice view from your balcony!

  9. I love that - relaxing - and the deer and the quilt!! what a great day. and I am so with you on the food....

  10. Technically, cookies is baking, but it is a start! Your quilt looks great!

  11. Congrats on getting those blocks into a quilt. My blocks are a mess and I've put them away for while. I did half with the black background and am not pleased. I will follow along this year and decide what needs making. Cooking cookies is a good thing! At least your deer don't eat all the bird seed in the feeder....

  12. That turned out great, Mari! I like your colorful cornerstones and it looks like you found the perfect border fabric, too. I made those blocks this year, but have put them away for awhile until I decide what to do with them. Happy Friday!

  13. Great idea to create the top while the blocks are out. I need to put mine together soon as I finish a baby quilt in the works. Thank you for sharing your extra blocks with me.
    As for cooking - I enjoy cooking. We should put our heads together on that resolution of yours.

  14. Great use of those blocks, some lucky recipient will really appreciate it!

  15. So glad you are relaxing and making lovely quilts!

  16. Yay for you finding some time to relax at the beginning of this year! And for helping your machines relax, too, with their spa treatment. Your winter landscape is just the right backdrop for your wonderfully colorful quilt. And then to have a deer fan club,. How sweet. Oh, and yes, cookies are cooking. (You’re in the kitchen, right?)

  17. Random squares for the cornerstones??? They look like a designers careful decision. Of course your backyard visitors are attracted to the splash of color and beauty. I like your resolution for the new year. I am happy to make your favorite coconut chicken and rice :-) Yes it is a bribe so that you come for a visit :-)


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