Wednesday, April 28, 2021

More repurposing, plus a small giveaway

 Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a really good week. For me, we are barreling towards the end of the semester, and it cannot come soon enough. I can't wait to delete Zoom. And now that I've said that, you know it's never going to happen, right?

These past couple of months when I was too stressed to stitch, I still spent some time in the sewing room, sorting and deciding what to do with projects that I had started and not finished. Some will get finished, but others have been repurposed. (Like this one HERE.) I've pulled out some English paper piecing projects that are not going to be finished and I'm repurposing them into other things. Here is one of them:


I've shown these big hexies before, but I've never really figured out what to do with them. Thanks to ideas from a couple of quilty friends, I've decided to make these into a runner for a narrow table. And I'm only stitching it once, because this is already layered and basted, with the hexies pinned in place. If I stitch right over them, I'll secure the hexies and quilt it all at the same time. Works for me! 

This works for me so well that I decided to do the same thing with the bouquets that I also made using English paper piecing:


These turned out just lovely by themselves, but they're not going to be a big quilt, so I decided to quit while I was ahead and applique them onto this vintagey-looking print. This will make a nice table topper or something, and heaven knows we have enough tables. I'm still pulling out the papers from the back of the bouquets and pinning them down. These are taking a *lot* of pins so that they don't slide around. I'm actually considering some spots of glue. We'll see how frustrated I get.


And then there are these lovelies, which I haven't decided how to use yet:


I'm sure these will get a similar treatment. Do you think I could just applique the whole thing down to a larger piece? Or would I have more success appliqueing just the edges? 

All of these projects, while lovely, have convinced me that English paper piecing is not for me. I enjoy making the individual hexies, but putting them all together feels like a chore. If you don't feel that way, have I got a deal for you! I've decided to give away the unopened EPP papers that I have, in various sizes:


All of these are really nice papers, but they aren't doing anyone any good sitting there in a project box with no project ever coming. If you are a person who does EPP and enjoys it and could make good use of these papers, leave a comment below and I will use the random number generator thingy on Monday morning (May 3, if you can believe it!) to choose someone at random to receive these packages. Then I will pack them up and send them to you absolutely free of charge. A win for me because I don't have to store them any more (or feel guilty about them), and a win for you because now you'll have a new project or two! Hurray! (This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Carol in Canada!)

So that's what's happening around here! I'm hoping to have another finish by the end of the week, but it just might be my class instead of a quilt, because I am so ready to be done, and the students are, too. Until then, enjoy this picture of another scraggly azalea that bloomed in the backyard. I guess the deer haven't been snacking on these!

 Enjoy the rest of the week, everyone!


  1. The azalea is a treat for my sore eyes. Finishing a class seems like a worthy accomplishment. I had no idea that you were drowning in EPP - paper and projects. We have to make one EPP project for Island batik this year. No, I am not looking forward to it. But I know I can turn to you for advice :-)

  2. I am not a fan of finishing anything EPP but I do have a very good friend who makes so many projects with her EPP. She also does a lot for charity with them. They are a very manageable hand sewing project that works in well with her lifestyle. She could put them to good use. Thanks for offering and sharing

  3. I have a few random EPP projects hanging around too, stuffed away while I try to decide how to finish them. Hope you find someone to take them!

  4. I have made several hexie quilts - one a queen! and several of other shapes too - would love the win. Totally understand not getting into it sometimes we like to try something and then realize it (or the method) just doesn't interest us

  5. I love EPP! I usually have a little in my purse for when I have to wait anywhere.I find the hand work almost a meditation.

  6. I applaud you for "downsizing" your EPP project expectations, Mari! It's had to give up on a plan. Those new plans sound good, though, and I'm sure you'll figure out something for the Grandmother's Flower Garden, too!

  7. Good for you!! I'm really trying to do the same.

    I have a whole bunch of blue hexies made, and have a similar pattern in mind for them. I saw a bag online done by sewing over the hexies like you are doing. Maybe it will happen someday. LOL

  8. I enjoy the fact that EPP is a great take along project when on a car trip or visiting with quilt friends. I like using them for smaller projects like runners, totes, and candle mats. I like that I can make those things fit the season and because they are smaller I can change things up every so often. Thank you for the give away.

  9. I'd be happy to take the EPP papers off your hands. Yeah, for the semester being almost over. Now you'll be able to get out in the garden to tackle those chores (before it gets too hot) or back in the studio sewing up a storm.

  10. I do love your ideas for finishing the posies into a table topper. I had no idea there were so many different sizes for EPP. I am ready to get out to quilt stores again and stretch my imagination.

  11. I would love to adopt your EPP papers!

  12. Good for you, clearing out some unneeded/unwanted projects and supplies. I need to do the same. Probably we all do. EPP has never appealed to me. It seems tedious? I am sure someone will be thrilled to receive the supplies though.
    Generally deer don't munch on our azaleas. I think they don't like them for whatever reason. After yours finish blooming, you can cut them back and they will probably be nice and leafy next year!

  13. You have some good ideas for using up your already pieced EPP blocks, Mari! They all look really pretty. I haven't done a lot of EPP, but I am interested in trying some more with different shapes besides hexies. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Hi Mari, I love to EPP and would put the paper to good use. Thanks for offering them to your blog readers.

  15. Hiya, Mari. I think your EPP sewing is delightful. I've been working on Grandma's flowers for a while now and see no end in sight, lol. I would love to try other shapes too. Thanks for giving one of us a chance to sew some more. Enjoy the end of the semester, and its end. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

  16. Enjoy EPP. Find it relaxing and great to do in front of the TV.

  17. Your EPP projects are all so lovely! I'm sure that you will find a way to enjoy them. I love EPP for pillows and shams and table runners and other smallish projects!

  18. Hi Mari! I have to say the EPP isn't for me either. Mostly for a similar reason that you've shared - I don't mind making the cute hexies but then what to do with them?! It seems that just appliqueing them on the edge would not be enough. Good luck with your decision and on finishing this project. The school year end is so close! You can do it. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  19. I would love the EPP papers. It is so nice of you to share. dorthac at

  20. I am jealous that you are almost done with your classes--I still have 6 weeks left (public high school). This has been a tough year! I enjoy EPP when I am away from my machine during the summer and would love to try some different shapes. So far I have only worked with hexagons. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Love the nosegays. I have just finished hand quilting a GFG 80x80 that I made in the 80-90's. It took 2 whole spools of thread cuz i did the stitching 3 ways point to point across the hexies. While it is very pretty-I am done. I too found out it's not my favourite method of construction. Congrats and good luck to whoever receives the blanks.

  22. Love your plans for your EPP projects. Great way to repurpose them in to something you like. It’s good to hear your break is coming up and you “might” be able to delete Zoom from your life. Love the chance to win the EPP papers. So many fun projects in the bundle of papers.

  23. I understand that deer have a preference for certain colors. White must not be one of them.

  24. Table runners are a great way to use all of those up.


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