Saturday, April 24, 2021

Still behind, but catching up

 Hello everyone, and happy weekend! It seems to me that these weekends are coming closer together than they used to, though this was a long week. I think that means that we're heading towards summer. Seems like it has been a long time coming, doesn't it?
In my few spare moments this week (ha, ha!) I finally started getting caught up on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for this year. I have done very little for it since January, when the color was pink. I know, you thought I gave up! I had my doubts, too, but I'm no quitter, so now I need to catch up on the colors I have missed. I started with the current color, lighter blue:
Okay, they look a little green because of the light, but they really are blue. These are the blocks that I am making for Sharon Holland's Saguaro quilt pattern. These are really easy, with big pieces, and however many blocks I end up with is what will determine the size of the finished quilt. Fun fact: this is the last picture we'll have of that tree, because it's getting cut down this coming week. Turns out it's almost hollow!
I also got started on some yellow blocks:
These blocks are fantastic for those prints you just don't know what to do with. I have a couple more of those in the scrap bin, so there will be a couple more yellow blocks. I really do love yellow. I think that bush that the blocks are hanging on is a really overgrown azalea. There are a couple in the back of the yard (which hasn't been taken care of in decades), and they surprised me by flowering this spring. I almost never go back there, so when I saw the flowers, it really was a surprise. I would swear they flowered this past fall, too.

Just because I was outside, where it was semi-windy but also quite nice temperature-wise, I also pulled out the pink blocks and took a progress picture:
Not too bad for someone who hasn't worked on these very much since January! I think I need to make another pink as well as a couple more of the yellows. I'm not sure what to do about green, because I want all of the "leaves" to be green. I think I'll be able to find some lighter greens, but not the darks. I think I can fill in with other colors pretty well, though.

I've also sorted out and cut some of the little bitty squares for the 16-patches for the other RSC project, but no pictures there yet. Every year the projects look a little anemic until we're a few months in, and every time I add another little block to the box they start to feel a little more like a project and I can start to imagine the finished quilt. I'm almost to that point with both of these quilts, which makes it all just a bit more fun.
One more picture of those pretty red flowers to wind up this post. I suspect this will also be the last time we see this one, because it really is a jungle back there. Sooner or later I'm going to be tired of it and break out the saws and start clearing. Not this weekend, though! 

Have a good weekend!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21.


  1. Uh-hu it is a great restart, Mari and your blocks are really beutiful, I wish I was making them (LOL). Sorry to know that big tree will be cut down...
    Happy and safe weekend.

  2. Those blocks are looking really good - very spring-y! A lighter green should work with the leaves.

  3. Better that you take the tree down than it falls and damages your house or something. Still, it's sad when they have to come down. Your RSC blocks are looking good! I might have some dark greens I could send. Let me know.

  4. I really like your blocks! Before you know it you will be caught up! My UFOs are decreasing but better than increasing! LOL. Have a great week-end!

  5. Your "jungle" makes for some beautiful photo shoot opportunities! For the "green" blocks, perhaps skip that color and choose something entirely different (green with green would be tricky unless it is chartreuse tinged with pink like an orchid).

  6. welcome back and I like your blocks and green for the points

  7. Always great when summer is around the corner. Beautiful projects and stunning Azalea.

  8. It's perfectly understandable that you might fall behind on your RSC blocks given the current circumstances, but hopefully we are inching our way back to some semblance of normal. I fully intended to get back into RSC this year, but it just didn't happen and I'm not going to worry about it. Other things are getting done and that's what's important. Too bad about the tree. Our village has had to remove a lot of older trees the last few years due to age, insect damage and disease.

  9. Yep, your beautiful pink flowers are azaleas. I wish I knew whether cutting them way back next fall would help with regrowth but I'm not much of a gardener. I hate to see big old trees come down but sometimes it just has to be done. You've done a great job of catching up with RSC blocks. I was thinking you could very dark green leaves and a light green for the insides? The blocks are going to make a beautiful quilt.

  10. Your RSC blocks are SEW pretty, Mari. Love, love, LOVE that leggy old azalea!! As long as they still bloomed, they would remain the way they are if they were in my yard. I prefer them wild and ungroomed.

  11. I love that cotton boll fabric!

  12. These blocks are very pretty together. Your flowers are pretty as well.

  13. I can see that it will be a beautiful quilt!

  14. Just getting caught up on blog posts here. I’m always sad when I find out that a tree needs to be cut down. (Just read about another on Sandra’s blog) I know it’s necessary, but still sad. Your quilt blocks always look so neat against your trees. The azalea is breathtaking, even if it is a spindle.) I like your RSC blocks a lot. For the greens, maybe just do contrasting greens between the main part of the blocks and the leaves? They’ll be green plants among the flowers. So happy for you that you got to see some of your grands. It’s a giddy feeling, isn’t it? A slice of almost normal. Your grandma’s crocheted circles on your previous post are such a special remembrance of her. I have one large one made by my grandma mounted on blue fabric in a frame. The fabric sets of the details really well. I hope the end of the school year goes fast for you so you can truly relax.

  15. Picture perfect - your blocks and your azaleas :-)

  16. I'm so far behind on my RSC blocks that I just skipped the light/bright blues and started the reds. I'll go back and do the blues when I have time.


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