Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A new project and an old one

 Hi everyone! Well, the cicadas are still with us, and now they are making very loud noises. Also, I swear they wait for me to come out the door and then decide to fly all around. Several of them have now landed on me and I managed not to kill either them or myself. I did freak out, though, and I am taking joy in watching the birds have a feast. Can it be schadenfreude if we're talking about insects? I promise to stop complaining about them now!

Anyway-- I started a new quilt project. Yahoo! Now that I've had some sleep, all of a sudden I have about a thousand quilt ideas, so of course I decided to make a quilt from a pattern. I don't even have great pictures yet, but here is one that shows some of the colors and fabrics:

Yeah, not a great picture, but it gives you an idea. Believe it or not, this is a mystery quilt that ran for the last couple of weeks at Laundry Basket Quilts, which is the company and blog for Edyta Sitar. She does lovely fabrics in soft, nostalgic colors, and on her blog she gives away a lot of patterns. This pattern ran as a mystery quilt over 14 days. You know how well I get along with mysteries, so I watched the project take shape, then got pretty excited about it as it got closer to the end. After I saw the final quilt, I decided to make my own.

Of course, I had to do my own thing, so I'm making mine using scraps, and hoping to use up some of the gray bits I have hanging around here. If you look at the photos, you can see a couple of different grays. I got so excited about this project that I even laid out the grid that Edyta has in her pattern on my design wall, using pins. That is the picture above, and I'm filling in the blocks as I go. (Oops, I see I have to move one.) That's not too bizarre, is it? Might as well make use of that design wall now that it's finally empty. I'm following the pattern in order and red blocks are next. I am irrationally excited about this.

So, there's that project! It's actually really easy and I'm liking it a lot. The only rule I made for myself is that I can't use any new fabric. Sadly, I don't think that will be a problem. . .really sure that I'll have a ton of scraps left, too.

The other project I've pulled out to work on is an older project that combined traditional 6-inch blocks with more modern 6-inch blocks. I love these colors and I'm so happy to be working on this project again. Don't those colors just make you feel happy and summery?

That's just a small update from here. I'm actually thrilled to be able to spend some time in the sewing room again, and there are nice windows in there that almost shut out the sounds of the cicadas singing. I'll leave you with a picture of one of the little buggers (yes, those are eyes):

Hope you are all getting in some stitching time this week, too! I have several other things to work on, too, so I'm glad we're looking at some thunderstorms tomorrow!

Sharing at Midweek Makers.


  1. I dread when those bugs will get here in Ft Wayne. The news said soon. they also said it happens every 17 years and I dont remember this before. Thankfully they are harmless and we have lots of birds and squirrels around here. I have 2 dogs, I hope they and the bugs leave each other alone.

  2. Well, I gotta say that cicada is a cool looking bug! Your quilt projects look like fun. Would love to have a nice big design wall like that!

  3. I've been avoiding all new QALs and mysteries as I have too many UFOs and WIPs already. At least the cicadas are just annoying and loud and will soon be gone. We've been invaded by gypsy moth larva and the trees are taking a beating. It's always something isn't it? Enjoy your enforced indoor sewing.

  4. I've been watching that Edyta S mystery quilt too, but didn't get terribly excited about it - until I see your color choices. I love your bright colors and it will be fun to see it come together.

    We don't seem to have any cicadas around here at all. But I do remember the summer my oldest daughter was born - 1981 - we were in a drought and the grasshoppers took over. They ate every green leaf off of the shrubs in the yard and in the garden. So bizarre!

  5. I love your start on the mystery quilt, and it will be fun to see how those spaces get filled in! The other blocks you pulled out look like a summery treat to work on, too. Those cicadas are fascinating in a scientific way, but I, personally, would be avoiding them, too!

  6. You've chosen two wonderful projects to work on, Mari. Have fun!!

  7. Hi Mari! HAHA! Those cicadas aren't just waiting and watching for you to step outside. I promise, although it certainly does seem like it, doesn't it?! Yay! Your sewing mojo is back!! Mine came back just like that, too. I imagine some sleep had a whole lot to do with it. I love all the different blocks and the pretty scraps being used up. Four-patches, nine-patches, whatever those other blocks are called - what's not to love?! Yippee for rain - maybe the cicadas will drown. Ooh, that's harsh, huh?! Keeping on keeping on - I'm looking forward to seeing this project wrapped up. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. SO far the cicadas haven't made themselves present here - YET. That Laundry Basket quilt top project looks very interesting and yes, I love the colors of the second one. Hooray for energy and motivation to sew!

  9. Both projects look fun to work on - I can't wait to see the finishes!

  10. I lived in Columbia, MD 17 years ago and vividly remember the Brood X coming out and singing. And, crunching under foot. I've gotten a kick out of the DC news people reporting on serious issues outside and in the background hearing the cicadas. I really like your start on the mystery quilt. I may amble over there and take a look. I am not great at doing mystery quilts. I used to only make mysteries because I was working full time. Now that I'm retired I should try one again. Thanks for sharing who's sharing this one.


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