Saturday, May 29, 2021

Rainy and red

 Hello all, and a good Memorial Day weekend to you! It's very damp here and smells a bit musty because it's been raining quite a bit, but I'm happy to see the weekend arrive. I've just about completed my transition to summer mode, where I work on stuff until I get bored, then move on to something else-- and no one cares or tells me I should finish something else. It's pretty great, and it comes with more sleep.

One of the things that I worked on this week was my quest to catch up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge by making red blocks. These are the blocks for the quilt I am making from Sharon Holland's Saguaro pattern, which is really well suited to the RSC. Here are my red blocks:
It is very wet here today! It's been raining for days, which is okay because we really need it. As you may remember, I don't have a lot of red, and what I do have doesn't get used very often. It's just not my color. I only have these scraps because I've been cutting for another quilt, though I do have some scraps of darker reds. These are brighter and happier reds, though, and I like them for this quilt. 
A few months ago the RSC color was the darker end of the green spectrum, but as you can see, I'm using greens for "leaves" on each of the blocks because it seemed like a good idea when I started. To fill in for the darker greens, I made some blocks using black prints:
I admit this is an out of the box choice, but just look at those blocks. I think they turned out amazingly well. Look at the cute strawberry block! I was unsure about these, and then after I made them I wanted to ditch all the other blocks and finish making the quilt with all black prints. I didn't do that of course, but it was tempting.
I wish I could say that I caught up on all the rest of the RSC projects, but I haven't yet. I'm finishing off the last of the Hands to Help donation quilts, and then tomorrow starts Preeti's Positivity Quilt Along, and I'm still working on the Edyta Sitar quilt, which is going pretty quickly. Pretty sure those scraps in the bins will wait for me.

Hope you all have a good start-of-summer weekend and Memorial Day on Monday. In addition to stitching a few things, I'll be dodging some raindrops and putting in the plants at long last. I'm ready for flowers, how about you? 

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21.


  1. wonderful blocks - scrappy green was a good choice for the constant

  2. Beautiful blocks! I have a lot of red, but am glad to be moving on to a new color now.

  3. You are blogging too fast. I cannot keep up with you. Not at this rate, anyway.
    Happy long weekend to you too :-) June is purple. I am off to rummage in my purple bin :-)

  4. Hi Mari - I agree with you on the black blocks. They are wonderful. Good choice subbing those prints for the greens. Please send me some of your rain. It is dry, dry, dry here. Plus supposed to hit the high 90's - 100's over the next couple of days. I will be inside with the A/C on. Time to sew!

  5. Fabulous blocks! I agree, the strawberry block is pretty dang cute! Happy Summer Mode to you! We may finally be able to put out some flowers. Usually our last frost is Memorial Weekend. Low 40s for the nighttime lately! My furnace is running as I type this morning. It was 48 when I got up!
    I’ll meet you at Preeti’s tomorrow for the start of her QAL. Fabrics are pulled!

  6. Those saquaro blocks are really neat, Mari! They will definitely be pretty in a rainbow of colors, but I love the ones you made in the black with bright prints! We might get some raindrops here in Colorado for Memorial weekend, too, but we can always use some moisture!

  7. Your RED blocks look great, Mari! I just finished up my last H2H quilt today. I'm looking forward to starting Preeti's QAL tomorrow, too!

  8. Your blocks look so pretty, Mari.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hmm, I'm on a mission to get a few Quilts of Valor tops done and ready for the longarm. This block would be beautiful in red, white and blue!! Currently, I have 2 in process so will have to wait to try out this one. Yours are going to be so pretty made up into a quilt!!

  10. My flowers are all in now. It is rainy & chilly here (we even had frost warnings). I'm sewing some grad gifts right now, after finishing a test pattern. Enjoy your stitching!

  11. Isn't it delightful to be able to go at your own pace for a while. I think your black prints substitution was perfect for those blocks. We had to turn on the heat on Friday as it rained all day and the temps were in the low 40's. My phone said it hit 39 last night. So the plants just need to deal with it. But we did need the rain. And it's back to the 80's by next weekend. Weird weather just keeps getting weirder.

  12. I'm anxious to get some flowers planted too. We've been gone so much this month with college graduations in NC & CO. Our weather hasn't cooperated much here in IL either with lots of rain and bouts of colder than normal temps. I also started Edyta's QAL and plan on joining in with Preeti. Oh my! Don't we all need just a little more time!?! Your Saguaro blocks just shine in both the reds and the blacks. Gorgeous!

  13. I love all of your blocks! We have had about 11 inches of rain in the last month and really needed it. San Antonio has had about 20 inches since January - a lot of that rain missed us. We arena the El Nino pattern and for the first time in about 5 years maybe longer we have grass again! Lovely to see our trees so green and the green grass. Have a great holiday week-end and keep on making those neat looking blocks! Hugs

  14. I can see the temptation in those black prints! (Maybe you need to start a second quilt?) (hee hee)

  15. Your blocks are so pretty. I do like the black prints even if I would have said no if asked whether to use them. You have so many fun projects going on that we will have some good blog reading for some time, I think.

  16. Mari it’s good to hear you have time now to play. The Saguara blocks are so pretty; both the red and the fun black fabrics.


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