Sunday, June 27, 2021

Positive progress

 Hi everyone! Yes, it's a very rare Sunday post! I'm usually busy doing family stuff-- or scrubbing something-- on the weekends, but I took some pictures of the progress I've made on my Positivity quilts to share today, so that's what I'm doing. Always good to have a plan, isn't it?

 You probably know by now that my friend Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts is running the Positivity Quilt Along to benefit Mercyful Quilts, which is overseen by my friend Bernie.  How could I not jump in and support some friends and contribute to a good cause? And I get to make a quilt, too, which is one of my favorite things to do.

You may recall that I had a problem with the first quilt I started, so I started a second one in case I couldn't figure out the first one. Doesn't everyone do that? Here is a small section of the second quilt:
It doesn't photograph really well because the colors are so soft (and I'm not a great photographer), but I think you get the idea. Here's a little bit better picture without so many shadows-- or flowers:
I've started to call this the Whisper quilt, because it's so quiet. I have all of the plus blocks made, and many of the alternate blocks. Sharp-eyed readers will notice that I changed the alternate blocks. I had planned to use this block in the first quilt, but am not using it now, so why not use it here? I like the trail it makes better than the first alternate block I showed. 

As for the second quilt, which is the first one I started, I think I've worked out what to do with that problem child. Here is a small section of that quilt:

For this one, I abandoned the idea of alternate blocks and used a sashing and cornerstone instead. This meant I had to make more plus blocks, and that meant that I really had to squeeze the fabric and get every little bit out of it. I just have a few more blocks to stitch together, and I think we're going to make it-- but only by a little bit!

I really like the "block" formed by the corners of the blocks and the cornerstones, and I think it makes a nice overall look for the quilt.

If you'd like to make this layout, you'll need to make 30 blocks and then sash them with 20 cornerstones, then also add a border to make it the proper size. In my diagram above, all of the grid squares equal 2 inches finished, so I think you can figure out the rest of the cutting and whatnot from there.

So, that's the progress I've made so far on my Positivity quilts. The blocks are really easy, and there is plenty of time to jump in, so consider making a quilt and joining in the quilt along. There is a lot of information--including something like a dozen possible layouts-- over on Preeti's blog, so you can get started right away. And did I mention that there are prizes? Yep, Preeti has lined up some great sponsors, so you may get something more than a warm feeling from making this quilt!

Hope you all are making progress on your quilts,  and thanks to Preeti and Bernie for the fun quiltalong. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Sharing with the Positivity linkup at Needle and Foot.


  1. Nice blocks, all of them, and I like your layout. I have 12 blocks done, but think I might run just short of background fabric (I'm cutting as I go, 12 blocks at a time). Anyway, I should get a post written.

  2. The two layouts are beautiful Mari, it is hard to point which one I liked the most.
    happy sewing/quilting new week.

  3. So cool that each quilt has a totally different vibe. Whisper is so soothing and soft. The red and green quilt is also lovely with a great secondary pattern coming along too. Both are wonderful. Thanks Mari for making the quilts and for linking up. :-)

  4. Dare to be different...I read on a bumper sticker. Hold my turmeric milk, said Mari. And then she was not just different but prolific too. Love you GF and all the Positivity you bring to my life!!! Love the red blocks with snowballs and sashing.

  5. Its great progress - and it shows lots of interesting ways to use this block!

  6. Oh I especially LOVE the second one with the red pos blocks! Going to be beautiful!

  7. Hi Mari! Oh so glad that the first, problem-child quilt is back on the table so to speak. I adore the layout you have chosen to highlight the pluses. All around, both of your quilts look fabulous. Whisper seems like the perfect name to me, as we both know how quiet a whisper can be especially from those calm and serene colors. You're doing Preeti and Bernie proud! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I love how you've taken the plus quilt and made the layout your own. Yes, whisper is a good way to think of the blue quilt, and now that I see the second first quilt, I don't really remember what the original layout was, but I know I like this one. A lot.

  9. Those are two great design ideas, Mari! I like them both, and pretty fabric choices, too. Thanks for sharing how you've figured out the second one with sashing and corner triangles!

  10. I like both of your versions very much, Mari. SEW glad to hear that your plans for the quilts are falling into place!

  11. It's not like Preeti didn't already give us enough ideas for layouts. I really like your second design. Alas, I haven't made a single block as yet and if it doesn't cool down a bit, I don't know if I'll get one done. But I'm going to try. Bernie can always use the quilts, even if I don't finish by the deadline for the QAL.

  12. Both your quilts will be totally unique! You go girl!

  13. I love the fact that you decided to make the positivity quilt your own by sashing the blocks and the other one having a alternate block. It really is amazing how different they both look. I have to say I really like the alternate block version. Keep up the great job!


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