Friday, July 2, 2021

Damp but full of joy

 Hi all! Has it cooled off where you are at all? We had several very hot days, including one where it reached 99 degrees, then we had a really big thunderstorm yesterday and it really cooled off. My husband and I call those "red storms" because of how they look on the radar, but this time red was our lucky color since it really is much nicer outside now. My brother, however, lives in Portland, Oregon, and he is baking, so I really do empathize with everyone in the heat. 

A good place to be in the heat is a nice cool sewing room, right? It was so hot that I went downstairs just to clean up that room. I sorted a whole bunch of scraps and felt very virtuous. And then I put a binding on another finished quilt. Yay me! Here is a new finished beauty:

 I love this quilt! I called it Joyful, because just look at it! Doesn't it scream "joy?" I'm sorry to say that I made this fun and happy quilt in 2017, and it has hung in the closet ever since. This is a shame, because it's just the kind of quilt you want to have around to look at and pick you up when you're a little down. I could have used this a few months ago.

I took the photos of this quilt this morning because I just finished the binding yesterday, and it rained and rained. This morning it was still really drippy in the trees where I usually take pictures, so I moved to the other side of our property, where there are fewer trees and we have the swingset. Why haven't I done this before? It was perfect for hanging the quilt and getting some really interesting pictures, plus I got to see some baby bunnies before they became hawk food. 

In my ongoing quest to clear out the unquilted tops in the closet, I finally sent this off to my friend Diane, who worked her magic using a stitching design called Cloud Nine. I love the design and think it really works on this square quilt. It gives it such great texture:
Every bit of this quilt is scraps, including, to my great surprise, the binding. I auditioned several bindings, including turquoise, pink, orange, and yellow, but none of them worked. 
What can I say? The quilt wants what the quilt wants, and this one wanted a scrappy binding. Thankfully, I have a jar where I keep all the binding ends from my quilts, and I used quite a few of those pieces in the binding here. I actually really like how it turned out, and now I have six yards of a really nice turquoise binding ready to go for some other lucky quilt. 
While we're looking, check out that backing! I bought this specifically for this quilt, which is something I seldom do, but who could resist? It's perfect for the quilt and makes the front of the quilt really shine. And it's also quite joyful!

When I made this quilt top, I started with the orphan block in the center and just kept adding rounds until I felt like it was done. The only goal was to use up scraps. Some of the rounds are things I hadn't done before, like the triangles and the arrangement of the geese. I learned something from each of the rounds, but I still like the geese the best. I think they turned out really cool-looking, and they were fun to make (not the case with most geese!)

So there is some reason for joy in my morning! I hope you all have lots of reasons to be joyful this weekend, and that everyone has a safe and happy Independence Day celebration. It feels so normal to say that! Happy Fourth of July, and I hope everyone overseas has a great weekend, too!
Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, and Oh Scrap!


  1. You’re right - it is a joyful quilt. Everything about it is happy. Wonderful finish! We desperately need rain, but it did cool off for a few days this week. Today it’s heating back up and by Sunday we can expect over 100 again. Wishing the rain on the east coast would be shared here.

  2. That is such a happy quilt, Mari! Love the bright colors and the great backing, too. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  3. That is a joyful quilt, so full of color and variety in the blocks. We could use some rain here, but the storms just keep dancing around us.

  4. Lovely quilted texture on a fun bright quilt. The scrappy binding is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  5. It is a very joyful looking quilt! And I think it is very happy to finally be pulled out of the closet. It is way too beautiful too hang there longer ;) Enjoy your finish and the 4th of July party. xo Melanie

  6. Congratulations on a finish and such a cheerful one, Yayyy! I love your backing fabric and the scrappy binding.

  7. Love everything about the quilt. It is so me :-) I would not call it full of joy, though. Bursting/Exploding or Overflowing with Joy is more like it :-) The backing is so pretty...I am begging for scraps :-p How big is it and who is getting it? Are you keeping it? When do we meet? I am full of questions :-)

  8. It is a modern happy and joyful quilt. Love it, Mari.
    The backing, the quilting and the binding everything just perfect.
    Happy weekend. Happy 4th of July!

  9. Perhaps you picked just the right time to finish it up as it is so summery looking.

  10. Fantastic colourful finish. Love the coloured binding

  11. Perfect name for this quilt, Mari! It is just fantastic with all the bright, happy colors. Oh - that backing is amazing as is the quilting. I love all the scrumptious texture from the quilting. What a great finish! Happy 4th!

  12. Sometimes the best things happen when we work with our scraps and let our ideas grow as we work/play (rather than following a pattern or someone else's design). This one is FABULOUS! And I love the photos you shared. Happy Fourth - enjoy your weekend.

  13. I love the colors in this quilt! And the background sets those colors off so well! Joyful is a great name. Carol in Texas

  14. It's definitely a joyful quilt. Congrats on finishing it up!!

  15. I love it and yes, it is bright and joyful!! That hanging in the closet bit happens a lot with my quilts as well. I've gotten a few of them finished the past few months so there's always hope.

  16. Gorgeous! It's like you took a happy dance and turned it into a quilt!

  17. Joyful for sure! You stopped me for a second. 2017? Seems like it was yesterday. (We must have lost a year in there somewhere.) I love your creative rounds, especially the geese. And the backing looks like it was just made for the front. Have a happy holiday, Mari!

  18. So glad you got that quilt out and finished it up. It deserves to be used and loved - it is lovely! Thanks for sharing your scrappy quilt with Oh Scrap!

  19. I remember the process used when you made this pretty quilt. It is a fantastic finish - so happy and bright. I love it - the cheery colors, scrappy binding and spring-like backing. Perfection!!

  20. I absolutely love your quilt. I hope you enjoy it and keep it close whenever you need some joy around you.

  21.'s one happy quilt! Love how it all came together and is now done!

  22. What a delightful quilt, so full of HAPPY! Thanks for the inspiration!


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