Saturday, July 10, 2021

Chain links

Hi everyone, and happy weekend! I hope you all had a lovely week. I was mostly inside, because it is hot and rainy, but I did get a lot of things done. After almost two years, the house is finally starting to feel like home. Once I get the hallway done, I think I'll be finished with home improvements for a while. Until I get sick of something else and absolutely have to change it or paint it, that is.

Since I wanted desperately to stay in the air conditioning, I made some progress on the Color Chain quilt that I'm working on for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This month's color is a darker blue, which we all know is not my favorite color. How about some medium-ish blues instead? Here we go:

These blocks are super easy to make, but my real surprise was how many blue bits I actually have.  Since I cleaned up and sorted out the scraps that were in various baskets, I discovered quite a bit of blue. I'm going to need a plan for that, but for now these blocks will have to do.
For last month, I had made two lonely purples:
I don't know why there are only two instead of three, but I must have gotten distracted. That's easy to fix, though. I have a whole bunch of purple to use up.

Finally, I also finished up the red chain blocks that I also got too distracted to finish:
Very cheery, aren't they? Red is a perfect color for midsummer, and none of the flowers have dried up yet. I love having the pots up on the railing. I can see them from inside and they always make me happy.

In a crazy moment between rain showers, I took all of the blocks out to the rustic stone patio we have and laid them out:

It was very sweaty, but worth it. They look so great! It will be a cheerful quilt for sure. I only need ten more blocks to finish this up.. Not sure how I'll lay them out yet, but it will definitely emphasize the chain. (If you'd like to make these blocks, there are instructions right HERE.)

So, there is my progress for a colorful chain quilt! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the weekend. Today (Saturday) is my dad's 81st birthday, so there are some shenanigans sure to ensue, involving everyone, including great grandchildren. Looking forward to quite the time!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21.


  1. It will be beautiful, Mari. I love the simplicity and all the various colors, very cheerful.

  2. That's going to make a pretty quilt, Mari! Thanks for the link back to the instructions for assembly.

  3. I'm glad you've been able to catch up on your blocks. It will make a lovely rainbow quilt. Happy Birthday to your Dad. I'm sure everyone will enjoy the family gathering.

  4. Those blocks look wonderful together in all of those bright cheerful colors. Love them. It's a "sweaty" morning here too - not terribly warm but so sticky. I walked down the driveway to get the newspaper this morning and felt sticky.

  5. Your chain blocks are so sweet, I'll check out the tutorial for them. We have had a cooler and misty/rainy week, which we needed. Have a great weekend.

  6. Pretty chain blocks! Enjoy the birthday shenanigans!

  7. Pretty chain blocks! I saved the link. I love your baskets; I only put impatiens in mine because they are in the shade, but they are doing great this summer with all the rain.

  8. Such a cheerful looking quilt. Some lucky person will love that.

  9. Great blocks, love the rainbow effect. Have a fantastic week.

  10. Your colourful blocks look wonderful together!

  11. I love those chain blocks, Mari! And all of them together are going to make a beautiful quilt. Hope you're staying cool!

  12. Your chain blocks are coming along, it's good you've caught up. Has it really been 2 years since you moved? Time seems to just slip by so fast!

  13. Happy Birthday to Dear (Ole) Dad! Your blocks look so pretty and will be cheerful for sure. I've been looking for those on-the- pots and so far I've been unsuccessful. Guess I'll have a go on Amazon. Have a great birthday party & week!

  14. Colorful CHain blocks!!! So after the rain does the humidity drop? or still stay up there?

  15. SO delightful! I want to make some, now!

  16. I can tell already that it will be beautiful!


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