Friday, July 16, 2021

Peaceful blue vibes

 Hi all! How have you been, besides really hot? I had a great week, mainly because we spent most of it with family, including both my parents and my grandkids. It was my dad's Covid-postponed big birthday bash, and it was a blast! A lot of us in this now-extended family were able to get there, and it was just great to be together. There may have been some tears, and not just from the teething one-year-old. The best part for me was getting to see my grandkids interacting with my parents, and listening to the five-year-old tell my dad all about his trip to the haircut store (which he loves.) We all had the best time.

We got home to find a pile of mail that was postmarked in December. (I am not joking.) Thanks for the Christmas cards, folks! I also got back to today's finished quilt top. I meant to take pictures before we left, but it didn't happen. Oh, well! That's what Friday mornings are for, right?  Here is a nice cool blue quilt top for those of you who are really warm right now:
Yahoo! This is my first quilt top for the Positivity Quilt Along, and this quilt is destined for Mercyful Quilts. You know I had to do something different from everyone else, so I set mine with alternate blocks and added borders. I kept it all monochrome so that it would feel peaceful and calm, and I'm happy with how it looks.
To tell the truth, I think the borders really make this quilt. When I finished the quilt center I was really in despair because it was just so bland. Not peaceful and calm, just blah. I added a pale blue narrow inner border and a wider outer border in a deeper blue and it came alive. I was so relieved!
This quilt used up a couple of pieces that have been kicking around here for a really long time. Every last bit of the primary beige in the quilt top got used, and I even had to piece the very last large square. All of the beige in the alternate blocks also got used up, and if you look really closely you'll see that there are four alternate blocks that use a different beige. I ran out of the first fabric and had to improvise. Nothing to be done, and it still looks good. Most of the two blues were also used up.

I've ordered a pale blue backing for this quilt, and I really need to have it finished before mid-August if I have any hope of making Preeti's deadline. I think the only way to quilt this is with a crosshatch that follows the chains in the alternate blocks. Thank goodness, because I am pretty sure I can handle that!

Hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to a great weekend. It's nice to be home, but I have more laundry to do,  and I'd better hit the grocery store because I'm pretty sure we'll want to eat sometime in the next 24 hours. Then there is that second Mercy quilt, which is calling my name, along with sixty more things. . .it never ends. Not that I want it to! Happy stitching, and I hope you all are having happy reunions, too.

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, and Preeti's linkup.


  1. That sounds like a lovely time with your family, Mari! So glad you were able to finally do it. Your Merciful quilt is beautiful! I love the chain effect - those alternate blocks were such a good idea.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to meet your family again, that sounds like so much fun. Love your Merci Quilt! Great idea on the alternate blocks and the borders are perfect. It turned out very pretty and doesn't it feel good to use up some scraps? Definitely not hot here; we have 60.8F with high humidity this morning. BRRR! That's 'winter' in the tropics! Have a great weekend!

  3. Your PositivityQAL quilt is SEW restful, Mari!! Thanks for mentioning the laundry, as I put in a load before going to bed and had forgotten all about it. Happy quilting and best of luck with the 2nd Mercy quilt you have planned!

  4. The blue border definitely brings out the color of the plus blocks. It must have been fun (and touching) to see your grands get to interact with their great grandparents. And what a surprise it must have been to see that mail from December.

  5. That is a beautiful quilt, Mari! I love it! You just got some December mail now?? Whoa. It's a lovely morning here, but will heat up as the day goes on. Hope you enjoy stitching away, after those pesky errands are done!

  6. That quilt came out beautifully. You did a great job pairing the positivity block with an alternate block. Wonderful. How fun to have a big family gathering. Happy BD to your dad, albeit late! I'm looking forward to seeing your second quilt.

  7. I am so glad to know you had great time with family, unfortunately for me this is still a dream.
    Your quilt is a beauty, Mari. Love how you made it with alternate blocks.
    Happy weekend.

  8. Oh Happy Happy Times! I love that you can all get together!
    and that quilt - what a great way to set those blocks!! It looks so great! Crosshatching will be a good quilting choice!

  9. This is just beautiful Mari. Interesting how the borders really made it work - it is perfect!
    December mail in July - give new meaning to Christmas in July I suppose.
    So glad you had all that family time - nothing better, that's for sure!!

  10. Lovely quilt, very peaceful and pretty! And congratulations on your happy visit with family.

  11. Thank you for being different in your own unique way, Mari. It is a breath of fresh air. The heat has been a bother. UGH!!! Therefore your soothing blues are a welcome sight :-) Just 60 things. I am sure you are forgetting something :-D See you soon. Big Hugs.

  12. So pretty, Mari! I love the blues— and that border. It all makes me think of a lovely summer day, and I think it will give those vibes to whoever receives it

  13. Ack. I wasn’t done with my comment. Oops. Anyway, I sure do wonder where those Christmas cards were biding their time. Fun that you got the greetings, though. I’m glad you got to do other greetings in person. Being with grandkids is a blast, but seeing them with their great grandparents is really special! I hope you got lots of photos. Sounds like this summer is just what you’ve been waiting for. Enjoy the rest!

  14. Such a pretty calm quilt! I never would have thought to use alternate blocks, I’m boring like that! What fun to have a big family gathering. I so miss my kids, grands and great grandchildren. We are so spread out! Gathering is a big hurdle.


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