Saturday, August 14, 2021

A cool spot in the heat

 Hi everyone, from a very warm and very wet Baltimore! It was more than 100 degrees on my home thermometer twice this past week, and 104 degrees on my car thermometer. I've said it before, but God bless Willis Carrier. Plus, we had some storms with spectacular lightning and very loud thunder. It was quite exciting. As of this week, we have now lived in Baltimore for two years, so I'm trying to think of the flashes and banging as a celebration, kind of like fireworks.
This is when I'm happy that my sewing room is in the basement bedroom. It's much cooler down there!  And here's what came out of the room with me when I had no choice but to go back upstairs:

Slightly drenched flowers and the final scrap basket for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge! Yay! The picture isn't the greatest because I was in a huge hurry to get back inside before the skies opened up again, so here is one that is a little more focused:

Look at those pretty and cool aquas, with some turquoise tossed in. I love aqua and turquoise and had a lot of scraps to choose from. I've made all of the baskets differently, and this one is strips of aqua in random widths, assembled quilt as you go style. It worked really well and went fast, and hardly made a dent in the scraps. They're all so pretty that I don't mind looking at them, though.

Here is the whole scrap basket family (ignore the creative mess):

I promise that they are mostly the same size, but some of them are a little more squished than others. Taking this picture is when I realized that I somehow skipped making a yellow basket. Yikes! I don't know how this happened, because yellow is one of my favorite colors. More to the point, where did I put the bin of yellow scraps?

That's a question for another day, because this weekend I'll be finishing up those positivity quilts for the quilt along, which ends next week. I never finish on time, but this time I feel like I have to get it done before school starts. We have meetings next week, so I'd better get a move on!
I hope you all have a great weekend! If you feel like doing some shopping from your sofa, my friend Bernie at Needle and Foot has marked down the fabric in her shop even further, with some really good bargains. Check it out HERE and be sure to tell her I said hi, too!


  1. Not fun temps, but glad you are getting some rain. We are in a drought here, but the humidity has dropped and the weather is lovely. I just realized it's well after midnight - oops. Anyway, your basket looks great, as do all the others. Hope to see a yellow one soon!

  2. Fabulous scrap sewing. Those baskets look very cute together. Hope it’s a bit cooler for you.

  3. Gad you are getting some rain. Here where I live everything is so dry...
    Love to see all your scrap baskets together. Well done, Mari.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy sewing.

  4. those are great baskets. We never had it hit 100 but it was 97-98 all week so it sure did feel like 100. Thankfully a storm front came through, we missed the rain other than a brief shower but we are now supposed to be lower temps this next couple of days - I sure hope.

  5. We were predicted to be in the 90's all week, but never quite made it. And that was hot enough with high humidity and a threat of storms every day which also did not occur. Don't think I could handle 100+ Good luck finding the yellow scraps. Maybe they are hiding in a yellow basket you forgot you made.

  6. What a gorgeous bunch of scrap baskets! And I love your creative "mess" too. It's much less messy than mine!

  7. What a pretty rainbow of color to look at whenever you're sewing, Mari! Your scrap baskets are wonderful. I appreciate the cooler temps in my basement sewing room, too. I would live a big loud thunderstorm out here in Colorado, though - haven't had one in awhile. Have a great last few days before heading back to school!

  8. Those baskets are sew pretty! Stay cool.

  9. Your weather sounds ridiculous! My New York kids have been suffering the same high temps and awful humidity. But it is mid-August so soon enough fall weather will be moving in.
    Love your baskets Mari. Much prettier than my plastic bins.

    Thank you for the shout out on the close-out sale! I appreciate it.

  10. No, it's not 'ignore the creative mess' it's more like 'enjoy the creative mess'. Your board is full of inspiring goodies. The baskets are all lovely!

  11. hi Mari... I love the colorful scrap baskets in your space!

  12. The baskets are awesome! I didn’t notice the yellow missing either. I wish you could share some of that rain with us. I spent a lot of hot, hot days hiding in my basement sewing room too this summer. I think we’ve had more days over 100 this summer than we’ve had the past 5 years combined. Aren’t we lucky to have those sewing rooms to give us a retreat?

  13. Awesome addition to your collection of fabric baskets, Mari!!

  14. Those baskets are a great idea... if you don't have cats! I have one, so far! They would be great gifts as well, stuffed with whatever you choose.

  15. I am sure you will finish not one but both of your Positivity quilts. Love the parade of baskets. They each have a different personality. Speaking of Willis Carrier, I noticed on FB recently one person had changed her status to "In relationship with the air conditioner" LOL. Two years already - we must celebrate with Indian food :-)

  16. Great baskets. You'll get to that yellow one soon.


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