Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Longarm lessons

 Hi all! How is your week going so far? It is so incredibly humid here that I'm having a hard time breathing outside. I didn't go out walking this morning because when I got up there was already an air quality alert and the humidity was at 88 percent. Okay, I'll sit on the sofa for the morning, thanks! I'm almost hoping for rain. Do you think that would help?

Unbelievably, I have a finish to show today! Everyone knows that finishes are for Fridays, but I'm too excited about it to wait, plus I might forget. Why take the chance? Here is the finish:
Hurray! This is the top that I made from the blocks in the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen last year. I'm not doing the challenge this year, but there is something else that is special about this quilt-- it's the first one that I've ever longarmed myself!

I had planned to rent time on a long arm a long time ago, before we moved to Maryland, but with one thing and another, it never happened. (I even lost my deposit!) Here we are two years later and this past week I've finally taken the required class and gotten permission to use the long arm at a shop here in Maryland. It's about a half hour from me, but I'm willing to drive it for the chance to do this again.

The class was one of the most fun times I've ever had stitching on any machine. There were only two of us in the "class" because there were only two machines for rent, and we each got to use one. We each brought a quilt top and back and actually got to quilt it up during the class. We only used a big meander, which went fast, but we did get through all the steps and the whole quilt. It was so awesome that I have no words.

The instructor was really good, and using the machine itself was a dream. Five minutes into the work I was wondering how fast I could save enough money to get myself a long arm. I actually thought, "I have got to get me one of these!" Alas, I'll be renting for a long time!

So, here's how nervous I was about using the long arm-- I actually made a pieced backing for the quilt. I never do this, but I figured that if I ruined it, it wouldn't be so bad if it was just leftover pieces. It was actually really hard to mess up, so the backing turned out great, too. These "stripes" are just leftover pieces from previous backings. I bound it in a nice gold from my basket o' scrap bindings, so everything in this quilt except the border is a scrap of some sort.

This quilt is a bit dear to my heart because it kept me sane through the very challenging year of 2020. Sometimes I forget it's 2021 because last year was so weird and stressful. I feel like we should have a do-over! The blocks brought me comfort, and the finishing brought me joy, so I'm donating this one so that someone else can have some comfort and joy, too, especially if they're in a challenging situation. I washed it and it came out nice and crinkly, and now it's off to it's new home.

There's the story of this quilt! I've already made another longarm reservation for a few weeks from now, and I'll be trying out some better freehand patterns then. The meandering was just learning to use the machine, go the right speed, etc. There is no computerization on these machines, so I'm on the lookout for a simple pattern I can practice. It will be fun, if imperfect!

Hope you all are having a good week. If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting next to the dehumidifier!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. You're lucky you have a shop that will rent. I tried to find a shop around that would rent time on a long arm and never could find one. I finally ended up ordering one, but I haven't taken delivery yet. I'm so looking forward to it.

  2. That’s a great finish. I am so happy that you had fun quilting on the long arm. I’m sure you will be doing more soon.

  3. I can imagine how excited you are. So lucky you have a place where you can rent and quilt. I never saw a long harm in person, but I think it makes the finishing process a lot easier and faster. You did a great job, Mari. It is a great finish.

  4. You sound like a natural on the longarm, you took to it like a duck takes to water!

  5. You did a great job, and what fun to share your excitement over the finish! I'm sure it will make someone very happy. It has been so sticky and humid here, even after the much needed rain this weekend (and more coming as I'm typing this). I am ready for fall weather!

  6. SEW glad to hear that you had fun with the longarm rental!! It made for a fabulous scrappy quilt finish, Mari.

  7. Yay for taking the plunge and renting large arm time. That's been on my radar for several years and there's a new shop only 10 minutes away that rents time. So in the fall, I'm going to do it and hope my experience is as positive as yours.
    Often the rain only makes it more humid unless it's because of a cold front moving through. We're hot and humid this week, too. I'm off to the grocery store and then I'll sit in front of the fan for the rest of the day.

  8. Your quilt looks great and a large meander is a great way to get the feel of the machine and its movement. It is a big investment to buy one so renting one is still less expensive than paying a longarmer. You have to make a lot of quilts for it to pay off owning one unless you want a business longarming for others. Then you don't have time to make your own quilts.

  9. It turned out great. A friend here in town had a long arm and helped me use it a few times. You’re right - so much fun! But then they moved away, and she sold her long arm. I would have loved to have bought it, but just didn’t have the money at the time. Their used to be a shop here too that rented time. But they’ve closed. Luckily I have a couple of good options for folks who will quilt for me when needed.

    I’m trying to do more of my smaller things myself.

  10. A wonderful quilt and a lovely story to go with it!
    A finished quilt is a terrific accomplishment!

  11. Always fun to be learning something new and succeed at it!

  12. Good for you, Mari! Your quilt looks great, and now you know you can do it. I have also thought about taking a class at my LQS to learn to use the long-arm, but have never done it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. it turned out so great!!! And it has such memories in it! Love he piece about a pieced backing haha! too funny! Hope your weather gets better - we are getting the smoke from all the fires that makes it hard to breathe so I am sympathizing with you!! Enjoy the couch!

  14. This is so pretty, Mari. The white really lets those pretty prints and colours shine. I also like that woods setting for it. Meanwhile we broke a dew point record here in Ontario last week but thankfully that has moved on and I can breathe outside again!

  15. Such a colorful quilt!!! Glad to hear you enjoyed longarming so much! Your quilt will be a joy to someone!!!


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