Saturday, October 30, 2021

Cactus Flower in the rain

 Hello all! So, I tried and tried and tried to get pictures of today's quilt so that I could post it on Friday, but would the weather cooperate? No, it would not. It has been raining for days, and yesterday was incredibly wet. It just would not stop, and it's still drippy and gloomy this morning. Nothing you want to take a quilt outside in. Some coastal areas in Maryland flooded, and you should have seen the little stream at the back of our property. It turned into a lake!
So, I didn't get pictures until just now, and they're damp. Ah, well, it's still a good-looking quilt top, however damp it is:
Hurray, it's a picture! This is the completed top made from the Saguaro blocks (pattern HERE) that I've been working on for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at soscrappy, and I am so, so happy to have it finished. This means that I have finished off two whole quilt tops from the RSC this year!

You might notice that this top does not contain all of the colors in the RSC. Here's the thing-- I pulled the blocks out and put them up on the wall, fully intending to make some orange blocks and then maybe a few others to fill out the quilt top, and then suddenly, I just didn't want to. I love stitching, and I love when a quilt is finished, but I just didn't want to make any more blocks. Do you ever feel that way? I think it turned out well even without a few of the colors, and I like the overall vibe.

Anyway, I counted and I had 25 blocks, which would make a nice quilt in a good size. I don't really go for square quilts, but I didn't want to either make more blocks or leave one out, so a square quilt it was. This finished at just about 66 by 66, which is bigger than I thought it would be, so I'm happy. And really, does this look like a rainbow quilt?
One pattern change that I made was to add some more of my scraps to the big blank areas. Putting the blocks together left big empty white spaces, so I used some of my prints-on-white scraps to make stitch and flip corners that came together in the centers. This broke up the big spaces and used more scraps. Hurray for that, because I never know what to do with those prints.
The pattern doesn't call for a border, but I felt that the quilt looked unfinished without one, so I auditioned a bunch of different fabrics and landed on this one. Are you surprised? I was! I would not have picked this in a hundred years, but I think it looks great with this quilt, kind of like a frame.

So, one more quilt top in the win column! I finished two RSC quilt tops this year, and I feel like that's a good RSC year. I still have far too many scraps, but I do have a plan for next year, and it involves very complex calculations, lots of math, and drawings. . .just kidding, of course! Still thinking about next year.

I admit I took this picture just to show the trees in the background. It's raining, but that makes them look so good!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend! I hope it is drier where you are than where I am! 

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC21, and also Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and the Patchwork and Quilts linkup on Sunday.


  1. I've really enjoyed reading along as you've made those blocks, Mari, and the quilt top looks great! I like the added corners that fit together in the white spaces, and the border fabric, too. You're definitely on a roll with getting quilt tops (and finished quilts!) done this year!

  2. Oh yes - this is a pretty quilt. I think sometimes a particular color just isn't needed. It's just right, without the orange.

  3. The quilt is definitely lovely! I love all the trees, too. What a great post!

  4. great finish! congrat! and you're right: it looks fine just as it is- no colors are missing!

  5. You've done great with two finished RSC quilts this year, congratulations. And like you, I'm also thinking about what to make for next years RSC. It's always fun to have a few ideas floating around.

  6. Congrats on another RSC quilt top finish, Mari!! I don' think I would have picked that to be the winner of the Saguaro border fabric, either. Surprise... It works SEW well!!

  7. Hooray for another top finish.
    It is a beauty and the border works so well.
    Love the trees picture.
    Have a great weekend, Mari

  8. Congrats on your finish. I like that it doesn't have to scream Rainbow and yet it is (except for the orange!)
    Here in SE Michigan the rain hasn't stopped in days for more than an hour or two. The flood warnings are up all around us. We haven't even had a frost yet!

  9. Another beautiful quilt. I always love everything that you make, lol.

  10. Another nice quilt, Mari. Yes, I've experienced that feeling of not wanting to make any more blocks; sometimes you just know it's time to be done. Your blocks look great in this design, and I like the added border. Nice finish!

  11. Congrats on the finish! I like how the secondary patterns of stars form and I like how you took the pattern and added your own finishing touches.

    And, gosh, what a beautiful view of the trees from the porch. Looks like a painting!

  12. Even in the rain this quilt glows. I like rainbow quilts, but am coming to the realization that when you leave out one or a few colors, the palette somehow is more sophisticated. And I like that, too! Isn’t it great when you find an unexpected fabric that just works? Yay for auditioning that border fabric. I hope you dry out for the little goblins to come around. We are damp here, too, and the color is mostly meh, with a few much appreciated pops of color.

  13. That is a super great top - and with everything all wet it just makes those colors so saturated! I love it!!

  14. Oh yes, Mari. Sometimes you just have to say - Enough. I am done. No more. This is it. NEXT!!! No one knows the difference because no one is making the comparisons that we were making before calling it quits. Cactus Flower flimsy looks lovely. I see stars as the secondary pattern - some interesting quilting motif could go there, ya know. The border is just perfect to protect the points.

  15. another beautiful top came together!

  16. I always want to put the quilt together with less blocks than I thought I would - I get impatient to finish it. I think this is so pretty - very earthy looking. Also it was funny because when I read the part about choosing a border, I had to go look again. I didn't even notice there was a border. I think the batik just blended into the foliage in the background. It is a great frame for the quilt though. Nice job with this Mari!!

  17. It looks wonderful with this border. Actually in the first couple of photos I didn’t even notice the border as it blends into the scenery. Beautiful colours in the leaves. It is a lovely top..

  18. love the nature shots with your quilts


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