Friday, November 12, 2021

Chasing squirrels

 Well, hello everyone! Been a couple of weeks, hasn't it? Sometimes life is more complicated than we want it to be, and really, I would swear it's only November first. Wasn't Halloween yesterday? In the last couple of weeks, I pieced a queen-sized quilt (which is a Christmas present, so it will be shown in January), visited a quilty friend, worked more than I can say, had about 50,000 meetings, and also managed to sleep a little. And, hey, the furniture that we ordered in April finally came! So if I need a nap, there's a place for that!

So, while I was piecing my gift quilt, I also veered off in a squirrelly direction or two. Several bloggers, including Julie, Wanda, and Nancy, are making Gridlock quilts, from a pattern by Kaffe Fassett. It happens that I need a quilt for myself, and you know what happens when a squirrel bites, so. . .

Yep, those are the first few blocks I've made for my very own Gridlock quilt. Once I saw Julie's and clicked through to the others, there was really nothing I could do but go and get the required book from the library (the only Kaffe book my branch had, too), start sorting fabrics, and start stitching. It just had to happen!

I need a backdrop for Zoom calls and classes, because I've rearranged the guest room where I taught last year and I don't necessarily want people staring at the bed in there (even though it's covered with a lovely quilt), plus I have a lot of leftover neutrals, so I was looking for a pattern for a neutral quilt. This one won't be as colorful as the others, but I think it will make a lovely backdrop.
I'm sorry to admit that the squirrels have run rampant in other ways, too. Last weekend Gudrun Erla had a one-day quilt-along with her new Phoenix pattern, and while I couldn't quilt along, I did pretty much assemble the whole top for that one, too. I just have a couple of blocks to go, so that will be finished soon, too.

I really don't know what got into me, but a while ago I purchased a bundle of towelling fabric, which I have never bought before. It sat and sat, and then last week I was bored so I just grabbed it, squared the ends, and hemmed the darned things. They are fantastic! I don't know why I waited so long to do them, but they work great. The hemming was super-simple, too. 

So that's my story for the last couple of weeks-- just work and chasing squirrels. At least they're friendly! Plus, even though I have to be stuck at work *a lot* right now, I get to enjoy this lovely view:

The view from my office, with the rain moving out.

Hope you all have had a good week and have some lovely views of your own, and not too many squirrels. The only way to get rid of them is to make the dang things, you know? Happy weekend!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Oh Scrap!


  1. The squirrels have been busy trying to distract me lately too. It's a constant struggle to ignore them, and obviously I'm not successful very often. But that is half the fun, right?

    Your view is really beautiful right now. Is that the campus where you teach? Or the view from your house?

  2. I think your Gridlock quilt will be subtle and beautiful. The blocks are easy to make and a lot of fun. You will have a lot less decisions than I have with mine being multicolor.

  3. Well, I had to go look up Gridlock blocks and I saw what Nancy has done. You are going to add color, aren't you? I captured the squirrel lurking outside my window and threw him in the freezer. Will pull him out and examine after Thanksgiving. It is just around the corner ya know!!!

  4. Love the neutral blocks (happy to pass along worthy squirrels, LOL). I think this will be a elegant background for your Zoom calls! And that view from your office window … happy sigh.

  5. If you pieced a queen-sized quilt while teaching and having all those meetings, plus a few other projects stuck in there, too, then I am impressed! The neutral Gridlock blocks are pretty and calming. They'll make a pretty background for Zoom calls!

  6. love your neutral blocks and I've had a few squirrels lurking in my yard, too!

  7. It must be catch up day. I too did my catch up post. Great to see you doing something lovely with all those neutrals. That’s a beautiful view and colours from your office. Have a great day.

  8. The neutral Gridlock quilt is going to be amazing! You do have a great view from your office! Hope your November is as productive as your past weeks have been! Handmade towels! Awesome!

  9. Even with 50,000 meetings you still manage to play with squirrels - woohoo! You have some nice projects in the works. In the meantime, we're still waiting for our furniture, which we ordered in September, so might be awhile . . .

  10. Squirrels make the best quilts! If a project calls your name, it is only polite to respond after all. I hope that work slows down for you over the holidays. Having more sewing time is always a good thing.

  11. Happy Squirrel Day, Mari!! I think your Gridlock quilt will be a lovely Zoom backdrop. Personally, I absolutely LOVE light neutral quilts!! I wonder if I have enough scraps for one of my own? Must put this on my SOMEDAY List!!

  12. I think it's fun to do a squirrel now and then! It keeps the mind fresh. So saying that, I just spent 1/2 hour chasing down the Kaffe pattern and checking out the book online- so a new squirrel for me too!

    Your view is lovely. Our fall here in southern Michigan was a real disappointment this year.

  13. Love your view AND am curious where you purchased the towel materials. I love those towels! That said, I have a blogging friend who weaves towels and sells them online. You should check out Joanne Noragon's CUP ON THE BUS blog (it's a Blogger blog).

  14. I had not heard of a Gridlock quilt before, thanks for the info. It will be very nice in neutrals. So glad your squirrels are friendly!

  15. Good work. I know a quilt shop that has toweling to purchase by the yard. I never know how much to buy. How much yardage was in each of those pieces?

  16. GO Squirrels
    that view from your office is beautiful!!
    ( and I think it could be conducive to squirrels haha!)


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