Friday, October 1, 2021

Circling the squares

Hi everyone! I can't believe it's October, can you? The weather has definitely taken a cooler turn, which is nice, but we have no turning leaves yet.  We do have leaves all over, though, because our neighbors had some gigantic trees taken down over the last couple of days. When I say gigantic, I mean really, really tall. They brought in cranes and everything. It was quite the project.
I had a project, too, though it did not involve cranes or leaves, and only a tiny bit of drama. And it turned out much prettier than a pile of branches and sticks! Here she is:
Like I said, prettier than a pile of sticks! This is my second hollow 9-patches quilt, made from scrap squares for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I made the top in the "before times," in 2019, which seems like so long ago, doesn't it? If only we had known what was coming. . .
I am so happy with this quilt, and not just because it's so bright and cheerful. I rented free time (not lessons) on the longarm and quilted this up myself. (I also quilted another one at the same time, but that will have to wait just a bit for its debut.) As always, it was more fun than a box full of scraps, and I came home with a finished quilt, which is just the best.
Look at those great colors! I tried to quilt this all over with circles in various sizes, but some of them are more circle-ish or only suggestions of circles, more like ovals, really. Some of them overlap a bit, but most of them are separate. I had a little trouble in a couple of spots, since I quilted myself into a corner, so to speak, and had to make some very, very small circles to back myself out of it. But that's why we use blendy thread colors, right? Since this was my first shot at making circles, I feel pretty okay about how they turned out. If nothing else, it makes a nice texture.
When I was quilting this, there was another quilter using the other machine, and we spent some time admiring each other's quilts and encouraging each other. It was great! When I was feeling bad about my flat circles, she picked me up, and when she had to rip some backing that had folded over and gotten quilted in, I commiserated. I can't even tell you how good it felt to be with a kindred spirit. Plus, it helps to know that I'm not the only one who screws up when stitching. 
Every bit of this quilt except the backing is a scrap, including the binding. The backing is a really pretty gray and white print that I bought for something else, but that didn't work out too well, so it was available for this quilt. I know, I actually bought gray and white fabric, but like I said, it didn't work out!  
I am thrilled to have this one quilted up and out of the closet, and I am so, so pleased that I'm making so much progress in that area. I might be trying to make up for last year, when it feels like I got nothing done. Anyone else have that feeling? 
Hope you all have a lovely fall weekend, filled with fall-themed goodies. Is it cool enough for hot apple cider, or should I wait? How about pumpkin pie?  Maybe pumpkin donuts! Thoughts?
Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished or Not Friday, Oh Scrap, and soscrappy for RSC21.


  1. For sure it is time for pumpkin pie, pumpkin bars and on and on, LOL. I love your quilt, so fun and bright. I have one started with that design in dark colors, thought it would make a good guy quilt.

  2. I'm not much into pumpkin pie, but you might be able to tempt me with a punkin donut. Your quilt turned out beautifully, with all that lovely color and quilting. How fun that you were able to quilt it on your own! Yay!

  3. I love pumpkin pie! But I'm the only one in the family that does so I look forward to this season and making/buying some. This quilt is really lovely and the colors blend well. And your loopy circles are a good match for the squares. I, too, have been finishing WIPs this year because I sewed like a fanatic last year and certainly had no interest in quilting. I've finished several lap quilt tops and a twin size, with at least one more to go. Then there are the WIPs needing a push. But it's all great!

  4. I love this quilt, Mari! It's so happy with all its colorful scraps. You always find the perfect background fabric, too. I'm glad you're having such success and good experiences with the long arm!

  5. Oh yes - that is a happy beautiful quilt. That sashing is really cute! Good job on the quilting.

  6. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, donuts, sure! Not so into the hot cider though. The quilt is wonderful. I often see my circles turning oval. I think it might be due to speed - If I speed up, I make a better circle. But maybe I am making that up? Don't quote me on that. Love the quilt and your geraniums. Mine look so hot and tired. No blossoms at all. Sigh.

  7. Happy quilt is the perfect description of this one. I remember you making these hollow nine patches. Did you use the same fabric for all the center squares? I'm thinking I might use it for next year's RSC. And that geranium is looking very healthy. My are all a bit bedraggled. I save them each year, but I think they may get tossed this year and I'll start with some fresh ones in the spring.

  8. Pumpkin pie -- Maybe. Pumpkin Cheesecake -- YES. Now as to 2020 vs 2021, my string of empty thread spools hold 3 for 2020 while my string for 2021 hold 20 and more to come.

  9. I’m still putting my Hollow Nine Patch into a flimsy. I keep your posts front and center for inspiration! I vote for Pumpkin donuts, pumpkin bars, pumpkin bread! I save pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, but that’s just me! It’s cool enough here for apple cider, pumpkin lattes! All the good stuff! Happy October,!

  10. If we had known what was coming, Mari, we still never would have believed it!! Nice job on using up more of those block. Awesome RSC finish!

  11. Well done with the quilting. You have done a great job. This is a great quilt for a group to do as a charity quilt. Easy to build blocks…Thanks for the idea.

  12. LOVE this quilt! and the quilting is perfect- adds just the right touch to all the straight lines...
    i need to jump back in and start finishing some of my piles of blocks, too. there are sooooo many!

  13. great quilt and a finish is always a good thing

  14. Oh how marvellous! Well done on the adventurous quilting! I'd love to try a long arm some day!

  15. I love your quilt, so cheerful and pretty. The turquoise binding sets off all the colours beautifully. Well done on using the long arm - you did a great job! Nice that you and the other lady were able to encourage each other. Quilters are good at that, aren’t they?

  16. I've always admired your hollow nine patch blocks and they all looking gorgeous now they are put together. Congratulations on quilting it yourself on the long arm machine. While you are moving into Autumn, here on the other side of the world we are celebrating Spring.

  17. Oh this little quilt is so simple, bright and happy! Love the photo shoot too. Congrats on another beautiful finish.

  18. I hope it's cool enough somewhere for apple cider, AND apple cider donuts

  19. I feel like you should name this quilt *Prettier than a pile of sticks*
    It is a great one - and YAY you for that awesome quilting!!

  20. This is such a happy quilt. It definitely needs a happy name. Thanks for sharing your fun scrappy quilt with Oh Scrap!

  21. no matter how frustrated we may get with the making and completion of a quilt, always remember: finished is better than perfect!

  22. Such a cheerful beauty of a quilt. Absolutely darling. Love the border that makes the blocks float and the turquoise binding is so perfect.

  23. You’re so full of fun inspiration! I’m glad I have more missed posts to scroll through. Pumpkin Bread is pretty much the only thing pumpkin that I look forward to.


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