Friday, October 8, 2021

Positively finished

 Hello everyone, and happy weekend! So, late last week I was walking across campus, along a new sidewalk, when I kind of fell off the sidewalk. There was a trench of sorts next to the concrete, where they hadn't filled in with dirt yet, and my ankle turned right to the side, exactly the wrong way. Funnily enough, it didn't hurt right away, but later it ballooned up, and it hurt like crazy. The good news is-- soft tissue injury, like a bad sprain. Not broken! The bad news is that it still hurts like crazy.

So, could I make my way down to my sewing room? No, I could not. Luckily, I only had to trim and bind the second quilt that I quilted up last time, so I could give good directions for bringing up an old machine and locating my already-made binding. Best hubby ever, really, even if he has no idea how a sewing machine works. (Hint: you must have the foot pedal for the machine to work.)

But once everything was set up in the dining room, success! Here's that finished quilt:
Hurray, hurray! This is the second Positivity quilt, all quilted and even bound and ready to go off to Bernie. (Pictures by me, quilt positioning by my weird helper. Teamwork makes the dream work!)
I made this top as part of the Positivity quilt along, then missed the deadline because I wanted to quilt this on the longarm. It was so much easier! I just made somewhat wavy lines across the quilt with a deep tan thread. Lorna is the master of this, and I keep trying to make mine look good, but these look okay, and the quilt is quite cuddly. The design of the quilt is the star, after all. Right?
The backing is a lovely warm tan with a small paisley print, which I got from Bernie's shop. It turned out to be a fantastic backing which doesn't compete with the front. You can see in this photo that I ran out of the main background print, so I used a different print for the four corners. I think it works fine, and it doesn't compete, either.
I wanted this quilt to be neutral, for a man or for someone non-binary, or for any outdoorsy kind of person. I think I accomplished that and that it turned out great. It will be a nice comfort to someone who likes the colors. I've been calling this quilt "Woodsy" in my head, but I don't want to officially give it a name. I wouldn't want to get attached!

The quilt came out of the washer and dryer looking terrific and is now packed and ready to send off to Bernie for Mercyful quilts. It used up all of those old fabrics clogging my stash, and will get sent as soon as I can hobble off to UPS. That could take a few days, but it will get there.

As luck would have it, this weekend is our anniversary, so I'm looking forward to lazing around and resting my ankle, and also having some very tasty takeout while we watch a movie. Sounds awesome to me! Hope your weekend is just as fun and relaxing! 

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag About your Beauties, TGIFF, and the Patchwork and Quilts party.


  1. Well done for getting this completed with your hurt foot. It looks lovely. Happy Anniversary too. Enjoy a restful weekend

  2. POSITIVELY turned out great. It's tricky to make a gender neutral quilt, but you positively succeeded. I love the quilting.

  3. Sorry about that ankle - best wishes for it to heal correctly and sooner instead of later. Now, about that quilt - WOW - one of the prettiest I've seen. Love the woodsy feel and the quilt's overall vibe. And your choice of quilting design is perfect. I think you lines look great!

  4. I'm so sorry you hurt your ankle, Mari! Hope it gets better every day. But, look at you, finishing a quilt anyway! I like this Positivity version - especially those corner triangles combined with the cornerstones that make another block. Beautiful quilt, and happy anniversary, too!

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! I’d have trouble parting with it! I feel your pain, as I’ve 'stepped off the edge' before, too! Rest, rest, rest! Happy Anniversary!

  6. I think that sometimes the non-broken ankles hurt worse than the broken! Take care of yourself and enjoy your anniversary. I love the colors of this quilt and the "woodsy" feel. Nice choice for Mercy.

  7. I'm glad to hear there are no broken bones, and I hope you heal quickly so you can get back to your quilt room! Nice finish on that quilt, and I agree that it will be perfect for someone who is outdoorsy or likes those cozy warm colors. Happy Anniversary, too! Enjoy celebrating!

  8. Very sorry to read of your injury but happy that it wasn't any worse. Congratulations on an awesome finish. I'm sure the recipient is going to love it. Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I think the different background fabric in the corner blocks makes it more interesting than if it was all alike. It is a design tip to remember for future quilts. I love the colors in this one, so soothing.

  10. You have my sympathy regarding the injured ankle. My husband fell off a chair while putting a smoke detector back on the wall (at 1 AM) last Sat morning. Still don't have a firm diagnosis. MRI scheduled for Monday after X-rays last sat were not definitive. So I'm playing care-taker and it's a full-time job. Well done on the positivity quilt.

  11. Hi Mari, you are so right to give this quilt its due with the pretty photo shoot. It really is lovely. Too bad about that ankle...weird heh and thankful it's not worse. You do have to rest it so take it easy. Yes, take out and movie is an ideal evening around here too! Enjoy.

  12. What a wonderful finish!! The photo shoot is lovely.

  13. Hi Mari! I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. I swear that sprains are worse than a break! They take longer to heal and stop bothering you, too. Don't be spy about babying yourself - and keep that foot UP as often as you can. Yay to finishing another Positivity quilt. I think you achieved your goal - as it looks gender-neutral to me. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. So sorry about your ankle! Those bad sprains can hurt much worse than a break unfortunately. Hope it heals quickly.

    Beautiful quilt. The soft looking backgrounds are just lovely.

  15. Just beautiful! Great save with the additional fabric in the corners! It looks purposeful!! Take care, hope your pain subsides soon! Happy Anniversary! Have a great weekend!

  16. So sorry about your ankle!! But!! Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy your lazing around ;-)

    That is a lovely quilt - it will make anyone feel loved!

  17. a VERY nice finish! Next time (I sprained each of my ankles 4 times in the 1990's so there probably BE a next time) I have since learned that if you have some raw cabbage in the fridge, lay out some leaves in a plastic produce bag, then lightly bruise the leaves with the bottom of a cooking pot. Stick sick foot in the bag making sure the cabbage and the juices that came out are still in there, wrapping the cabbage around the ankle, then tape closed with some kind of medical tape. The cabbage definitely needs to be covering the ankle. The coolness of the cabbage plus some enzyme in them will help relieve the swelling. I've used this on my knee as well. Best if you do this immediately upon injury. I am so sorry you got hurt and hope it mends nicely. Once healed practice standing and moving to the ball of your feet back to the heals and up again. Repeat daily, and often. This will help strengthen the ankle so hopefully this will not occur again.

  18. So sorry to hear of your ankle injury! Your Positivity quilt turned out terrific and I’m sure it will be a comfort to its recipient through Mercyful Quilts. Thanks for linking up with me for TGIFF!

  19. I am so sorry about your ankle injury, Mari. Wish the school would give you a hefty compensation in order to prevent you from suing them. Kudos to Larry to ensure continuity of sewing. Love your Positivity quilt. It has a very vintage cabin in the woods look. I am sure it will find the right recipient.

  20. Stunning, woodsy, earthy, autumnal, cozy - it is perfect!!!

  21. Happy anniversary ;)) So sorry about your ankle, I hope you are feeling better now. Your Positivity quilt is very beautiful, I love the soft colors!
    Tank you for linking up!


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