Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Six years in the making

 Hi everyone, and happy Thanksgiving! Where did November go? Seriously, it just slipped away from me. Maybe you really can fold space and time. That would also explain the never-ending laundry and dishes, wouldn't it?

To celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to show off a finish that I am really thankful for and that seems really appropriate today. It's been done for a month while I dithered about whether I should add anything else to it, but I've finally decided it's perfect as is. Here we are:

Can that be the Paper Dolls quilt, after all this time? Yes, yes it is! 

I started this quilt way back when we lived in Wisconsin, for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in 2015. I packed up all the dolls and moved them to the East coast, then finally finished the top in Delaware. And it stayed in the closet for a long time after that. I hate it when that happens, don't you?

I finally pulled it out earlier this year, reworked it a little by rearranging the rows so that it's more square and suited for a bed, and sent it off to Alycia to be custom quilted. She did an amazing job! I went back and forth for a couple of months about the binding, then finally went with the binding that matched the border. It helps that I already had that binding made. I planned to add some embroidery, but in the end I just added eyes to the dolls and let that be enough.

The custom quilting Alycia did is fantastic and really makes the quilt shine. All of the dolls have flowers on their skirts, and there are a variety of different backgrounds quilted in. Look at the extra special quilting on the bride! Isn't that beautiful? All of the dolls got special treatment, and a lot of the bigger open areas are feathers. It turned out so great, and I'm so happy with it.

I don't know why it took me so long to finish this quilt, because I love all of the dolls. Some of them are based on people I know, and some of them were just dictated by the available scraps. Oh, yeah-- everything in the quilt except the borders and sashing is a scrap of some sort. It was a scrap challenge, after all. I can't pick a favorite, though the bride was based on my daughter, so maybe I could go with that one. Really, though, I love them all.

The saying in the center of the quilt is not in the pattern, but I think it adds a lot, especially since these are all women of different races, ethnicities, and ages. We all could stand to support each other more in spite of our differences, don't you think?

If you zoom in, you can see that the dolls have a variety of different-colored eyes as well as different hairstyles, and some of them have really wild hair. I had a lot of fun creating all of them with all different personalities. Some of them turned out to be very different than I thought they would be, but they're still great. Just like people, you know?

I want to give credit to the designer whose pattern I adapted for this quilt, even though it looks like the website no longer exists. The dolls were designed by Phyllis Paul, and I used her pattern to make the doll bodies, but made up my own hair appliques and block arrangement. I'm really sorry that her pattern doesn't seem to be available any more, because the dolls were pretty easy to make. If you see it anywhere, be sure to grab a pattern!
This quilt is going to live on the bed that our granddaughter uses when she is here. That's really why it finally got finished-- I can't wait to see her making up stories about the dolls and looking at all of their fun clothes and hair styles. And who doesn't want to sleep under a doll quilt? (Or on top of it, as my granddaughter does.) 

I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and are finally getting together with some family. It's a much better holiday this year than last, that's for sure! Enjoy the pumpkin pie!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Patchwork and Applique, Oh, Scrap, and soscrappy for RSC 21 (and finally finishing RSC 15!)


  1. Mari, that is a spectacular quilt! I really love the saying you added. And the special touches adds so much charm and personality. Wow, what a great quilt!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Wow! That is a wonderful quilt. I can only imagine the fun stories that your granddaughter can dream up about the various dolls. Hopefully you write them down.

  3. I love it. You did such nice work and incredible details.

  4. A perfect finish for the holiday, Mari. The saying is great too - I think we all need to remember to do that! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Oh how fabulous! It's an amazing quilt... visually beautiful and also inspiring!

  6. What a fun quilt! Who wouldn’t love to snuggle up under it and tell stories. Congratulations on getting it to the finish line

  7. I remember when you were working on some of these dolls. Glad to see it's finished and that you are keeping it for your granddaughter to use when visiting.

  8. So tell us about the Nun, does she have really big boobs sticking out the sides of her bodice or does she have 2 arms tucked in to her outfit, and 2 arms stretched out to her neighbors?

    1. Neither! She's modeled after a Carmelite nun I know, and their habit includes white 'capelets' under their brown jumpers. Though now that you said that, all I can see is four arms!

  9. Congratulations on your quilt finish, Mari! It looks like Alycia really had some fun quilting this. Here's hoping you enjoyed your Thanksgiving celebration!

  10. Wow, this is great! I don't know if little girls play with paper dolls anymore, but my sister and I loved them. The variety you have with the ladies is wonderful. I especially love the woman with the witch hat.

  11. What a beautiful finished quilt you have! I especially love the words - so fitting in the world we are living in right now.

  12. LOVE the paper dolls quilt. They are so happy together. Yes, your longarm person did an amazing job on it.

  13. Your Paper Dolls are wonderful, Mari! I love how personalized you've made them, and the words that you added, too. It will be the perfect one for your granddaughter to enjoy and cuddle with at your house. Congratulations on your finish!

  14. LOVE your Doll quilt, it's adorable. Your granddaughter will have memories for life with this sweet quilt at gramma's house to sleep under and play with.

  15. Hi Mari, what a great quilt! Congratulations on your finish. The writing adds a lot to the quilt. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. What a sweet finish. I love the words! A special quilt for a special granddaughter to use. What a great match!

  17. I remember this quilt when you were working on the blocks. It is adorable Mari. I see this as a family heirloom and the grand kids will argue over whose turn it is to sleep with the dollies. Alycia worked lots of magic with the quilting but your piecing is the best. Also love the saying - it is a favorite of mine.

  18. This is such a great quilt!! all the detail you added and all the colors you used! LOVE it!!!

  19. Mari, it's beautiful! I had never seen the pattern. Your wording is perfect.

  20. I just discovered your blog. I think this is one of my favorite quilts I've ever seen in the many years of blog-reading I have done. I'm so glad you shared this one.


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