Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Diamond tries

 Hello everyone. How is your week going? We are in full swing at school now and it's going okay, I must say. Everyone has their masks and we're all being careful. I just wish it was a little warmer so we could open the windows. It's been quite cold, at least by East coast standards, and overcast, though not actually snowing. I'm okay with that, but I do want some natural ventilation in that room.

I'm just popping in for a little bit today to share the next round of the Stay at Home Round Robin project. Here is where my project stands right now:
The prompt for this round was diamonds, and if you look, there is a white diamond in the top right corner and the bottom left corner.  Yes, there are only two diamonds. But it definitely works for this little quilt top, so I am totally okay with it. I made the diamonds with a Tri Rex ruler, just cutting the triangle on a small piece of folded fabric. I forgot to account for the seam allowance between the two triangles, so they're a little long, but they work.

This was not my first try at diamonds. I tried to make a diamond chain using Seminole piecing, but I messed it up. It's been too long since I tried Seminole piecing! Take a look:

Yep, that's a fail. There isn't enough blue fabric on the sides to keep the diamond points after trimming. It was quite frustrating. I went back after I finished the yellow border and realized that I had mixed up the cutting sizes for the diamonds and the side pieces. Ah, well. It turned out better with the single diamonds, I think.

Depending on the next prompt, I think it's time to turn the quilt into a rectangle by putting the next borders on the top and bottom only. I think it's also time to bring in some hot pink or lime green, too.I guess we'll see!

Hope you are having a good week and staying nice and warm. On that note, we have a small visitor:

I didn't want to get really close for a picture, so it's a little grainy, but that is a brown bat, tucked up close to the eaves on our front walkway. It kind of creeped me out, so I called the wildlife center, and they said that he probably took refuge there when a front came through. It's literally too cold for him to fly, and he's kind of in suspended animation, so he'll probably stay there until it gets warm enough for him to wake up and fly away. I can't decide if this is cool or creepy, but I'll decide that after he leaves!

Sharing at the Darling Dogwood for the SAHRR.


  1. Having a really simple border with only 2 diamonds was actually quite clever, because the border before that was very busy. So it gives the eye a rest and looks great.

    We've had bats frequently hanging above the walk-out door to the back yard from our garage. They creep me out, even though I know they are mostly harmless.

  2. Diamonds are a challenge, Mari. No doubt about that! Hoping your guest warms up and flies away soon.

  3. I am going with cool and creepy!!! we had a bat once and it was so surprising to see!
    Your quilt! Love it!! the diamonds in the corner are just perfect!

  4. Your quilt project is bright and happy! That sounds like a great way to make the diamonds, and they look great in opposite corners like that. It would be a surprise to see a bat hanging on the house like that - I hope he warms up and finds a better spot soon!

  5. Bats are awesome. This poor little guy should be in a cave somewhere, semi- hibernating with the rest of his group. Hope he makes it ok. Your quilt is so interesting, I'm enjoying watching it come together!

  6. You did great with your diamonds. I love seminole piecing, but it is tricky. I probably would have been a little freaked out, but it is likely not to bother you at all.

  7. I like your diamonds, and the creative way you snuck them into the border. I'm not sure how I'd feel about the bat either!

  8. The little center panel is so fun and bright, some child will fall in love with it. I wouldn't like the bat on my house, but I like seeing them flying out and about.

  9. I have a couple of bat stories but I'll only share the harmless one. We were in Sydney Australia at the Botanical Gardens. I happened to look up and discovered literally hundreds of fruit bats hanging from the trees! They would make little noises and push each other around periodically. It wasn't creepy- just fascinating.
    I'm enjoying the Round Robin quilters. Yours will be so fun!

  10. considerer the little bat as sent to comfort you, he feels safe there, and since it isn't a lot of them, not near as smelly as a grotto filled with them.

  11. Goodness! I'm like you, I don't know whether to be creeped out or not. I don't particularly like bats. Here's hoping for warm weather! LOL I love that you're creating this quilt a bit at a time, which is my favorite way to create a quilt. I never buy kits--I always just get an idea in my mind and go with it. Thanks for sharing!

  12. How cool! I'd love to have a bat guest.

  13. I have an old book with seminole borders... are you sure it was a fail? they have so much bias, and could be blocked
    I stopped doing seminole, and fill in the outside edges now on diamonds. If you press open seams and don't trim dogears, they nest together perfectly every time in rows.

  14. I really like the two diamonds! Sometimes it's nice to add just a touch, and this is perfect!


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