Saturday, January 22, 2022

Red red robins

 Hi all! Busy, busy week around here-- how about you? Also, it has been quite chilly. It's almost like it's winter or something. I was hoping to have a finish this week, but no such luck. There was just too much to do, and I spent all day Wednesday on Zoom in different meetings. I'm already tired of Zoom. Thankfully, I get to teach in person starting Monday, which accounts for the busyness and the Zooming.

So, I didn't have a finish, but I did make some bits for my remaining RSC projects for this year. Hurray! If you recall, I had two projects that I started earlier, and today I'm showing off my remaining two projects. Yes, four projects for this year! I'm as surprised as you are. Here is the first one:

Are those birds adorable, or what? I made these free-pieced style, using Lynne's tutorial, which you can get HERE. There are no templates or paper piecing, and they are super fun to make. I stopped at four birds, but I could easily have made a ton more. I want a multi-colored quilt, though, so I had to make myself stop. Look at those cool legs:

Those just make me happy! And the cool bright blue beak, too:

The birds are around 8-1/2 inches square apiece right now, and I'll either trim them (including the legs-- some are very tall!) or add to them when I decide how to put them all together. Or maybe they'll all get colorful frames or something. We'll see!

This next block is the start of my last RSC project: 

Excuse the pressing marks there. The winter light was all weird. I'm planning to make a medallion quilt in the RSC colors this year, and this block is the center. I have the various other "rounds" planned out and I just have to wait for the correct colors to make each one. It doesn't look like much right now, but it's going to look great once it's done.

And speaking of rounds, how about a look at my stay at home round robin project? I meant to write a post about it, but you know what happened there. Take a look:

I love the dinosaur at the bottom right! The prompt this week was "curves," and I think we all could have guessed that that wasn't going to happen. So how about the illusion of curves instead? A ribbon border seemed to fit the bill and turned out looking pretty good. I should have had an even number of blocks for the corners to turn out correctly, but I didn't, so there are plain squares in the corners instead. I think it still looks good!

And that's the update from here! I hope your weekend is nice and warm and dry, with plenty of fun things to do. I'm going to cook! I'm making a bunch of meals in advance and freezing them in order to make the next couple of weeks less stressful. Seems like a good idea-- we'll see how it goes!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC22 and at Anja's for the SAHRR.


  1. Those bird blocks are so fun! What a great idea, making a medallion quilt with the RSC colors. Your SAHRR border looks great too, with that clever border!

  2. Adorable birds. Those are going to make a great collection. Hopefully the work schedule will settle down. Everything is still strange and changing quickly.

  3. Oh, those darling birds, Mari, and kudos for making the SAHRR work for you!!

  4. I agree with all the other comment. Great blocks! I think you solution to "curves" was inspired on your SAHRR panel!! Too Cute!

  5. I just discovered your blog, and I believe we have a lot in common--I also teach college classes--I teach accounting and business administration at a local community college. You definitely manage to accomplish more quilting goals than I do--that is something I am planning to change this year. I just completed my second week of face-to-face classes and my first week of on-line classes, also. My hat is off to you for completing all you have done in the middle of all that! I want to try the birds--I've been seeing them on quilting blogs for a while. Great job on the progress of all the projects you posted!!

  6. Your SAHRR project is looking great and my first thought was "curly ribbon" when I saw it. Very cute! Love those birds! I have a bird block pattern on my cutting table that I want to try - that I downloaded last year. Maybe next week.

  7. Love your bird blocks! I have long wanted to make that pattern, but haven't gotten it yet. Seems perfect for a rainbow quilt! That star block is fabulous, too! You find the best backgrounds, Mari. Do you have a favorite site to order from?

  8. I've been loving those birds for years and have the "pattern". Maybe as a spring project later this year....

  9. Hi,
    I really like your birds...and your next row of
    SAHRR. Have a great day!

  10. Love your birds blocks, Mari.
    The star blocks looks perfect for a center, it will be nice seeing you making the rows for it during RSC along the year.
    The dragons panel is super cute for your Stay at home project.
    Have a great teach in person week.
    Stay safe.

  11. Love your "curved" SAHRR border!!! It's perfect!
    Happy Quilting!

  12. Gorgeous flock of birds. Looking forward to seeing your medallion quilt grow as the year progresses.

  13. I love your pretty birds, and your version of the curves for this SAHRR round ;)) Beautiful RSC center too!

  14. I love that dinosaur panel. I've recently begun volunteering to sew quilts for a Bakersfield, CA group called "Quilts For Kids". That panel would make a wonderful quilt for some child. Can you tell me where you bought it?? Do you have instructions for your ribbon border?? Thanks for sharing!

  15. Your birds are super cute! What a fun quilt to make and then to admire. Great idea to use a panel for the center of the SAHRR. It's so colorful that I know you won't have any trouble with color! Love it!

  16. A quilt with birds like yours has been on my wish list for a long time, and your pretty birds tempt me to start right now!

  17. Cute birds! Love the legs and thanks for the shout out!


  18. Such fun, long legged birds and those cute dinosaurs! I'll just wait patiently on the sidelines for more developments in your menagerie.

  19. Oh, I Dooooo love those birds! And I've been debating about joining in with RCS this year or not ...... wondering what to make ect ect But I do so love those birds and I also like the idea of making a quilt over the year using the RCS colors, but I need something simple .......... anyhow, I'm off to check out that link about the birds .......

  20. Love your SAHRR border with the curve illusion, as well as your RCS blocks. I am joining this year, so I am having fun seeing what others have done.

  21. Yes those robins ARE adorable! The start of your RSC is so bright and pretty; I almost always have press marks on my blocks. Just shows how neat we are, right? And yes, the illusion of curves works for me - lol! What a cute quilt Mari.

  22. Love the birds! And your star block is wonderful too!

  23. Hi Mari! OH my Goodness!!! That centerpiece for the SAHRR is so darn cute. Those dinosaurs are so flippin' cute. What happy colors and your ribbon curved-ish border is just the best. It pulls out those purple mountains and even more so, the polka dots in the dinosaurs. Too adorbs. Great job! I can't wait to see where you take today's prompt. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  24. Love your birds, and the ribbon border on your Dino panel.

  25. Those birds are, too, too, adorable and you executed them brilliantly.

  26. Such fun RSC projects, Mari! It's going to be fun to watch these all develop as the year goes on.


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