Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A big announcement

 Hi everyone! Today I have a big announcement: the Hands 2 Help Comfort Quilt Challenge is coming to The Academic Quilter!
 Many of you are very familiar with the Hands 2 Help Challenge from Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I'm going to guess that *very* many of you are familiar with it, because last year there were more than 1000 comfort quilts donated. That's a lot of comfort!

This year, Sarah is unable to run the Challenge, so it has found a temporary home here. Not to worry-- most of the Challenge will still be the same, at a different address. The goal is still to make and donate comfort quilts for several different organizations, or for an organization in your own hometown. And yes-- as always, there will be linky parties, guest bloggers, tutorials, and prizes! 

The Challenge calendar will also follow the usual schedule, beginning with signups in mid-March and ending by Memorial Day in the US, at the end of May, with quilts to be sent for donation by the first week in June. Much more specific information to follow!

So, there's the big announcement! Get your quilty calendars cleared and ready to stitch up some comfort, and come back here on Sunday, February 13, for specific details about dates, this year's comfort quilt organizations, some thoughts about prizes, and information on when to sign up. 

I know this will be an awesome year for Hands 2 Help, and I hope you'll all grant me a little bit of grace and patience while I muddle through. And everyone think good thoughts and direct them towards Sarah! I'm sure we all wish her a fast and complete recovery.

See you on the 13th, when I hope all your questions will be answered!


  1. I’m sure you will be just fine..

  2. I am sure it will be a great sucess.

  3. Wow, you really stepped up to the plate. Looking forward to participating. Thank you.

  4. I wondered if someone would step up and help Sarah out this year, and I'm confident it will be a good year for H2H. I'm looking forward to hearing more of the details on the 13th!

  5. Thank you, Mari, for being willing to step into Sarah's shoes (not easy ones to fill). I'm sure the quilter's will support your efforts. This is a challenge many look forward to all year. Let's all show Sarah how much we care.

  6. oh yay!!! I am so glad you took this over this year - how sweet!!
    and how cool to keep the challenge going!!!

  7. It's so kind of you to take this over. I had a few quilts already made waiting for this year's challenge. I plan to work on a few more small quilts and will absolutely support you!

  8. Mari, that is so kind and generous of you to do this! Like many quilters, I'm sure, I have been making quilts for donation this spring, and was planning to send them off whether there was an H2H event or not. Doing it with a group just makes it more fun!

  9. I am planning to participate again this year. Thank you for taking on the project while Sarah can't.

  10. glad to know you can carry on for Chris! Thank you!

  11. Thanks for volunteering to organize the H2H2022 quilt drive! I always look forward to participating!

  12. It is so generous of you to take this on! We appreciate it and will make you and Sarah proud!

  13. Thanks for doing this for the quilting community and to pitch hit for dear sweet Sarah. Looking forward to joining the fun.

  14. Thank you for stepping in to help, Mari!! I'm sure Sarah is SEW grateful for your assistance.

  15. Thank you for stepping up! If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

  16. That's wonderful news about the Hands 2 Help Comfort Quilts! I've participated in this challenge in the past. Please add my name to your list. Thanks for helping Sara out!

  17. Mari it is so generous of your to take on H2H this year. I look forward to all the details!!!

  18. Hi Mari! You're a good egg!!! I will be happy to help you in any way I can. This is so exciting, and I'm certain it's a huge relief for Sarah. Thank you so much. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  19. Mari you are a real trooper to step in for Sarah this year. I’m sure it is a load of her mind since she always works hard on this great challenge.

  20. You are an amazing friend (I know that first hand) to take on this additional task of "Hands to Help". I know our day jobs take a lot of our time and energy. Therefore I am here for you - let me know how I can contribute to this effort and I will throw in your favorite meal (chicken in coconut milk with rice). Big Hugs.

  21. Thank you for taking over this year. I would love to join in again.

  22. Thank you for hosting this. I am sure you will do a great job!

  23. Thanks for stepping up and hosting so that Hands2Help will be a reality this year! I love participating with this worthy cause! Looking forward to joining you!

  24. Yay! Thank you so much for taking this on. I have done it every year since Sarah started it. Looking forward to it.


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