Saturday, February 5, 2022

Twice around

 Hi everyone!  Gosh, what a week I have had. If it wasn't one thing, it was ten others. I feel like I've run a marathon every day this week. You ever have a week like that? With rain, to top it off? I am glad to put this one in the archives. The happiest part of my week was the response to the announcement earlier this week about the Hands2Help Challenge. Thanks to everyone who is enthusiastic about participating! I'm looking forward to it as well!

With all that was going on, I only had time to make a little bit of progress on a couple of projects this week. Thankfully, one of them was my medallion quilt for the RSC this year.  Here is the aqua/ teal round:

I love that dark aqua fabric. It's so pretty, and it looks really good next to the red. This is now 16 inches square, but we have eight rounds to go, so it will grow quickly.

The only other thing I worked on was the Stay at Home Round Robin quilt. This round was stars, so I took the opportunity to add stars to the top and bottom to make the quilt into a rectangle:

Gosh, this is a happy quilt, isn't it? The stars are what I call spinners and they remind me of those whirligigs that come on a stick that some people put in their gardens. I guess if you made them in black they could be ninja throwing stars, too. These are much cuter, of course! The stars finish at 4-1/2 inches each, and you can find a tutorial for them right HERE. The quilt now measures about 27-1/2 inches wide and 36 inches long. It's really shaping up!

Okay, that's a short post, but that's all I have in me right now. I hope you all have something really fun planned for this weekend. I'm going to try to read a book and maybe watch the Olympics, or something equally mindless. Do you think brownies go well with that? Let's find out!
(Brown bat update: still hanging out. Hasn't moved. I think he's with us till spring!)

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC22 and Home Sewn By Us for the SAHRR, and Finished or Not Friday, too.


  1. the medalion is great and a great idea for rsc

  2. You made great progress this week despite the hecticness. Hopefully you can recharge and relax this weekend. Love the stars on the round robin. Such fun colors!

  3. Your medallion quilt is gorgeous! I love the dot background fabric that you chose. It makes it whimsical. It's perfect for the RSC. I totally understand the running a marathon all week. I've been kinda lucky. We've had a few snow days in a row here in Ohio and we're snowed in for the most part. Let me sew, let me sew, let me sew...

  4. I love the idea to do the rainbow scrap challenge as a medallion quilt. I'll try to keep that in mind for next year, as it seems I'm already under a pile of projects for this year! And I couldn't remember who had the bat issue (thanks for the reminder), but I was thinking of you as I was chasing down a bat IN MY HOUSE Wednesday night, and wondering how, in this northern climate, he was flying - in a snowstorm no less! But we caught him and released him (maybe it was a her?) back outside and he flew off. I hope he found a good roosting spot because it is into single digits, it not colder, here lately. I'm excited for H2H and am looking forward to the kickoff. Thanks for taking on the task this year!

  5. Oh, I like that you are doing the RSC in rounds! That is unique! Your stars are so whimsical…perfect for your happy quilt. I’m still working on my stars round for SAHRR! It has been a busy week here too! 😉

  6. The medallion quilt is a great idea for RSC. , too, am looking forward to H2H. Thanks for helping out Sarah. Great stars(spinners) on your SAHRR.

  7. I love that medallion project, too, Mari - like all your commenters. Pretty colors already and fun design. Your RR is looking good as well. The whirligig stars are cute! Did we make one of those for Tiny Tuesday? I remember liking that one back then! Have a great (or at least better) week!

  8. Love your RSC medallion. Such striking blocks with your background of white. And your SAHRR is great, too. I didn't realize the center was such a whimsical youthful print. Great whirly stars. I have yet to make my blocks, but do have a plan. I think?

  9. You always have the cutest projects, Mari! I love those spinner stars, and your SAHRR is so happy and fun!

  10. I have to agree with the others, you have a great idea with the medalion quilt for the RSC. The Dragon quilt is growing well, these spinning stars are a great addition. Well done,Mari.

  11. Hi Mari! I do know EXACTLY what you are speaking about. The first week of February is in the books. This is the longest short month. You will have a LOT on your plate for the next few months with organizing H2H. It couldn't be in better hands!! We all thank you for stepping up. Your RSC piece is SO pretty. That teal . . . coupled with the random dotted fabric looks beyond fab. Your SAHRR piece is just so happy looking. I love all the colors . . . and the pinwheels addition?!! I can just imagine them spinning in the breeze. Probably from one of the dinosaurs exhale, if I were to hazard a guess. Brownies go with everything - that is a known fact. And the brown bat . . . where the heck is he?? And are we sure he's alive?? JK, of course. How would he hang out if he was deceased?! I'm looking forward to the 13th!! Hang in there. HAHA - unintended pun. {{{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Really like your RSC medallion quilt project. Anxious to see how it progresses.

  13. grand idea for RSC!!! love seeing around your home too.,.., in that midcentury house!

  14. I love the idea of making a medallion quilt for RSC. Maybe next year. LOL

  15. What a great idea of making a medallion quilt based on the RSC colors! Love the SAHFF quilt too!

  16. LOVE how your RSC Medallion is progressing and your SAHRR, too, Mari!! Hoping you have a stress-free week coming to you. Sounds like you could use one!

  17. THose are great projects.
    and those weeks... Oh my they need a recuperating period - and I think brownies makes the healing process go faster!!

  18. Love your stars added to the SAHRR. I can't make up my mind on the stars for mine, so it's still "marinating". What a clever idea to do those rounds on the first piece for RSC. That will be stunning!

  19. I'm glad you included the picture of the medallion quilt on the deck for perspective. In the first photo it looked so big, I wondered how you would get all the rounds on it without it turning into a super-sized king. And you know that brownies are one of the major food groups and you do need to keep your strength up for those marathon weeks.

  20. Brownies are a versatile fruit; they go with everything. I hope you enjoyed some downtime this weekend! Your two quilts are looking great! I like those stars on the SAHRR!

  21. RSC as a Medallion? When were you going to tell me about this? I am not familiar with it but I can totally see you rocking it. Already a great start. Red and aqua is a bold and beautiful combination.


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