Friday, February 11, 2022

Chains and waves

 Here we are at the weekend, thank heavens! It has been another difficult week around here, though the weather has been lovely. It was 52 degrees yesterday, and it might hit 60 today. I went walking in a sweatshirt, not a heavy jacket! It was wonderful. I understand it's supposed to snow on Sunday, but we'll deal with that when we get there. 
I actually have a finish today. You know how you can just start mindlessly pushing a quilt through the machine and it's repetitive and calming?  Yep, that's how I felt when I was quilting up this one. It was a nice respite from the chaos that was the week. Here's a look:
Well, that's fairly colorful and fun, isn't it? I made this quilt from last year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks and just quilted it this week. I quilted it on my regular machine, Miss Rosie, and for the first time ever I used the serpentine stitch. Why haven't I ever done that before? It turned out great!

This whole quilt is made from scraps and leftovers, including the batting, backing and binding. The batting was pieced together from leftover batting strips. The backing is made from the leftover wide backing from another quilt, and the binding is also made from leftover backing. When I trim up a quilt, I often make binding from the trimmings. The side trimmings are perfect for this, and the bindings turn out great. And look, it's aqua-- the RSC color for this month. Bonus!

I am so happy that this quilt got finished. It was nice and meditative for me to quilt up, it looks great, and I got a second quilt back out of that leftover backing. That's a win no matter how you look at it. There's a small bit of it left, so it may also go into another quilt backing as well. 

Another thing to be happy about-- this will be one of my donation quilts for this year. As happy as I was to make it, I'll also be happy to give it away to someone who could use a quilt. Can't you just see this wrapped around a teenage girl? I can, and I know for sure it will absorb lots of those teenage tears, too.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and that you get some stitching in, too. I'm hoping for good weather on Saturday so we can go get some takeout (which we all know is my favorite meal) and run some errands, and then it can snow on Sunday if it wants. All the better to enjoy some nice warm cookies and tea, right?

Sharing at Finished or not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, the Patchwork and Quilts linkup at Quilting Patchwork Applique, Oh Scrap! and soscrappy for RSC22.


  1. It sure did turn out great. I love using the serpentine stitch for quilting, but am a bit afraid to tackle a big quilt on my domestic machine. I need to figure out a good table or something to hold the weight of the quilt - better than my ironing board.

  2. Quickie quilt and a happy ending. A colorful beginning to my weekend!!! Hope your weekend is sew fun.

  3. This turned out lovely; I wondered how a chain would look in scrappy colors and it looks great! Enjoy your weekend. We are on the edge between snow and rain and it's adding another inch to the 8 we already have. It'll be a slushy mess by tomorrow.

  4. I ,too, can see it comforting a young teen girl! It turned out great!

  5. What a fun quilt and a total win!! I’m glad it was a bit of therapy for you to sew on it.

  6. A beautiful rainbow of a quilt! Nice quilting, too, and so kind of you to donate it. I'm sure it will be loved.

  7. Congratulations on your lovely RSC quilt finish, Mari!! Someone will feel fortunate to receive it.

  8. I'm sorry about your chaotic week, Mari, and definitely hope that sweet and happy quilt makes up for it! I love the border fabric and backing - they're so pretty with your blocks.

  9. I keep telling myself things will get easier. It has to happen eventually. Until then, at least you made a beautiful quilt!

  10. What a lovely quilt. Great you used leftovers throughout. Your border fabric is pretty and adds a lot of interest to the blocks. As your say, ideal for a teenaged girl!

  11. Love, love, love that serpentine stitch. It must be so fun to do. And I agree: wonderful quilt for a teen. I hope life settles a bit for you, Mari. Going out without being all bundled up is a start!

  12. It is a lovely quilt, Mari. I agree, just perfect for a teenager girl. Well done!!

  13. Oh it's gorgeous, Mari! I just love mindless sewing. That is my therapy as well. The fact that this quilt was made from all scraps from the blocks to the binding to the back and the batting, makes it even better. Congrats on your beautiful finish.

  14. Such a fabulous quilt, I hope that it makes someone very happy. X

  15. Beautiful scrappy quilt, it looks soft and cozy, perfect for wrapping (by the way, cute blue bunny!). Quilting curved lines is a great idea, I will see if my sewing machine has this stitch too.
    I hope your week will be nice and calm.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely finish, and linking up ;)

  16. Simple design, simple quilting and using up leftovers. What more could one ask for? Well, a calmer week, I guess, so here's hoping that's what's in store for you. We were at 50 degrees on Thursday, but going down to zero tonight. At least the daylight is getting longer.

  17. What a lovely finish Mari. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  18. What a beautiful quilt for some lucky girl.

  19. I love your quilt, Mari! So bright & happy! The border fabric is perfect, I see teal/turquoise peeking out from there too. I've used the serpentine quilting on a couple of my quilts too and love how it looks perfect, even if you don't always stay quite on track. Ha! It gives great dimension as well as secures the seams in a good way. The picture in the woods shows exactly how sweet that quilt is.

  20. it turned out perfect!! and It feels so good to get one to the finish!! Go you!
    Heres to a happier week

  21. Great job on Your finished quit, i just finished my 2021 quilts too!


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