Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Building triangles and fences

 Hi everyone! How is your week going? Mine has been okay, but with a couple of very long days already. Or maybe they just felt very long because it's February. Why does the shortest month feel like it's the longest one?

I've been working on a couple of things to keep my sanity. The sewing room has a calming effect, with all that nice, soft fabric. You may know that Sandra at mmmquilts is having a sew along for the Postcards from Sweden quilt, but what you don't know is that I had a kit for it that I purchased a long while ago but never even opened. I gave up on the idea of making the quilt after the kit sat for a while and thought I would just use the fabric in another project somehow. So, yeah, I finally opened the kit and started cutting:

I may be crazy, because there are a *lot* of different hsts to make for this quilt, and I'm sure to get confused, but I'm going to give it a good try. The quilt turns out really fun and happy, and who couldn't use more brightness before the spring finally arrives? (I'm starting to feel ready for spring, how about you?)

So, sorting out those colors and figuring out which was which, then cutting eleven billion triangles and trying to match up all the different colors kept me pretty busy, but I also managed to get the next round put on my round robin quilt:

Wendy called for signature blocks, and a simple rail fence with a light center makes a great signature block. I'm trying to use a stack of stars and other fun fabrics for this quilt, and this round just about used up the bluish purple piece. About time, too:

Yep, past time that the stars got used. But they work great in this happy quilt, don't they? There are two rounds to go on the round robin, and I'm really looking forward to finishing off this little project and getting it quilted up to donate.

That's what's happening here this week. Here's a brief wildlife update, though: it got warm enough for the brown bat to fly away! At least, that seems to be what happened since he isn't here anymore. I kind of miss checking on him. Also, we have acquired a very large hawk in the trees in the side yard, and an owl also seems to have taken up residence. I've heard the owl but haven't seen him yet. It's practically a zoo around here, you know, in more ways than one. 
Hope your week is going well! I'll be having another long day tomorrow, but I really hope to have a finish this week, so stay tuned! And don't forget that there is information on this upcoming project coming on Sunday, too. See you then!

Sharing at Wendy's blog for SAHRR and at Midweek Makers.


  1. You'll enjoy working with all that color on the Postcards quilt. I have mine hanging in my quilt room; it's still one of my favorite quilts. Labeling is key, but I presume you have already figured that out! Your SAHRR border looks great with that fun star fabric! And yes, I'm am very ready for spring!

  2. I just love how your SAHRR is taking shape. Excellent choice of rail fence blocks this week. I got stumped with the stars last week, and can't seem to make a decision on how to proceed. And I haven't been in my sewing room for a couple of days again.

  3. I have loved the Postcards from Sweden design since I first saw it, but it does look a little overwhelming to make! A kit sounds like a great start, though - all the color choices are made for you. Good luck with those HSTs! I like your choice for the rail fence blocks on the RR, too. That is a very happy and fun quilt!

  4. Hi Mari! YAY YOU!! You will LOVE that Postcard finish so much that it is worth all the before stuff. I know exactly how you feel . . . endless triangles . . . but as I snuggle underneath and lovingly see my Postcard version every day, it IS so, so, SO worth it. And your SAHRR!! Just when I think it can't possibly get any cuter - no way - you add another border. From 1997 fabrics that are so dang cute. It just embodies happiness. My littles would flip over this. We'd have to name each dinosaur and pick a favorite (which I already have done). Great job! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. What fun to have all that life - bat and birds - around you. I am always horrified when I run into a scrap that old, but it works perfectly in your signature blocks!


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