Friday, March 8, 2024

Just a little late

Hi all! How are you doing? I have been very busy, and very tired. It's possible I'm overworked. This makes me no different from anyone else, but I am certainly feeling it right now. Also, I went to two-- two!-- big gatherings where I interacted with many people, and my introversion kicked in big time afterward. You know how you just want to curl up sometimes by yourself and read a nice book? Just me? Well, okay, then. . .
There has been sewing but not posting! Part of that tiredness thing, you know? I did finally finish my Stay at Home Round Robin quilt top, and I could not be happier with it. Here he is:

Yes, this quilt is a he, but isn't he handsome?  And, as usual, he turned out to be very different from what I expected. But I'm still very happy with how it turned out!
The Stay at Home Round Robin is a project run by Quilting Gail and friends, and you should definitely go look at the finished quilts at the linkup! Everyone gets the same prompts but they all turn out so different. I skipped the last prompt for this project, which was 'letters and numbers,' and opted for the border instead. It worked for me!

I messed up on the almost-last round with the pinwheels. The prompt was 'four,' and pinwheels have four parts, so that worked. What didn't work is that the Accuquilt die that I used was mismarked. The half-square triangles were supposed to be 1-1/2 inch finished, which would have made 3-inch finished pinwheels. Nope, they were 1-inch finished. Adjust, adjust! A little cutting and it worked out okay. Hey, maybe I can pretend those dots are really Os and then I will have gotten the last prompt, too!

This little quilt finished at just about 50 by 54 and will eventually be quilted and donated. It's just the right size for a kid quilt and I think the ships will be captivating for some young person. And do you see what else is that picture? Daffodils are coming!

I said that I went to two people-intensive gatherings, and one of them was Quiltcon. What a show! I went with Preeti and met some lovely people (Hi Emily! Hi Michelle!) and saw a mess of really great quilts that are far beyond my abilities. I have just two pictures from Quiltcon to show, and they're not of quilts! 

This was a double rainbow from our window at the hotel. I feel lucky to have seen it, and even luckier to get a photo!

And finally, a lovely camelia. Spring is on the way! 

A great big thanks to Gail and Wendy and everyone involved with the SAHRR. It was fun and a really nice quilt came out of it. And everyone have a great weekend! I'm off to finish grading some midterms, and then it's pizza for dinner. I love it when that happens!
Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Quilting, Patchwork, Applique, and the final SAHRR linkup at Quilting Gail.


  1. Your SAHRR is just adorable! Love it! And I'm with you on that introvert thing. I am anticipating a real need for peace and quiet at the end of every day while spending 5 days in a big arena with thousands of screaming college basketball fans. I plan to take Sunday off from the arena if possible and go with 1 daughter and granddaughter to shop for things to make her costume for her upcoming school musical.

  2. Oh that turned out wonderful!!! I love all the little additions to each round!!!
    and right? I get you.... Rest up

  3. You are right, your SAHRR quilt did come out nice and will be a generous donation. I'm sure the recipient will LOVE it. Is QuiltCon always in the same place / town?

  4. I get you - even at big family gatherings I'm glad when I'm heading back home and have had enough of socializing

  5. My first thought when I saw your SAHRR was the red sky over the sail boats and the quote (unknown) red sky at night, sailor's delight. Congrats on the finish.

  6. Some alone time with a quilt sounds like the perfect antidote for too much people-ing. As a fellow introvert, I totally get it. Great rainbow fabrics in your quilt!

  7. Your SAHRR is fabulous! I love it and know it will be a great comfort to whoever is lucky enough to receive it. Fun to see your Quilt Con Double is an overwhelming event but well worth the inspiration!

  8. Your quilt, your rules. It's a really fun quilt, perfect for a little guy. It's been fun to see how different all the quilts are even though we all used the same prompts.

  9. The quilt is adorable Mari. Lots of fun bits here and there plus so much color!

    I am absolutely with you on the need for quiet after a big social activity. It actually seems to be worsening as I get older. I do not like being in crowds or events where a lot of talking is required. I just feel exhausted afterward. We are all different - glad you are home and getting some quiet time.

  10. What a great donation quilt your SAHRR will be when it is complete! Sorry to hear that you were over-peopled at QuiltCon and your other event, Mari. I'm also sad that I wasn't part of your peopling in Raleigh! I was there on Thursday. You captured two fabulous photos! The double rainbow is quite impressive, as rainbows are particularly challenging to photograph.

  11. Woohoo on a SAHRR finish! And yes if YOU want the circles printed on on that last border to represent zeros then that's what they are -- it's your unique design. Having also attended Quilt Con (and for the first time) I can sooo related to needing to curl up with a book after each day. As I have told people it was both phenomenal and overwhelming at the same time. Can't wait to do it again in 2026!

  12. I think many of us quilters are introverts. I like to be with people but small groups and short lengths of time. I hope you got your papers graded , pizza enjoyed and were able to just “Veg” a little. I like your little floating pinwheels.” Making lemonade!”

  13. Great SAHRR quilt Mari! Thanks for quilting along with us. The double rainbow pic is quite lovely as well as the camelia, which is our state flower!

  14. Yes, your SAHRR is very handsome!! It's great! Thank you for participating in the SAHRR'24 and for linking up!

  15. You always find the best border fabrics!! I love how your quilt came together. I remember you telling me that this would be a fun group project to participate in, and you sure were right. I hope you’ve had some time to rest up and rejuvenate—maybe with a nice spring break thrown in?

  16. A very cute kid's quilt. I know someone will be very happy to get it.

  17. I’ve been wondering about this lovely quilt. It has turned out beautifully. I love it :)

  18. Oh, I'm late on commenting on this - sorry! Your SAHRR looks great - I love that rainbow of color border! It really ties the whole quilt together! Thanks for sewing along with us!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!