Saturday, March 23, 2024

Spring is busting out

 Hi all! How are you doing today? Obviously something very big is up with me right now, as I haven't touched any fabric in weeks. Not taken one stitch. I don't want to talk about it right now, but I did want to pop in and say hello. So, hi! (waving wildly) Hope everything is going great with you!

Spring is busting out all over right now, and in addition to the pollen it has brought us some really pretty scenes. One of these is on the walk I take every day, and I just want to share it:

Forsythia, magnolia, dogwood! Don't they make a pretty picture? And do I need to mention that those would be some great quilt colors? The flowers and color are definitely raising my spirits. 

One other thing that's quite happy-- the daffodils on our hill are blooming, too:

Is there anything prettier than yellow flowers? Maybe pink, but there are no pink daffodils!

Hope everyone is enjoying spring, or whatever season you are entering. I am looking forward to warmer days, more sunshine, and longer days.

Take care, all! See you when I can.


  1. They are such pretty flowers/bushes and trees. Always a wonderful time of year.

  2. The flowers are beautiful! It's still cold in northern Indiana and often have a dusting of snow in the mornings. Hopefully spring will be coming in April.

  3. Lots of pretty blooms! Hope the something big is a good thing and not a have to just deal with it thing. Take care.

  4. Those trees are gorgeous! They just make you smile. Love the daffodils, too! Hope all is well - thinking of you, Mari.

  5. Such gorgeous signs of spring! Hope the big things going on are good ones.

  6. those flowery trees are so beautiful and thick. hope you are well

  7. I do need that pink backdrop for my quilty photoshoot. Let me know if Casa Mari is open :-) We can walk together. Sending big squishy hugs!

  8. Enjoy those pretty flower and hoping you can find time to sew soon, Mari!

  9. Hi, Mari. Just wanted to let you know that there are pink daffodils. There are all kinds of combination ones that have white, yellow, orange, and pink. Check out Breck dot com to see some of them. Your pictures are fantastic. Have a good week.

  10. Beautiful spring photos! Whatever it is that is up with you, I hope it resolves sooner instead of later.

  11. What beauty!!
    We had snow last week -- mostly melted now but it is raw and gray.

  12. Wow - spring has really spring in your area. those flowers are lovely! Hope you remember your kleenex for the sneezes that come with those beauties haha

  13. Fabulous flowering trees and bushes. Even though the calendar says Spring, Wyoming is late to the party! We still have snow on the ground! Hope your “ big something” is a good thing. Thinking of you, Mari!

  14. I'm late popping in to comment, and admittedly, I'm wondering if you are okay after hearing today's news. Lovely springtime views on your walk - thank you for sharing them! My view is snow and lots of brown!


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