Friday, December 28, 2018

A quilty good year

Hi all, and welcome to the last Friday of 2018!  How is that even possible? What a year this has been, with some very high "ups" and some very low "downs." For our family, this has been a wonderful year of being with our children, giving thanks for our siblings and parents, and watching our amazing grandchildren grow and learn.  I am convinced they are smarter and more advanced than their parents were! In the sewing room, there were lots of ups and downs, too, but overall it was a fun year with lots of progress and many pretty things.  Let's take a short look back before 2019 takes over, shall we?

According to my handy-dandy quilt tracker Excel spreadsheet, I had 28 quilty finishes this year.  Wait, what? That can't be right.  Yep, it is! Many of these were previously pieced tops that I quilted up as I learned to use the walking foot to do my own quilting.  By far the most popular posts this year were centered on the Squared Away quilt along:

This is a quilt along that I did this year with Angela of soscrappy, and it was a lot of fun! I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's quilts and I'm looking forward to getting my own quilted up really soon.

All of the block tutorials and instructions are still available HERE.

Usually I can never pick a favorite quilt, but this year I finished one that will likely be one of my favorites forever:

This is a quilt I call Grandma's quilt, because it's a copy of a block that was made by my great grandmother.  I touch this quilt every day and it makes me happy every time.  I think it might make her happy and a little proud, too.

This year I also achieved something of a milestone-- I had two quilts that went to national quilt shows! 

Misfit Toys was shown at the AQS show in Virginia Beach, and It's Complicated is already off and will be hanging at the Road to California show in January.  Funny story-- all of the Road to California emails went to my spam folder, and I found out that my quilt was selected by accident.  Thankfully, there was still time to get the quilt sent!  Shows were never really a goal for me, but so far it's fun and I'm pretty happy about it!

This year I also made some special baby quilts:

Mountain baby went to the daughter of a dear friend for her first child and my friend's first grandchild (an incredibly adorable little boy!)

 Family of Three was a gift to my own younger daughter for her first baby girl, who is coming in January.

I made few doll quilts:

These were for the Share the Love event for A Doll Like Me, sponsored by my friend Bernie.

I made a T-shirt quilt:

And some free-pieced churches:

And I also seemed to have a thing for stars:

Falling Stars
Scattered Stars

And then the year finished with two happy quilts for my twin grandkids:

Two of a Kind

Overall, this has been a wonderful year and I'm so happy with how everything has turned out.  Thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride.  I really value this supportive and happy community, and I hope you'll all come back in 2019.  I always enjoy reading about your adventures and I hope you enjoy mine as well.  It can get a little crazy sometimes, and it's definitely messy, but it's still fun!

Small stuffies

I'm continually surprised by how fast the time passes, but I'm sure that 2019 will be our best year yet! I've got some fun things planned, and I know you do, too.  Wishing you full bobbins, tangle-free thread, happy fabric, and a creative and happy 2019!

Expecto quiltonum!

Sharing at Meadow Mist Designs for the Best of 2018 party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Your quilts are all so gorgeous and colourful. I've been admiring your misfit toys for months, and it is my inspiration for putting together my orphan blocks. of my many goals for 2019:)

  2. I enjoyed your trip down Memory Lane. And I enjoyed working on the Squared Away blocks, though I got behind at the end of the year.

  3. so many finishes! that is so nice and they are all so pretty - or cute!

  4. What a beautiful year of finishes! Hope 2019 is productive and creative as well.

  5. Oh my goodness Mari. Seeing everything together like this makes me wonder how you had time for the rest of your life - I know there were several home reno projects going on and of course there is that whole time consuming thing about going to work every day. How did you get all of this done???
    Beautiful quilts here - so many pretties! Yes, your grandma would be proud - that quilt is gorgeous.

    Happy New Year friend!!

  6. You really did have a wonderful quilty year, Mari! It was fun to see all of your beautiful finishes again. I really enjoyed making the Squared Away blocks all year, so thanks again for providing those blocks and lots of inspiration for us! Looking forward to seeing what make in 2019!

  7. You had some fabulous finishes for 2018. Wow! I have my Squared Away blocks ready to set together and it's on my "to do" list for January.

  8. What a fabulous year for you Mari. All perfect works. I really love those doggie panel pillows.

  9. What a productive year! How did I miss the making of Mountain Baby? LOVE that quilt!!!

  10. What a productive year! Looking forward to seeing the Squared Away quilted. So many beautiful finishes already. May 2019 be even better.

  11. Well, you beat me! LOL Very pretty quilts and what a year of quilting! Have a Happy New Year and may you be as productive as 2018!

  12. What a fun review -- you have had a great year! Love those quilts, and I'm still smiling when I see the t-shirt quilt and all those names I recognize! Happy New Year!

  13. Amazing accomplishments this year! So many beautiful quilts!

  14. For being a very busy person, you got an awful lot done, but then I guess it's the busy ones who DO get the most done. My Squared Away blocks are done, but will wait until I get back from FL to be put together. And how wonderful that you have had two quilts go to national shows. Lucky that you found the emails in your spam folder. Happy New Year. Looking forward to what 2019 will bring.

  15. What a productive year you’ve had, so full of color! My favorites are Grandma’s quilt, Family of Three, and Scattered Stars. God bless you and your family in the New Year.

  16. Great to see all these quilts again! Like visiting with old, familiar friends :) Happy New Year!

  17. You have completed an amazing amount of beautiful quilts. It's always fun reading your blog. Thankyou for sharing your patterns and i look forward to following you in 2019

  18. So many great finishes, what a wonderful 2018! Thanks for linking up!

  19. HI Mari....WOW! So many great finishes! Isn't quilting for your grands the best though!! Okay...and congrats on the national shows. I hope 2019 continues to be as blessed as 2018.

  20. There is nothing like a year-end review to see what an eclectic quilter you are. It's so fun seeing these all again. 28 finishes. Oh, wow!! Best wishes for another year of quilty goodness, Mari!

  21. Whooo Hooo on 28 quilty finishes! That's a great accomplishment for 2018. I enjoyed Squared Away, it was a lot of fun to make. Hopefully mine will be a finished quilt before the end of 2019. Congrats on all the new additions to the family too.

  22. Oh, fantastic! What a great quilty year you've had!
    I've got my Squared Away blocks up on my design wall at the moment, contemplating the finish. Thanks for all the fun!

  23. Wow what a great year! And Congrats on the shows!! I am impressed with your stats!!!

  24. 28 quilts is pretty impressive! And they all look good too! LOL. Have a healthy and prosperous new year, my friend.


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