Friday, April 19, 2019

Letting an old project go

(This is a giveaway post!)

Hi everyone! How was your week?  It has been a busy, busy time around here! There are big changes coming at the AQ household, none of which I'm prepared to share with the interwebs just yet, but all of which mean that there is a great deal to do and not enough hours to do it.

With all of the busy-ness around here this week, along with some of our obligations associated with Easter, I have barely sewn a single stitch. And I missed something important, too-- two weeks ago this blog turned five years old! Really, five years. Who knew? Apparently not me, because I just noticed it yesterday.  Later this year I'll have to do something to celebrate, don't you think?

For today, though, remember a few weeks ago I said that I always miss the quilty adoption event that Cynthia hosts twice a year at Quilting is more fun than Housework? Well, I decided not to wait any more and go ahead and give away the project I've been wanting to give away for at least three adoption cycles now.  (You know I'd miss the next one, too, don't you?) Here is the project:

The giveaway includes everything you see here: the book (in like-new condition), the already made 4-patches, the remaining 2-1/2 inch strips (some of which have been cut to make 4-patches), and about 1-1/3 yards of coordinating fabric that I think was supposed to be for an additional border and binding.  I can't remember exactly, but it's fabric from the same line.  That's a big giveaway!

I started to make the cover quilt from this book a couple of years ago, but never went beyond making some of the 4-patches. The quilt is really cute, but I just have no enthusiasm for making it any more.  The fabric here is a line called Victorian Modern by Andover Fabrics and has a 2012 date on the selvage. It's beyond time for this fabric to be used.  The strips do not have pinked edges and I think they were cut by the quilt shop, not by the manufacturer.

The book contains 18 patterns for different precuts, and the quilts finish in a variety of different sizes. I'm not sure that you can read all the pattern titles, but they represent a number of different styles, and the instructions are well written.

This project is getting zero love sitting in my closet, and I'm ready to let it go.  This entire project could be yours!  I really want it to go to someone who will make something with it and not just add it to the stash.  You don't have to make this project, but make something, and send me a picture when you do.  That's all!

I have no other pictures of the project, but here is a happy magnolia blossom!

So, if you would like to have this project and make something from it, and you agree to send me a picture when you do, just leave a comment on this post! I will send you this entire project at no cost (via parcel post because wow! postage has gotten really expensive).  I'm sorry to say that I can only send this in the US because shipping is remarkably expensive. I really am sorry.  Since Sunday is Easter Sunday and I doubt I'll be looking at the Internet at all, I will choose a winner using the random number generator Monday around lunchtime (between noon and 1pm on the East coast).  Please, please be sure that I can contact you!  If I can't get in touch with you, you can't win!

 This giveaway is now closed!  Thanks everyone!

I feel like this post is rambling, but you get the idea!  A blessed Easter to everyone who celebrates, and chag Pesach samech to everyone celebrating Passover this week, too.  And a happy spring weekend to all!


  1. The butterfly fabric flew out of the pile and caught my eye. I'd love to send you a photo of the finished project I'd make with your treasures. I just finished a big quilt and have been looking for something new and different. This could be it!

  2. Great giveaway. Looks like a fun book and a pretty project. I do live in Canada, but if I'm lucky enough to win, shipping could be to my sister in Ohio.

  3. I would definitely finish the quilt and find a home for it. My quilt guild has a very active donation program.

  4. Add me to the list of ladies who would make a quilt out of your lovely fabrics!

  5. I would love to finish this project and donate it to my guild's comfort quilt program--the fabrics are so sweet I'm sure it would make a little girl very happy! Thanks for sharing, and happy weekend!

  6. I'd love to finish this. Wonderful fabrics. If I win, I would be happy to reimburse you for postage.... and send you one of my UFOs......

  7. I would love to win and I promise to make a quilt and send you a picture. You are very generous.

  8. I wouldn't mind a win like that and I do not have the book - as long as you aren't expecting the quilt on the cover of that book or to be whipped up in a month I could send you a photo when it is done -

  9. I like the vibe of the fabrics, and the book looks interesting too. I have adopted several projects and finished them. There's something so easy about someone else having made the hard decisions!

  10. When you said the edges wheren't pinked, my ears perked up :-) I hate the pinked edges on pre-cuts! I realize they are necessary to keep the fabric from fraying but really were is the edge? It would be fun to send photos :)

  11. Sounds like a fun challenge, I'll throw my name in the hat!!

  12. I love pre-cut quilts, and would love to turn yours into a much deserving quilt top, since it's been a work in progress since 2012! I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work.
    Sheila at Quilting Nan Blog.

  13. I would love to finish your project and send you a picture. I would donate the quilt to a local shelter for children. I love your blog.

  14. I too have passed on some fabrics and projects I was no longer interested in. So many projects so little time. I love the pattern and the fabrics are really cute. I would love to finish this and would be more than happy to post photos to you. I am making a lot of family quilts and donation quilts. I would love to get to a place where I could have quilts on hand to donate when the need arises. Now I make them as I go but it's working.

  15. I would love to pass this on to my charity quilting group called Piecemakers. Fabric is getting so expensive and this would be a great project for them to use!

  16. This is the first time I've ever tried to "adopt" a project...but I think it would be a good thing for me right now. I'm in a slump (it happens) and having something that's "ready to go" might give me a boost. The book would a big plus - I have a lot of aging pre-cuts that need to become something. Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. I hope your changes are as happy as those magnolias this spring! I don't need to be entered because you know I have a lot of things I need to adopt out myself! LOL

  18. I love the giveaway fabrics and book. Such an intriguing line of fabric! It would be fun to finish this project, Wishing you all the best with your upcoming changes and hope your Easter was wonderful!
    Carol Andrews

  19. Butterflies? And paisley? I'm in! My quilting buddy (my sister) and I are going to see each other in July (we live across the country from each other) and I've been looking for a project for us to work on while we are together. This would be perfect!

  20. OK - I know this sounds crazy, but I look at unfinished projects the same way I look at puppies at an animal shelter. I want to take them home, love them, finish them and help them be what they are meant to be. That's the same way I feel about the orphan blocks that accumulate. I love rescuing them from a box in the bottom of the closet and turning them into something special. So, if you want that project to be adopted by someone who will bring it to life, send it to me! Thanks.

  21. That’s a very generous giveaway! I’m always drawn to four patches and those fabrics are lovely. If I am chosen, I may just make a simple quilt surrounding those blocks with a neutral fabric. Thanks!

  22. I love those fabrics! I would love to finish your quilt. I am a complete sucker for finishing other people’s work. There is something about honouring the quilter who started the quilt and the quilt itself by taking it to the finish line and making it into something useful. I have made a beautiful quilt from some crewel embroidery blocks from the 70s, a spiderweb quilt from blocks made of repurposed clothing from the 30s and 40s, a quilt from hand dyed strainer cloth blocks from earlier and I have picked up orphaned projects at a nearby quilt show only to finish the projects and present them at my local guilt and somebody says, “I made those blocks and thought they were hopeless. Most recently, just yesterday, I took odd sized blocks that were in a “tinner” that I received when one of the local Quilters passed away. I love the challenge of ‘Making Something From Nothing’ and am very generous in giving quilts away because as much as the fabric deserves to be made into a quilt, the quilt deserves to be ‘out there’ being used and loved. And...... with your fabrics, who wouldn’t love to be cuddled up and receiving a quilted hug and some comfort.

  23. I love those fabrics (well, actually I love all fabrics) and I love quilting (and gardening and reading) and I know how to take pictures (that sometimes aren't fuzzy)! Oh, and I love people who have giveaways too!

  24. I would love to do something with those fabrics. Please put me in the draw. Dortha at

  25. Throwing my name into the hat for this fun fabric! You know I'm a finisher and not much languishes for long in my tiny sewing studio. Thanks for offering up your orphan :)

  26. Hiya!!! That is lovely fabric and I love the pattern---the whole book as a matter of fact. Thank you so much for giving us a chance to make something beautiful. Blessed be!!! pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  27. What a generous gift! I would love to make something special from this collection. Thank you for the chance to win!

  28. From a fellow academic quilter...I know just exactly what I'd love to make from your gorgeous start! Thanks for the opportunity!

  29. Thank you for the opportunity! I would love to find a pattern in the book to use to make up this quilt. The floral and butterflies are very attractive!

  30. I would love to make the quilt and post you a picture. This year I am working on finishing quilts and mainly in Twin size but if there is enough fabric it will be at least double bed size because the donation quilts at my guild are short on larger sizes.

  31. Happy 5th anniversary!! Lovely fabric and great book of quilt patterns - awesome giveaway...but please don't put this SABLE in the running for it!

  32. I'd love to finish a quilt in those fabrics . Pictures would follow of course. Happy anniversary readingtirzah at

  33. Happy Fifth! I started my blog in early 2014 and the time flies!
    Very interesting fabric and the book looks like a lot of scrappy quilts to be made! Happy Easter

  34. Swoon! This fabric is absolutely beautiful. I love delicate florals. I would definitely use this in a quilt. And yes - I will send a photo too. I have another two weeks of the semester left (I teach English - lots of research papers to read!)and then I can have fun in the sewing room. Thank you for this generous giveaway, and thanks for your inspiring blog!

  35. Congratulations on five years, Mari! That's wonderful.
    Such beautiful fabrics. They make me think of the spring-into-summer season. I would love to give them a home and use them for a quilt.
    Thank you for offering both the book and fabrics.
    I am a reply-blogger so you should be able to contact me easily.
    Happy Easter to you.

  36. I love four patches. Looks like a nice book and spring project.

  37. Gorgons colors, and I love the design. It would be something I would love to make. Happy Easter, and I hope you had a wonderful family get together! christina.mugg at


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!