Saturday, August 29, 2020

One block, two blocks

 Hello everyone! Well, the first week of school is in the books, and it went pretty well, if I do say so myself. The students seem pretty much up for Zooming, and they actually showed up for class, so it's looking good so far. This is a huge relief, and I feel so much better now that the first week is behind me. The planning takes a long time, but it certainly pays off. My only trouble right now is getting library materials, but they are reopening on Monday, so that may just work itself out as well. Yahoo!

This week I got started on the Phoenix quilt, which turns out to be the best therapy ever. I know that Saturday is the day for posting for the Rainbow Scrap Chellenge, but I made no RSC progress and we're kind of living in a topsy-turvy world right now, and I want to show my blocks, so why not?  Here are the first two that I made:

Those look a little wrinkled, but aren't they pretty? And they did get a little damp, too, because you can tell that it was just finished raining, but they pressed dry just fine.This pattern is by Sharon Holland, and you can get the pattern HERE. Like I said, it's a really therapeutic pattern to stitch up when you are very stressed. Once you're done with the cutting and counting, it's pretty much autopilot, which is exactly what I needed.


I spent a nice couple of hours over a few evenings cutting everything, then another couple matching things up and marking and whatnot. This was remarkably peaceful. So I have everything cut, but I've only stitched these two. Somehow it worked best for me to make two at a time, so that there was never a time when I had to cut the threads. Yeah, it's the little things.


In other news, they made real progress on our renovation this week. Construction is so strange. When I have something to do around the house, I want to get in and get it done, but here they'll work for a few hours, then leave, then some other people come, then we wait several days for the electrician, who looks at things and leaves, then someone else comes. It's all strange, but the work is outside, so it's not bothering us too much yet. If it were inside we'd be climbing the walls, but it's outside for now, so it's okay. Loud at times, but okay.

I did one other good thing this week, besides teach a bunch of classes, and that was this:


I bought a second iron! Is it weird that it makes me really happy? I now have one at the big ironing board and one next to the sewing machine. It only cost about ten dollars, but I dithered over it for far too long. Here's the best part: I had both of them on, plus the sewing machine, AND the TV, and the power was just fine. It was amazing and felt miraculous. Like I said, it's the little things!

I hope you all are having a good weekend! I plan to rest my brain and clean the sewing machines, then maybe baste something else. I unexpectedly have some extra batting, so I'd better put it to good use!


  1. Lovely BIG blocks! What a good idea to have all the pieces prepared and bundled ready to sew in free moments, while thinking of other things.

  2. I guess you sometimes have trouble with your power that you were happy to have all turned on at once :) glad I don't have that trouble! So happy your zooming went well - the quilt is great looking

  3. Having a husband and FIL who worked in construction together for several years, I get what you are saying. There's a rhythm to construction all its own, and sometimes it only makes sense to them. One day, nothing happens; another day, so much happens. Glad it's outside so far, and that the noise isn't too loud. Nice blocks too - they look great for some easy sewing. I'm glad your first week of classes went well! Two irons - yippee! The iron I've had for years is starting to let me know it may be time to replace it; I'm in denial.

  4. We had our kitchen done last year and you are right about the coming and going. We had to be ready at 8am every day all summer. Some days they were there at 8am some days 9 or 9:30, and lots of waiting for electricians etc. But the ed result is worth it! Your blocks, btw are very pretty.

  5. Ooh so pretty. I really like these blocks. I have the small Clover iron by my sewing machine and a big iron at my board. Aren't we lucky to have 2!? Doesn't matter when you post-we are retired and since not going anywhere cuz of you know, the days sometimes run together and we have to check the phone to see what day it is!! Lol. Point is: keep enjoying your sewing and keep talking to us. :)

  6. So glad the school things are starting out smoothly so far, Mari! Those are beautiful blocks and definitely look very satisfying to make. Lots of HSTs, it looks like, but once those are made, I bet the blocks go together quickly.

  7. Glad school went well. It is different for both teachers and for kids. Teachers have so much to learn and prepare for just so they can learn - hoping the all appreciate your work.

    Like your new project! Easy one and yet it will be pretty! Enjoy your week-end.

  8. Very pretty blocks! it is the little things that matter, and it's not at all weird that you are so happy about a new iron :)
    So glad the back to school transition went well!

  9. These blocks make me want to get a pineapple or lime popsicle or something! I’m glad your classes have started out so well. That should keep the stress level down. And construction. Whew! Even the noise of outdoor construction a block away drives me bonkers, so I’m glad your tolerance is high. Can’t wait to see a photo of the results. What are your irons? They are so pretty.

  10. Lovely blocks. I needed some "auto pilot" sewing today too.

    I'm so glad to hear that your first week of classes has gone well. Mine too, so far. My class sizes are small so that makes it more manageable.

  11. I'm pretty sure I drooled a little at the green floral in the second block. What a pretty pretty pretty fabric! And no worries about your posting schedule. I'm so far behind on blogging, and have no idea what day it is anyway :)

  12. The blocks are great - love the colors. But you know what is even better?!?! That second iron! Earlier this summer I ought a new, second, iron so I could have one upstairs where I sew and downstairs in the shop. No kidding - such a small thing and it makes me so happy!! I hate to ship that last cut off a bolt to someone because it is soooo wrinkled. Seems like in a store, if a customer buys the end of the bolt, they see it come off and understand why it is wrinkled. If I send someone that last cut and they didn't see it was the end of the bolt, it just looks messy. Anyway, that second iron brings me joy!!!

    Enjoy yours too Mari. :-)

  13. Absolutely - it is INDEED the little things that make our days better. Good for you!

  14. Nice blocks! Re: House reconstruction, different people for different jobs, got to keep the folk with the license for this or that doing it, and checking if the job is ready for them yet ...

  15. There are so many wrinkles in our lives that I can totally understand the happiness that you got from acquiring a second iron. May be you can iron away the wrinkles in our haphazard lives. Times may be topsy-turvy but your blocks are upright - no matter how they are oriented. Kudos on surviving week one. See you are better equipped than you thought. It will be fine.


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