Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Going a little rogue

 Hi everyone, and happy September! Really, it's September. I usually really like September, but I feel like it should be May right now, so I'm all discombobulated. But school seems to be going well, thank heavens, and I'm kind of starting to relax about it. The students are awesome right now and are pretty much game for almost anything, although they hate that their cameras have to be on all the time. Hey, it's a rule, and if I have to be on camera, so do you. Seems fair, right?

So, it's been very busy, but I've gotten to steal a few moments to make these pretty blocks this week:


Pink hovering hawks! And just look at those lovely geraniums. They were pretty stressed from the heat for a while, but they've really rallied in the last week, so I had to get them in the pictures, too. 

Why did I make these blocks? I've been doing the color challenge at Patterns by Jen, but I really did not like the block for August. Sometimes things in a pattern just don't click for you, so you have to go a little off track and do your own thing. That's what I had to do here, and these blocks will be in whatever quilt is the end result of this project. The important thing is that they are very pretty and pink, and made from scraps. Which is the point, right?


The geraniums are giving me so much joy right now that I tried to get pictures of the blocks with them.  The fabric was not really cooperating with staying straight, but the color is pretty happy, don't you think? The blocks look complicated, but they're made mostly with simple hsts, so they were actually pretty relaxing. I keep meaning to take a picture of all the blocks for this project together so far, but I just haven't done that yet. Maybe next month, which is actually this month now. Oh, my. I really can't keep up!


I hope you all are having a good week and are surrounded by happy things,and that you're all still washing those hands and staying healthy. On a *completely* unrelated note, what kind of hand lotions are you using for those chapped hands? I may need a recommendation!

Sharing at Midweek Makers and Oh Scrap!


  1. My hands have been fine using soap & water, hand sanitiser. Sorry I'm no help. Love the pink blocks with the pink flowers.

  2. I use Gold Bond hand cream products. I have some right next to my machine because that's where the condition of my hands is most obvious!

  3. Such pretty pink blocks, Mari! I use Curel Fragrance Free for Dry and Sensitive Skin. If I forget for a while or if my skin is particularly dry and irritated, I use Aveeno Eczema Therapy Hand Cream. It's also fragrance free.

  4. Going rogue??? Don't you follow enough rules in your work life already??? Don't answer. It is a rhetorical question. Now about your blocks - well I won't call them pink. I believe they are red, pale red but red, nevertheless. I have stared at a Color Wheel long enough to fight anyone who says otherwise. By making red blocks in September you are playing by the RSC rules :-) So there you go. Even when you "go rogue" you end up conforming :-D

  5. Those are definitely pretty blocks. And those geraniums - gorgeous!! My geraniums are still producing lots of leaves but haven't bloomed at all in a couple of weeks. We've had so much heat and wind that probably has stressed them. I hope if I keep watering and feeding them maybe we'll see a few more blossoms before it freezes.

  6. I like the pink blocks, and they are a nice sub for the August design. It's your quilt, so you do what you like. As to the lotion, I don't use much, but I try to find non-greasy, non-scented lotions. So I'm no help there.

  7. Cute blocks!! My son says that being on camera all the time is making him realize he likes to talk with his hands.... haha!!

  8. Those are pretty in pink, and look great with your geraniums! I had to modify my August block because I ran out of one of the colors I was using, so, we all do what we have to do, right?! Glad things are going well with your classes, Mari.

  9. Cetaphil products are the best! Great facial soap and moisturizing for the face! Love your pink. I purchased fabric in December to do the 2020 project - I think I will still try to catch up and see what comes of it. Hugs

  10. I've been known to switch out blocks, especially if the assigned block is applique. I'm glad the academic year is off to a decent start. It helps that everyone is online and not doing some hybrid dance. My favorite hand cream, Gardeners Hand Therapy by Crabtree and Evelyn, is no longer available, but Aveeno hand creams (many different varieties) are my second choice. Enjoy your long weekend.

  11. Hi Mari! It seems like it was just the end of the school year - how is it possible to be starting up already. I'm glad this year is going better for you and hopefully your colleagues. The March madness is behind everyone. I love the rogue blocks - pretty fabrics. They be a welcome addition and no one will be the wiser. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. What a pretty block! I don't think I ever knew its name before. Hovering Hawk is very descriptive! I have a big bottle of Lubriderm hand lotion sitting on our kitchen counter in case I need it, but so far my hands haven't been particularly dry. But then again, it's quite foggy and humid here. I'd welcome a bit less humidity :)

  13. Love your blocks, and the pretty geraniums. I do not use the hand sanitizers, cannot stand the smell.

  14. I just caught up with your blog, so I'm a little late commenting. I also modified my PBJ for August because I didn't have enough of the right fabric. My hubby is a lab manager at college and he says the students often leave their cameras off!

  15. Favorite hand cream: Gold Bond Healing. It has aloe in it. I love it; even my husband likes it. It is thick and absorbs well without being to greasy. I would even have a large bottle at school which all the kids liked. Nice blocks!

  16. Avon Moisture Therapy. I've been using it for over 30 years. Great on feet, too. My guys like it too (hubby & 2 son's). Just a dab will do you. Don't use too much, or it won't rub in.


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