Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Stress planning

 Hi everyone! How are you today? The last couple of days we've been having amazing weather, so much so that I've managed to get several miles worth of walking in. I even considered wearing sleeves one morning because it was a bit on the chilly side, relatively speaking, when I started out. I warmed up plenty, don't worry. But it's been just a lovely late summer these last few days, which feels fantastic. We even ate outside last night! And they made progress on our renovation! Happy spots in the midst of this weird year.

Do you all make careful quilty plans for what you want to accomplish in the sewing room? I have not been doing so, because who knows how I'm going to feel or what I'm going to feel like making? We started back to school this week, though, on the meeting end of things, at least, and the stress level is already pretty high for me. Going remote was absolutely the best decision, but I know that I'll have a high stress level for the rest of the year.  With that in mind, I've planned three projects to keep me busy this fall.

I had thought that I would keep working on my closet full of UFOs, but it turns out that's even more stressful. So many little pieces! I love complicated piecing, but it's just not going to work for me, and I'm definitely not looking to make up my own designs right now, either.  With that in mind, I looked for patterns that had bigger pieces and easy piecing. Easy to push through the machine and not think very much, and easy to fix if I mess up. Totally not what I usually do! But I think these will look good: 

First is this pile of pretty fabrics:


I'm going to use these to make Sharron Holland's Phoenix pattern, which you can get HERE. A lot of pieces, but all of them big and easy to construct. And look how cute it turns out! This is the first one I'm going to tackle, I think. 

Next, I've been planning to make a quilt for our bed for quite some time. I may have shown you this before, but I'm planning to make this pattern:


Big pieces, easy strip piecing, and it will look terrific in these fabrics:

It looks like a pile of laundry, but I promise that they are really pretty in person! I want this one to look like beach glass, in various shades of aquas with a sandstone background. I've been collecting the aqua batiks, and I got some from friends, too. I definitely need a few more of the greener aquas, but otherwise I think this will be ready to start once I press all those pieces. 

In preparation for the quilt above, I bought a bunch of fabrics which were advertised as aquas and teals but turned out to be mostly blue. What a disappointment, because I don't use much blue. I pulled out the aquas that I could use, but what to do with the leftover blues?


Pair them up with some yellow scraps, of course! I'm thinking of making the pattern that's shown with them, another Busy Hands Quilts pattern. I'm less sure about this one, though, so I'm thinking I'll leave it for last. That's if I make it through the others, of course.

So, not usually a sewing room planner, but just for now having a plan is making me feel better. I still have several quilt tops to quilt up, too, so I can always work on those if I feel like it. I honestly have no idea how this semester will turn out, but so far, it's looking to be a lot like last spring. Here's one thing about teaching remotely-- it's exhausting! Much harder to be on camera than to teach in a classroom. Here's hoping these plans will keep me sane and unstressed. 

Hope you all are having a good week! Hope your fabrics are happy ones, and that your projects are turning out well. And that your stress is manageable, too!

Sharing at Midweek Makers.


  1. I am not much of a planner, either, Mari, but I do have an idea of what I would like to accomplish in a year. Your plan sounds doable and should help relieve some of that stress by doing something pleasurable. Love the fabric choices! :)

  2. Phoenix is going to be gorgeous in your chosen fabrics! And your plan sounds like it will definitely help tame the stress.

  3. I think I have that quilt pattern that you show someplace. One of those impulse buys - I liked it I bought it and put it in my box of patterns and how long since I looked in that box I wonder? It is a good idea to make a quilt with big pieces I think when you want to sew but you do not want to concentrate a lot on complex pattern and little pieces.
    What do you teach? you seem to be under stress with teaching I understand about the remote learning and that could be stress in itself but I feel at times you have more going on and hope all is well.

  4. Good to have a plan, says the woman who never sticks to one. I have one suggestion. In the last photo, I think the fabric on the far left of the blues would actually work in your aqua project and would provide a little more depth. I don't envy any educator at any level these days. All you can do is give it your best effort and show your students lots of empathy. Tough times all around. And keep making time for your walks. Good to get outside in the fresh air when the weather allows.

  5. I think it's important to lean into whatever sewing feels right to you now. More planning? Less planning? Bigger piecing? Tiny piecing? Bold and happy? Muted and soothing? We all should listen to what calls us, because fighting anything to do with quilting is just too hard. Save the fightin' spirit for getting to the voting booth :)

  6. Great planning! I think you'll appreciate just being able to pick up something and sew, rather than having to think about what to sew. Especially after those long days of online teaching. I agree that online meetings/conversations are just not the same and they are exhausting. I'm liking your project choices too!

  7. Royal blue and gold - my college colors! Your beach glass project will be stunning in those colors.

    I hope your stress levels out much lower once you are working with students again - even if it has to be online. Today is the first day of our online classes as many schools in the area begin today - face-to-face. My fingers are crossed that things go well for those schools. Two of my grandkids began today in a brand new school in a new town. The other 3 will go back to their school next week.

  8. Hi Mari - if you do not want those blues - I will purchase them from you! I love blues! Evidently the virus has really caused a lot of stress in the quilting world - we had other type of stresses while the Virus hit. We are just now enjoying life for 2020, but because I was away from quilting for 7 months, I am also working on an easy project. I certainly understand that cleaning out a UFO pile is really not the thing to do when under stress. You have selected some nice projects that you will be challenged on, yet it is no stress quilting, and you will have produced some quilts!

    Teaching in this day and age (even before the Virus) has to be a monumental climb to go to worki each and every day. Life has changed in the last 20 years and the younger generation really doesn’t understand American history - they are missing so much!

    I have a friend who teaches at a college and now has to learn more about computers than she ever had to. She is 76 and still teaching! I truly admire her!

    I have already put in my 38 years of work and retired 21 years now - but one thing we do miss is the ability to go on a trip! Maybe next year.

    Have a great day and love your approach to “still quilting by working on pretty but easier projects”!

  9. I loved Louise's comment and agree with her that whatever you need to do right now, you should do! It's fun to see your fabric pulls and patterns - they're all going to be beautiful. Enjoy the planning, cutting, sewing, and all!

  10. All three of those selections are bright and cheerful combinations of fabric and pattern. I hope they are relaxing to sew and you feel the stress melt away as you're working with them. I feel better just with the eye candy!

  11. Ditto to Louise and Diann's comments - make what feels good. I LOVE sea glass colors - that quilt will be so pretty. Love all of the patterns you are planning to play with. You know me - no fussy stuff.

    Look to the bright side of remote teaching. Can you sit while on camera? That way you can wear sweats or pajama pants. Hahaha. Just teasing you. I know the whole thing stinks for faculty and students alike. It is such a surreal time. Keep walking and try not to stress all the time. You are not alone in this - I haven't been walking because of the heat and the smokey air. Just inside all day every day. Ick.

  12. Safer for you to teach from home, Mari. SEW glad to have chosen some easy piecing to counteract the stress of your work day. Those projects look lovely!

  13. Love the sea glass colors and you know I love blue and yellow (I'll take your blue scraps once you're finished piecing). Stress planning - doing lots of that myself. Simple sewing is best - aside from those "lucky" few who cope best with intense focused tiny/complex piecing (not me). We each need to do what is best for us and our families - for you that means teaching remotely and staying safer than you would in a full classroom (not to mention getting there and getting home again). Take care!

  14. You have surrounded yourself with much prettiness, beautiful patterns and a plan to surge ahead. I see no room for stress. You just crowded that baby outta your home/studio - at least for now. And if you feel it creeping back, remember I am a short drive away. Lots of Love & hugs.

  15. I'd like to say I make plans but rarely do I stick with them. Whatever happens at least you have something to work on.

  16. Love all those beautiful fabrics and the patterns as well. That last blue/yellow combo is my favorite! Happy quilting.

  17. Love your plans. I have pulled some fabs for new quilts but they are being ignored while I try to move some UFOs to finished tops; and finished tops moved to finished quilts. I'm particularly partial to your turquoises and the blues. I can't imagine teaching during this time. Anxiety can take a lot of energy so hope yours calms down. Take care of yourself during all this. And, enjoy the fine weather while it lasts. I hope we don't have more heat waves for a while...

  18. Oh! That sea glass quilt is going to be a STUNNER!

  19. Good idea to have several projects available for whatever suits you.I love the sea glass and Blue and Gold are my alma mater's colors so they always appeal!

  20. Those look like amazing projects! and the cutting and ironing is always a stress reliever!

  21. How fun to see two of my patterns on your to-do list! I appreciate the shout-out as it has driven a lot of traffic to my website. Please share what you make with me. I may not see it on the blog, so please email it directly. :) Myra~


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