Monday, September 21, 2020

A festive trio of blocks

 Hello everyone! Here we are at yet another week in 2020. I can't believe this year isn't over yet, and at the same time, September is racing by. Our temperatures dropped into the 40s overnight the last couple of nights, and the hubs finally broke down and let me turn on the heat. Hard to imagine, but true! 

I am trying to finish a big writing project right now, with a deadline of September 30, so while there has been stitching, there has not been blog writing. Life is like that sometimes. Today I just have three more Phoenix blocks to show off:


Aren't those pretty? I know some of you may be tired of seeing the geraniums, but I couldn't resist as they are blooming so nicely right now, and I fear they don't have long. The tomatoes are done, I think, which means that I should pick the green ones that remain and see if they ripen up. 


These blocks are so easy, with big pieces and easy construction. I did have to resort to labeling the rows, though, because I kept getting them mixed up. The hardest part really is the layout, though I do find trimming the hsts just a little tedious. I listened to The Martian (the movie) again while I was stitching these, which made it go a little better. Good book, pretty good movie, but I can't listen to recorded books. They put me right to sleep or else annoy the heck out of me.


I wasn't sure about this blue, which seemed pretty plain as yardage, but I think it turned out all right, don't you?

Those of you who have made this quilt will notice that I've departed from the pattern just a little and used random fabrics for the centers instead of what I was supposed to use. This means that I'll have some leftover hsts from the blocks, and I already came up with a nice idea for them. Sort of a "Phoenix lite" or something.

This week I also got a nice package in the mail:


An online friend sent me these lovely yellows and golds, and now I think I'm searching for a fun pattern to use the golds. I think they would look great all used in a quilt together, don't you? It has to be a super simple pattern, though, because right now my mental bandwidth is pretty narrow. 

 That's the state of my sewing life right now! Not that exciting, but all progress is good progress, right?  Hope you are all making progress, too. Have a good week, everyone, and cross your fingers for a finish for me later this week. I'm thisclose, but first I have to finish those darned footnotes. . .

Sharing at Midweek Makers.


  1. Those Phoenix blocks are all beauties! And I love that you are using different centers. Hope your writing project reaches a successful finish by deadline.

  2. :) I'm afraid I would have just turned the heat on and said deal with it! I can't stand being cold.
    all the blocks are so pretty

  3. Love the Phoenix blocks. I can't wait to see them all joined together.
    I retired from my college professor position in July. I have lots more time to quilt but I do miss my students. Good luck with your classes this semester.

  4. Such happy looking blocks, especially when shown with your beautiful flowers!

  5. Pretty blocks. I'm still trying to warm up with my hot coffee this morning to avoid turning on the furnace :)

  6. Oh, those blocks are so fun, and I like the idea of changing up the centers. I never enjoyed the footnotes when writing, so I hope they get done quickly for you. We are having lovely high 70s/low 80s weather this week. Maybe is will head your way soon!

  7. Wow, those are big blocks. Of course, that means you need fewer of them, which is a bonus. It's been down in the 30's for the last 4 nights, but the heat hasn't been turned on yet. The days have been sunny, if not particularly warm and we have lots of windows on the south side, so it warms up nicely during the day. Good luck finishing the writing project, so you can get back to the important stuff.

  8. Pretty blocks, pretty fabrics, and a pretty good friend, too!! :o))

  9. Big, beautiful blocks! I like the different centers. I can see why trimming the HSTs is getting tedious...there are a ton of them in these blocks! Even big ones take time to trim. I find I can only do about 16 at a time and then I need a break, no matter what size the darned things are :)

  10. Oh I love all of those big beautiful blocks! Great fabrics, too.

  11. "Narrow bandwidth" - oh, I am SO right there with you. And it isn't getting any easier. Your blocks are lovely - and I'm with you on trimming HSTs as I tried BH's method for making the 2" finished HSTs in her Appalachian Autumn design. I MUCH prefer die cutting mine.

  12. I never get tired of your geraniums—or your pretty quilt blocks on display. I hope the footnotes are history now! Happy Autumn!

  13. Yes, all progress is good progress. At this time in our country if only we could stand still it would be great than regressing into Middle Ages. Sorry, not about me. Your blocks are lovely. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am sorry I did not call, but did not want to explode into tears while singing Happy Birthday. Sorry again - not about me. Who sent you beige/brown and what are you going to do with them? It needs some chocolate brown and dark orange. Chocolate covered orange slices - well now that is something I can be happy about. Sorry again - not about me. Ooops. The geraniums are beautiful - just like you!

  14. This looks like a good block to use up some OLD fabrics. I may have to try it. Thanks for the inspiration.


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