Friday, September 11, 2020

Galaxy full of stars

 Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I've been okay, spending a lot more time than I want to on the computer, and not for fun stuff, either. But no one wants to hear about that, especially me! I did have a couple of fun things happen this past week-- they poured concrete for my new garage at last. Yahoo! How sad is it that I'm counting that as "fun?" Those of you who have had construction know what I mean. The contractors said two more weeks. Then it rained like crazy, so who knows what happens now? 

It has been a wild time for the last couple of weeks, and Zoom teaching is exhausting, but I do have a finish today! Take a look at this beauty:
The Galaxy Stars quilt is finished! Yay! I finished the top for this quilt almost exactly two years ago, in September of 2018. As a part of my quest to finish up all of the tops I have hanging in the closet, I finally sent this off to my longarm quilter friend Diane and she did a great job quilting it for me. 

This entire quilt is made from scraps, including some dark blues that I had gotten for a different project. I ended up not using them for the original project, and they sat around for a while, but they finally got used in this quilt. And now I don't have to feel guilty about them any more.

The backing is a Carrie Bloomston print that I got from Bernie's shop. Funny story: I had two star quilts and I got two different star backings for them, intending one for this quilt and one for the other quilt. Of course, by the time I got to having them quilted, I had forgotten which was which, and I used the backing I wanted for this quilt for the first one. (If that makes any sense at all. Maybe I'm rambling.) It worked out okay, though, because I actually love this backing with this quilt.

This quilt turned out to be so super-cozy that I really enjoyed having it on my lap as I was stitching the binding. I didn't know what I was going to do with it, but now I think that it will live in our living room all this winter. We'll have to test it out on the hubs, but he claimed it was "too hot" to try it last night. And then it rained and rained, so it was too dark to get pictures yesterday. And even though they have poured the concrete, they left a heck of a mess! So much mud. . .
So, that's my finish! Yahoo! A second fun thing that happened this week is that Preeti came to my house! And she pretty much cleaned my sewing room, too. She gave me some "homework," as in "put those fabrics away," so I should definitely get to that. Don't tell her I'm behind, okay? It will be our secret.

Everyone have a good weekend! And if you're Zooming, remember that you only need real clothes from the waist up! And makeup is completely optional, too!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Brag about your Beauties.


  1. what a lovely quilt - I really like those colors - glad the construction is moving along

  2. Oh so pretty!! I really like that variety of shades of blue background. It has a lot of depth of color.

  3. I remember those blocks! They turned into a wonderful quilt, Mari! I'm glad you got it finished, and that last photo is especially lovely.

  4. A fine finish indeed! I really like the varied blues for the background. And your outdoors photo shoot looks magazine-worthy.

  5. I like the multi blues in the background too! Fun to have Preeti visit! Sometimes a helper in the clean up department is needed! Shhh!

  6. That's a lovely finish and even better it used up some scraps. So nice to have PREETI as a visitor and to push you along for cleaning.. haha.

  7. Using the multiple blues as background gives the stars added texture. Having Preeti visit and help with cleaning up the studio must have been fun. I'm glad you're adapting to the zoom classes, but I'm sure everyone will be happy to get back to the classroom and lecture halls even if it means getting dressed.

  8. What a pretty quilt, with those pops of color on the blue background. I have to mark my backings, just to keep track of what I had intended them for, so I understand your little switcheroo. Construction and mud just seem to go together, as well as mess. But happy dance on the concrete floor - it's the little (big) things. When hubs does his video conferencing, he's often in suit & tie, with shorts! Haha!

  9. Love the multi fabric blues in the background - what a pretty, pretty finish! And the photos you took are wonderful. Hooray for a new garage floor (I get what you mean by fun, too). I have a stack of potential backings and they get swapped around many times before being actually used - it's part of my gestation process and sometimes results in unexpected but terrific combinations. Great post, Mari!

  10. Making progress on the construction!! Yay for that. I love improvement projects and each step is always exciting to me. The mess, not so much though.
    The backing worked well for this quilt. Glad you put it to use!!
    I like this finish quite a lot Mari - it is a keeper.
    Hope this weekend holds some relaxing time for you. We are, of course, still indoors but at least it has cooled off - maybe that will help a little with the fires? Still no rain in sight though. :-(

  11. I have a friend who teaches at the Community College and she is going nuts having to teach on-line and in class! I keep telling her to retire (she is 76) but she is a Widow and as long as she can it is probably best for her - but I do believe that she is now thinking abut retiring. She hates computers (OH NO).

    Love your quilt - so pretty! Yea for you! Hugs

  12. Hi Mari! What a fabulous finish and one that was waiting for just the right time. I love the different blue in the background. They seem random and yet maybe not - the deserve a good study. I would give anything to be Zooming - the in-person fear of when am I getting the virus looms. Anyhoo - nice job! I love your finish. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. I remember this one! I saved a photo of the top in my "inspiration" file. So fun to see it all finished and cozy. Maybe I should start one soon myself? :)

  14. Great quilt. Preeti would have a heart attack in my sewing room.

  15. That is a fantabulous quilt!! I love the way the dark plays with the stars!! go you!! and happy garage building???

  16. The backing-fabric switch? I do that all the time ... stealing fabric from one WIP to use in another. HA! In any event, it got you to this lovely finish. Well done!

  17. I love how this quilt sparkles!! And the asymmetrical layout. Just lovely, and it will be so sweet as a couch quilt. A visit from Preeti? Lucky you!!

  18. What a great quilt! I just love it.


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